

46 Members
General community discussion for Exosphere, user-friendly OpenStack client. (https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere) For development-focused discussion, please join #exosphere-dev:matrix.org.3 Servers

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19 Dec 2019
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartit's on my calendar.22:50:09
20 Dec 2019
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart Julian Pistorius (Gitter): if I wanted to hand out credentials for a Jetstream trial account, where would I find them? 17:47:18
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter)On my laptop. Will share them with you. Stay tuned. 20:41:23
22 Dec 2019
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianp joined the room.04:04:39


Looks like we’re in good company:

I am delighted and honored to say that we have one candidate that unambiguously meets our institutional and operational needs: we have decided to replace IRC with Riot/Matrix, hosted by Modular.IM.

While all of the candidates proved to be excellent team collaboration and communication tools, Riot/Matrix has distinguished itself as an excellent open community collaboration tool, with robust support for accessibility and community safety that offers more agency and autonomy to the participants, teams and communities that make up Mozilla.

@cmart:matrix.orgcmart they don't even need to "replace IRC", they can bridge it 11:43:03
26 Dec 2019
@gitter_julianpistorius:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter) https://volument.com/blog/minimalism-the-most-undervalued-development-skill 09:48:00
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart "our whole company is 4 KB of Javascript" lol 14:46:11
27 Dec 2019
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartchanged room power levels.14:24:24
30 Dec 2019
@bgins:matrix.orgbgins joined the room.18:13:26
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsHello all! This Brian (@bgins) come over from the Elm slack channel.18:14:24
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsI'm playing with Exosphere this morning, and I had a couple of questions / comments18:15:00
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsFirst, the test tacc servers I am trying out are staying in a "Partially Active" state and not showing the Terminal / Dashboard. It looks like there is an issue on this one (https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere/issues/277).18:18:14
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsAnything I can help with to debug this?18:19:18
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartyes. "Partially active" means the server isn't (yet?) responding on port 9090 which is where Cockpit runs18:20:03
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartif you're using Exosphere in a web browser (pointed at https://try.exosphere.app/exosphere), this is currently expected (though undesirable) behavior because the browser is refusing to make an XHR to a web server that's serving a self-signed certificate18:21:12
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsOh yeah, I am seeing a bunch of console errors with the connection timing for cockpit18:21:15
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsI am using a local electron build18:21:37
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart(if you're using Exosphere in the electron app then you won't have that problem, you'd have a different problem)18:21:39
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartok good18:21:42
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartin the network tab of your developer tools, you should see an attempted GET to the instance (port 9090) every few seconds18:22:06
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsYeah, I see those. Only the provisional request headers are showing, but the console is reporting 400s18:23:45
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsOh wait, I'm wrong18:24:43
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsIt's just timing out. The 400s are from another request18:25:02
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartyep. it's likely that Cockpit isn't running/responding on the instance, because it somehow wasn't set up correctly. It's also possible that the OpenStack "security group" (a.k.a. firewall) is misconfigured and isn't allowing connections on port 909018:26:19
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartif you can open up the console, you can try logging in as "exouser" and the provided password (annoyingly the console doesn't support copy/paste so you need to type in that long password)18:27:11
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsThat copy-paste password issue was also on my list ;)18:27:47
@bgins:matrix.orgbginsHang on, I'll go open it up18:28:03
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartyep. the console is basically a remote keyboard, display, and mouse to the virtual machine itself. it doesn't have the concept of clipboard sharing. this is why we have the Cockpit-powered terminal, because it does support copy/paste and it's nicer to use. but if Cockpit isn't online then we basically need to use the console for troubleshootin'18:29:59

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