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General community discussion for Exosphere, user-friendly OpenStack client. (https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere) For development-focused discussion, please join #exosphere-dev:matrix.org.3 Servers

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6 Feb 2021
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartthis collection of technologies work together in theory, but nobody has strung them together in this way yet06:33:08
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartand you worked out the 🐛 🐜 🕷️06:33:48
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart💤 for now06:42:12
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianpGoodnight! 👋06:42:27
8 Feb 2021
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartI just woke up to a pile of new commits 😺15:15:49
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianpHeh. Good timing.15:16:09
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianpCould you please confirm that the test fails fast if you don't have the credential variables set in your GitLab CI/CD settings?15:17:50
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart I don't know if I love documentation in another directory (adr/) outside the docs/ directory 15:19:53
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartwhere all our other documentation currently lives15:20:03
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartit's not very discoverable15:20:32
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartalso having a "Status / proposed" feels a bit silly because we would need another MR to change it to not-proposed15:21:31
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartaccepted perhaps15:21:36
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianpYup. Makes sense. Let me move it.15:22:03
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartperhaps link from readme?15:22:14
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartI don't know where the best place for it would be15:22:48
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartshould Architectural Decision Record #0 capture the Architectural Decision to use Architectural Decision Records? 😛15:24:38
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartjust kidding. i like this pattern15:24:50
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartooh perhaps contributing.md is the best place to link it15:25:21
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartbecause it's mostly relevant to contributors15:25:32
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartusers hopefully won't give a crap about our tests15:25:49
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart deployers may care once we offer the ability to canary their production environment frequently 15:26:45
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart(but for that I'd imagine we write a separate how-to doc explaining how to set it up)15:30:35
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartanyway, I think what you've got now is great. I approved!15:32:04
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartyou should be able to approve, merge, and brag about it in the #exosphere channel on Jetstream Slack?15:32:29
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianpThank you!15:33:40
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartthis will confirm that lack of TACC credentials results in fast failure15:34:02
@cmart:matrix.orgcmarti guess the Kaniko job will still run15:35:48

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