
[OLD] Matrix Discord Bridge

231 Members
https://github.com/Half-Shot/matrix-appservice-discord | Discussion room for the bridge. | Currently being tested on https://discord.gg/ZEg4CNN85 Servers

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15 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.08:24:29
18 Jan 2024
@quintuplicate:matrix.netho.tkQuintuplicate joined the room.17:05:53
29 Jan 2024
@zakkar:matrix.orgzakkar joined the room.15:27:21
30 Jan 2024
@zakkar:matrix.orgzakkar set a profile picture.22:50:36
6 Feb 2024
@honnip:matrix.org@honnip:matrix.org left the room.11:24:48
10 Feb 2024
@jan.christian:gruenhage.xyz@jan.christian:gruenhage.xyz left the room.10:04:01
13 Feb 2024
@Dr._Izzel:matrix.org@Dr._Izzel:matrix.org left the room.05:04:26
20 Feb 2024
@bruce549:matrix.org@bruce549:matrix.org left the room.01:38:32
22 Feb 2024
@wy_zzy:matrix.orgzoe joined the room.07:34:36
14 Mar 2024
@lady0panda:matrix.org@lady0panda:matrix.org joined the room.20:10:16
@lady0panda:matrix.org@lady0panda:matrix.org left the room.20:30:53
25 Mar 2024
@blackecho51:matrix.org@blackecho51:matrix.org left the room.02:46:43
2 Apr 2024
@zesterro:imagisphe.rezesterro joined the room.12:16:07
7 Apr 2024
@biuchen:matrix.orgBiu C joined the room.10:55:03
7 May 2024
@array.prototype:matrix.orgarray.prototype joined the room.12:25:06
10 May 2024
@whl:matrix.org@whl:matrix.org joined the room.09:13:01
11 May 2024
@whl:matrix.org@whl:matrix.org left the room.14:08:47
18 May 2024
@thisisliam:one.ems.hostThisIsLiam joined the room.17:08:09
24 May 2024
@captainmurikaactual:matrix.orgcaptainmurikaactual joined the room.15:18:56
1 Jun 2024
@logicm00:matrix.orgDouglas R. Miles joined the room.16:36:27
13 Jun 2024
@scorpixter:matrix.orgscorpixter joined the room.14:47:13
15 Jun 2024
@brainsait:matrix.orgMOHAMED ABUAGLA joined the room.17:22:51
26 Jun 2024
@dogcatfish:beeper.comdogcatfish joined the room.15:46:58
@dogcatfish:beeper.comdogcatfish 15:47:59
@dogcatfish:beeper.comdogcatfish 15:48:36
@dogcatfish:beeper.comdogcatfish 15:49:15
19 Jul 2024
@parthglip:matrix.orgparthglip joined the room.09:59:25
@parthglip:matrix.orgparthglipunable to verify on discord side09:59:40
@parthglip:matrix.orgparthgliphow to i approve09:59:46

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