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7 Dec 2020

<span data-mx-maths="<div data-mx-maths="a + b = 5">



@aleks.kissinger:cs.ox.ac.ukAleks Kissingerare you using two dollar signs?14:44:55
@aleks.kissinger:cs.ox.ac.ukAleks Kissingerah, it's 2 now. i guess that should be updated somewhere in documentation or PR description14:45:33
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionah yes that'd somewhat explain it14:45:53
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionshouldnt be mangled like that anyway though14:46:05
@aleks.kissinger:cs.ox.ac.ukAleks Kissingeryeah, that's strange14:46:37
@goldenbrain:matrix.orgᚠᚨᛒᛁᛟ $$ \forall x \in \emptyset \quad x=42 $$ 14:46:39
@goldenbrain:matrix.orgᚠᚨᛒᛁᛟ $$$ \forall x \in \emptyset \quad x=42 $$$ 14:47:01
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoreg Dandellion: Can you open an issue? 14:47:33
@aleks.kissinger:cs.ox.ac.ukAleks Kissinger Dandellion: it looks like its doing the interpretation twice, once as display, then once as inline 14:47:51
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionwant it in react-sdk or in web?14:48:47
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionnot that I had many options lol14:49:25
@goldenbrain:matrix.orgᚠᚨᛒᛁᛟi don't understand how it's supposed to work14:58:39
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoreg ᚠᚨᛒᛁᛟ: you need to be running a version of Element that has it enabled. It's only in the develop/rc version of Element Web, and you need to enable the labs flag. 15:00:12
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoreg(It's also available in FluffyChat)15:00:24
@goldenbrain:matrix.orgᚠᚨᛒᛁᛟoh ok15:00:25
8 Dec 2020
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionOh lmao thanks t3chguy14:31:13
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionSorry for the noise14:31:36
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunome changed their profile picture.18:09:27
10 Dec 2020

can the element pr put the font files in a more....sane directory?

sorunome@sorunome-laptop riot-web/webapp $ ls home/sorunome/repos/riot-web/node_modules/katex/dist/fonts/KaTeX_*

@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunome it's like, yes, it works but....really? 17:51:50

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