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General community discussion for Exosphere, user-friendly OpenStack client. (https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere) For development-focused discussion, please join #exosphere-dev:matrix.org.4 Servers

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30 Dec 2019
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsOh yeah, that makes sense18:31:28
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsOk, I'm logged in 18:31:43
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart super. what does something like netstat -lntp show? anything on port 9090? 18:32:06
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart alternatively if you do something like curl -k https://localhost:9090 do you get anything back? 18:32:31
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsI don't see anything on 9090 and curl fails to connect18:33:20
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartOK. so Cockpit probably didn't get installed. is this CentOS or Ubuntu?18:33:43
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsyeah, that's the one18:34:16
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartok, i'm gonna try to share your console18:34:23
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartcloud-init is supposed to set up cockpit so i'm trying to diagnose that..18:36:09

Exosphere passes something like the following to cloud-init

  - default
  - name: exouser
    shell: /bin/bash
    groups: sudo, admin
    sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
  - cockpit
  - systemctl enable cockpit.socket
  - systemctl start cockpit.socket
  - systemctl daemon-reload
  list: |
  expire: False
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsOh yeah, I saw that in the "Advanced" section of the setup18:37:31
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartyeah. that YAML tells cloud-init what to do on first boot18:37:49
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsOr something like it at least18:37:50
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartat least it succeeded in setting up the exouser! because you logged in as that user18:38:14
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartbut the cockpit stuff did not verk18:38:26
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter) @c-mart FYI I created an issue for this. Tyson reported the same thing. 18:39:27
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartaye! we're aware18:39:51
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter)👌18:40:54
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartcockpit didn't get intsalled. i'm looking through cloud-init.log but the console is small18:41:38
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsYeah, I'm following along. It is tiny :)18:43:00
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart apt install cockpit worked 18:43:54
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsYep, I am seeing the Terminal / Dashboard now18:44:21
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartwoohoo. that's what it's supposed to look like when this works18:44:45
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartthe question remains "why is cloud-init failing to install cockpit"18:45:05
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsI'm only barely familiar with cloud-init, but it looks like you have it as a package in the boot script18:46:04
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart cloud-init did set up a cockpit user 18:49:13

trying this on a new instance just for hehes and hahas. I stuck in a apt-get -y install cockpit at the beginning of the runcmd section, and commented out the packages: section

  - default
  - name: exouser
    shell: /bin/bash
    groups: sudo, admin
    sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
# packages:
#   - cockpit
  - apt-get -y install cockpit
  - systemctl enable cockpit.socket
  - systemctl start cockpit.socket
  - systemctl daemon-reload
  list: |
  expire: False
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartaha progress18:57:09

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