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General community discussion for Exosphere, user-friendly OpenStack client. (https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere) For development-focused discussion, please join #exosphere-dev:matrix.org.3 Servers

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10 Jan 2024
@jxxcarlson:matrix.orgjxxcarlsonCan you send me a link or something here?15:30:38
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart jxxcarlson the link will show up in this channel shortly 15:31:10
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart(the video call is a widget we add to the channel for the meeting)15:31:24
Jitsi widget added by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart15:31:27
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.af jxxcarlson: https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/jfmengels/elm-review-simplify/2.1.3/Simplify/ 15:58:10
Jitsi widget removed by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart16:10:22
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.af Unless cmart doesn't like it, I'm marking any Rules that do not fix all errors (would fail the pipeline) as Drafts. They're still ready for review/discussion, but would not merge as-is.
I can unmark them as draft, and add something like (Incomplete) to the title instead if that is better
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartnah that's perfect17:07:02
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afOk, all of my MRs (except NoUnused.Exports, which is a lot more troublesome than it seems) are up. I labeled them all "question/discussion" to help identify where the community here is welcome to join in. I tried to make the descriptions useful, and included a "Discussion" section with my thoughts to kick off conversations. Here's a search that should make it easy to find them all for easier grokking https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere/-/merge_requests?scope=all&state=opened&author_username=kageurufu&label_name[]=question%2Fdiscussion18:13:46
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afIt does seem like the NoUnused cascading isn't as bad as it was when we first looked at elm-review, see https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere/-/merge_requests/811#note_1374219901 for the discussion there. I can submit it as well, but its something that we need to be aware of18:24:57
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartcool. Looking forward to review!19:04:14
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartin other news, we now have sufficiently de-identified community survey result data to share publicly. So, here it is! https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere/-/wikis/Community-Survey-De-identified-Result-Data19:04:33
11 Jan 2024
@cmart:matrix.orgcmarthttps://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/ applications open a couple of weeks. should we try it? we applied and were rejected a couple of years ago. IIRC the application process wasn't time-consuming.23:24:11
15 Jan 2024
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartreminder, meeting is now Wednesday 1/17, not tomorrow 1/1505:56:27
17 Jan 2024
Jitsi widget added by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart15:32:47
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart@room we're meeting now15:39:57
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afI'm sorry! I'll catch up on the meeting notes. Had to take Elliott to the doctor16:24:39
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartall good. notes in here https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere/-/wikis/Meetings/2024/Weekly-Community-Meetings-(2024)16:27:46
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afOk home, catching up16:54:36
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartit was just me and Kyle, so not a whole lot happened16:58:50
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart there's a backlog for julianp to review though 16:59:22
Jitsi widget removed by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart17:01:04
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianp Will have a go at these today. 17:09:33
22 Jan 2024
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.af this is neato
elm MVU architecture in Rust
In reply to @kageurufu:matrix.org
this is neato
elm MVU architecture in Rust
Looks interesting. Have you played with it?
24 Jan 2024
Jitsi widget added by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart15:31:29
Jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp16:36:05
31 Jan 2024
Jitsi widget added by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart15:30:45
Jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp16:37:56

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