
Jellyfin Android Development

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Development discussion of Jellyfin clients for Android and Android TV. See the space for more rooms: #jellyfinorg:matrix.org75 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@nielsvanvelzen:matrix.orgNielswe can fix that 😉19:11:18
@codeh:matrix.orgCody RobiberoI used to be but I don't want my family hopping on the beta, so now I just sideload19:11:47
@granddynamo:matrix.orgTim (GrandDynamo)i dont even have the beta on firetv19:12:00
@granddynamo:matrix.orgTim (GrandDynamo) * i dont even have the beta on firetv store19:12:05
@granddynamo:matrix.orgTim (GrandDynamo)🗿19:12:07
@nielsvanvelzen:matrix.orgNielsthere is no public beta functionality on amazon appstore19:12:14
@nielsvanvelzen:matrix.orgNielswe only release the beta versions to gplay unfortunately19:12:23
@granddynamo:matrix.orgTim (GrandDynamo)yea i was wondering if that were the case19:12:48
@joski:matrix.orgjasonlandonWas the live TV guide issue resolved? I side loaded beta 4 but went back to 0.16.1119:33:23
@nielsvanvelzen:matrix.orgNielsdepends on what "the live tv guide issue" is19:33:51
@joski:matrix.orgjasonlandonI'll be honest, I had a hard time following the issue on GitHub and got as far as installing Android studio thinking I had to recompile19:33:53
@joski:matrix.orgjasonlandonSorry Niels, the crashing I believe timezone related19:34:06
@nielsvanvelzen:matrix.orgNielsIt's most likely fixed in the next beta19:34:20
@joski:matrix.orgjasonlandon"Sweet!" ~Live TV user 4119:35:20
@nielsvanvelzen:matrix.orgNielshaha nice, almost 4219:35:32
@nielsvanvelzen:matrix.orgNielsfinal final beta (for real this time) https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-androidtv/releases/tag/v0.17.0-beta.519:56:42
@nielsvanvelzen:matrix.orgNielsnext up: google taking another week for reviews19:58:29
@nielsvanvelzen:matrix.orgNielsthey've been kinda slow for these betas19:58:46
@jfdiscord_710123692805455922:im.jellyfin.orgadub50I use live tv if you ever need something tested..21:12:59
26 Jul 2024
@thompson_1:matrix.orgthompson joined the room.01:25:45
@leodev:matrix.orgJoão Leonardo joined the room.03:39:46
@joski:matrix.orgjasonlandonHello, is it best practice to report a possible bug via GitHub? I've tried to deduce the issue from the logs but don't understand it enough13:44:26
@joski:matrix.orgjasonlandonOk thanks I will try to do that!13:48:55
@joski:matrix.orgjasonlandonI'm sorry if I did this incorrectly, but I want to help14:09:58
@joski:matrix.orgjasonlandon changed their display name from joski to jasonlandon.14:11:37
@bot:im.jellyfin.orgJeff (Bot) banned @adeniyiemmanuel583:matrix.org@adeniyiemmanuel583:matrix.org (Nuked).22:23:02
@bot:im.jellyfin.orgJeff (Bot) banned @mcbob:matrix.org@mcbob:matrix.org (Nuked).23:56:06

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