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4 Dec 2019
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartyeah. I saw.00:01:59
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter)😕00:02:27
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartso you can log into these projects with a password, and get application credentials for them, but when you try to log in with the application credential, that's when you get the 401?00:02:28
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter)Yes. But only for 3 out of the 4 projects. TG-TRA160003 works fine.00:03:24
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartok. I wonder if your user has a different role on the other projects00:03:46
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter)No. It has no role on the other projects.00:03:59
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartoh. well you need a role in order to have access to a project00:04:17
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter) Or at least that's what Mike sees. 00:04:19
@cmart:matrix.orgcmarttypically it's "user" or "member" or whatever00:04:28
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter) Yeah. It's confusing. 00:04:33
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartyou must have something giving you access to those projects00:04:40
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartwe have admin access to the IU/TACC OpenStack APIs, if needed for troubleshooting purposes00:05:19
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartah, I wonder if those projects are on a different domain00:05:50
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartlike, the 'atmosphere' domain vs. the 'API users' domain00:06:01
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter) Nope. All four are on the 'tacc' domain, if that's what you mean. 00:06:16
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter) (aka 'API users' domain) 00:06:28
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter) Check Mike's notes (non-redacted) on the Slack. 00:07:46
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart they are a bit hard to follow. you are logging in with user 9f50ae78b7184e71c57c6f80628ceb35d6b72faa2d95dca3ec0d3f374d89f821? 00:09:24
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart * they are a bit hard to follow. you are logging in with user UUID 9f50ae78b7184e71c57c6f80628ceb35d6b72faa2d95dca3ec0d3f374d89f821? 00:09:31
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart * they are a bit hard to follow. you are logging in with user whose UUID 9f50ae78b7184e71c57c6f80628ceb35d6b72faa2d95dca3ec0d3f374d89f821? 00:09:38
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart * they are a bit hard to follow. you are logging in with user whose UUID is 9f50ae78b7184e71c57c6f80628ceb35d6b72faa2d95dca3ec0d3f374d89f821? 00:09:45
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartif the UUIDs all line up with what you're doing, then Mike is basically saying you have a role on only two projects, yet you're seeing four projects00:12:09
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartif you log into Horizon with your user, which projects do you see?00:12:41
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart * if you log into Horizon with your user, which projects do you see available?00:12:45
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter) Well, I have roles on two projects, one of which is disabled. I see another 3 projects in Horizon which I don't have roles on. Screenshot incoming. 00:14:14
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartthis is helpful00:14:38
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartyou're logging in as tg833798?00:14:59
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter)


See this issue for screenshots: exosphere/exosphere#272

@cmart:matrix.orgcmartOK this might have something to do with Keystone Groups00:21:12

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