

42 Members
General community discussion for Exosphere, user-friendly OpenStack client. (https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere) For development-focused discussion, please join #exosphere-dev:matrix.org.3 Servers

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5 Dec 2022
@lkelting:matrix.orgLily Kelting joined the room.14:57:26
@lkelting:matrix.orgLily Kelting set a profile picture.18:15:52
19 Dec 2022
@asrar_:matrix.orgasrar joined the room.19:21:44
21 Dec 2022
@samtechie:matrix.orgWasswa Samuel joined the room.22:50:35
27 Jan 2023
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianphttps://www.openhub.net/p/_compare?project_0=Exosphere&project_1=OpenStack+Horizon Interesting!18:32:39

If I plug in $90K for average developer salary I get a 'value' of about $450K:


With this caveat:

  • Please note that COCOMO was created to model large institutional projects, which often don't compare well with distributed open-source projects.

So it could be more!

@julianp:matrix.orgjulianp *

If I plug in $90K for average developer salary I get a 'value' of about $450K:


With this caveat:

  • Please note that COCOMO was created to model large institutional projects, which often don't compare well with distributed open-source projects.
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart IMO this is an estimate of cost, which is not the same as value 20:53:32
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianpVery good point. 20:53:55
@cmart:matrix.orgcmarthow much did the first transistor cost20:54:19
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart * e.g.: how much did the first transistor cost20:54:30
6 Feb 2023
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartwe're now in https://dev.to/lucamug/elm-2022-a-year-in-review-33pp (search it for Exosphere)22:50:09
8 Feb 2023
@matrixbot-56bb7a56e610378809c0cb2c:gitter.immatrixbot (matrixbot) joined the room.12:48:44
@julianpistorius_gitlab-5b161e4dd73408ce4f9c06ed:gitter.imjulianpistorius_gitlab (Julian Pistorius) joined the room.12:48:45
@bmb-5537238715522ed4b3df5768:gitter.imbmb (Blair Bethwaite) joined the room.12:48:46
@jrcolby_gitlab-5f9da7abd73408ce4ff2fe49:gitter.imjrcolby_gitlab (jrcolby) joined the room.12:48:47
@lenards-593190b5d73408ce4f643a59:gitter.imlenards (Andrew Lenards) joined the room.12:48:47
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartI guess they accepted my talk proposal https://vancouver2023.openinfra.dev/a/schedule16:13:23
Download image.png
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart * hey, they accepted my talk proposal https://vancouver2023.openinfra.dev/a/schedule16:14:06
14 Feb 2023
@balloons:matrix.orgNicholas Skaggs joined the room.20:12:44
@balloons:matrix.orgNicholas Skaggs Hey cmart I poked you on the scientific sig slack a bit ago, but thought my questions might better be asked here. Do you find horizon is still useful even after installing exosphere? Are both used? 20:31:37
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart hi balloons. short answer is yes, and yes 20:32:16
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart(and I didn't see your messages over there. you sent them on Slack or Matrix?)20:32:45
@balloons:matrix.orgNicholas SkaggsAlso, I was curious to use try.exosphere.app. However, unless I'm misunderstanding something, I have to provide private credentials to the app. It would be nice to give an auth token with limited privileges I could later revoke or similar.. I guess I'm not sure how best to use that as a demo20:33:36
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartoh we can provide 🙂20:33:46
@balloons:matrix.orgNicholas SkaggsAhh, I erased my message, heh, you won't see it. It was on slack20:33:58
@balloons:matrix.orgNicholas SkaggsI manage the team behind Wikimedia Cloud Services. https://horizon.wikimedia.org/. Tips hat. Nice to meet you.20:35:13
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartawesome! I've been curious about WMF's use of OpenStack. been vaguely following you from a distance20:35:54
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartlonger answer is the two apps serve different use cases. Exosphere is for folks who are not professional sysadmin or devops people. They need to create and interact with instances and storage, they're probably new to using cloud infrastructure, they probably don't know about software-defined networking or SSH keypairs. Horizon is like the AWS dashboard. It exposes most of the OpenStack API features, including those that only make sense to developers and ops people. It doesn't try to make it easy to access interactive services on your instances. a lot of stuff is assemble-it-yourself.20:37:28

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