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19 Feb 2021
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777that blows04:03:12
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777it's a shitty situation..04:03:27
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i wonder if you could ex-pat to some other country later like vietnam or some thing where they worship white people, or some other country some where that doesn't blow so much as USA does..04:04:09
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoi think being on the sex offender registry keeps you from getting a passport04:05:25
@seven:nerdsin.spaceSevenwhat really04:05:48
@seven:nerdsin.spaceSeventake away your rights 04:05:53
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777 Like most US citizens convicted of felonies, registered child sex offenders are able to legally get a passport so that they can travel internationally. 04:06:29
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoyeah i saw that when i looked it up04:06:45
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777 People who are registered sex offenders may be able to get a passport in the U.S. The one big exception is for people who have been convicted of sex crimes against children. Last May, the federal government enacted a new statute that requires anyone convicted of a sex crime against a child to be issued a special registered sex offender passport that identifies that person as a child sex offender. 04:07:25
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI also saw that.04:07:47
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777 Practically speaking, this new marked passport works the same way as anyone else’s passport. However, you should be aware that having such a passport may mean that you are barred from entering certain countries. It is up to the discretion of each country to decide who they will let in. 04:07:56
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777 Every state has different rules about sex offender registration. Some states require people who have been convicted of sex offenses to register for life. Others require periods of registration ranging from five years to life depending upon the severity of the crime.
In most cases, sex crimes against children are considered aggravated crimes, and this means that they come with harsher penalties. In most cases, people convicted of sex crimes against children will be required to register for life.
However, if a past conviction is overturned or if you are pardoned, you may be able to get your name off of the registry. That said, sex crimes against children cannot be expunged from your record, so even if you are pardoned, your conviction might stay on your record, which means that you would still need to have a passport that identifies you as a sex offender, even if you are no longer required to be registered.
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777any way, the whole thing is fucking retarded04:09:36
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoyeah illinois is for life I'm pretty sure04:09:53
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i'm not going to have a fucking passport that marks me as some super child predator.....fucking kill me instead....fuck that.. i don't HAVE to be here.. i'm not a piece of dog shit you can just torture like this.. fuck this country if they want to do that..04:11:07
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI only ever got one set of vaccines when I was a year old and my mom says that I became a lot more violent after I got it (probably the mercury that activates autism)04:12:45
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777yeah you can't trust any thing in this faggot country.. zogged out to fuck..04:13:16
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777even the water is poisonous..04:13:39
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI was on pharmaceuticals from the time I was 10 until about 8 months ago..04:15:04
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI mentioned before that I was on risperdol that got sued for causing obesity and for men to develop breasts04:16:12
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777no kids should be on any ((medication)) just for being hyper-active.....that's what fucking kids do04:16:43
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI more than doubled my weight in 6 months on that shit04:17:07
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoit made me super obese and my metabolism also got fucked04:17:24
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI was put on a lot of other meds too04:18:12
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmothe most recent one I ever took (I don't remember the name of it) was degrading my memory and I went off of it late in 2019 but I ended up going through withdrawal from it and went into psychosis.04:21:11
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI went back on it but I wasn't retarded the second time and I weened off of it04:21:30

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