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4 Dec 2019
@gitter_julianpistorius_gitlab:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter)Make sense?00:21:15
@gitter_julianpistorius_gitlab:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter)Oh... Hmm...00:21:20

on IU cloud:

(openstack-cli-venv) cmart@thinkpad:~/openstack-openrcs$ openstack user show 9f50ae78b7184e71c57c6f80628ceb35d6b72faa2d95dca3ec0d3f374d89f821
| Field               | Value                                                            |
| domain_id           | decf397762654fa2945ae7d4cc49d8c2                                 |
| email               | julianp@redacted.org                                              |
| enabled             | True                                                             |
| id                  | 9f50ae78b7184e71c57c6f80628ceb35d6b72faa2d95dca3ec0d3f374d89f821 |
| name                | tg833798                                                         |
| options             | {}                                                               |
| password_expires_at | None                                                             |

so that user is definitely you. what groups do you belong to?

(openstack-cli-venv) cmart@thinkpad:~/openstack-openrcs$ openstack group list --user 9f50ae78b7184e71c57c6f80628ceb35d6b72faa2d95dca3ec0d3f374d89f821
| ID                                                               | Name         |
| 5a216c17295b028f78e0c1385fd8123ee596065a672f9b8fddd4ccb201d7a956 | TG-ASC160018 |
| 3b97b120471e455a987ea9b1743c3f81118773e9989441c9832ac0ce64312859 | TG-CCR190024 |
| d92e59c315da146dccb63c7f75987c061f90343fa7500eadf1c90893bce7c43e | TG-CDA180005 |
| 7767d222d34e38ef962d25372cbb3980ef1f44442e7ac88b895915bfdafdaf97 | TG-TRA160003 |
| 80c3bb496529fc03b4bd0555a4da8941ea100f8257d8e69a9cb590fb68ebdd68 | TG-TRA190022 |
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartaha, 5 groups, each named according to a project00:24:57
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartlet's take TG-CCR190024, the name of a project that you previously reported the 401 error for.00:25:37

looking up role assignments for that group:

(openstack-cli-venv) cmart@thinkpad:~/openstack-openrcs$ openstack role assignment list --group 3b97b120471e455a987ea9b1743c3f81118773e9989441c9832ac0ce64312859
| Role                             | User | Group                                                            | Project                          | Domain | System | Inherited |
| f61bbb9a334d4f95b6921c1b48bb55e7 |      | 3b97b120471e455a987ea9b1743c3f81118773e9989441c9832ac0ce64312859 | f477d7139ced4da384dab42001a7ea3c |        |        | False     |
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartaha, there is project f477d7139ced4da384dab42001a7ea3c, which has name TG-CCR190024.00:26:57
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartso, I believe you have access to TG-CCR190024 (at least via API and Horizon) by virtue of your membership in a group with the same name00:27:32
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartso the role assignment is project + group. not project + user.00:27:53
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart * so the role assignment is project + group. not project + user. 00:28:08
@gitter_julianpistorius_gitlab:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter)

Hmm... That's interesting:

When I log into Horizon and look at the app credentials there is a 'Roles' column, which for all the app credentials is set to ['user']


@cmart:matrix.orgcmartyep, for whatever that's worth.00:31:13
@gitter_julianpistorius_gitlab:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter)

But I don't have the user role on any of the projects other than TG-TRA160003. So an app credential with that role will not work, right? Is that plausible?

Can you make an app credential for a project + group

@gitter_julianpistorius_gitlab:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter):tada: Nice!00:32:53
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartlol, reported a year and a half ago..00:33:25
@gitter_julianpistorius_gitlab:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter) And it was merge into Rocky & Queens two weeks ago! 00:34:20
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartyup. i'll ask Mike if he can apply a patch :)00:34:42
@gitter_julianpistorius_gitlab:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter)So if Mike patches Keystone it should work?00:35:04
@gitter_julianpistorius_gitlab:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter)Snaps.00:35:08
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartit's a really small patch too00:36:09
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartshall I update #265 or would you like to?00:41:39
@gitter_julianpistorius_gitlab:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter) @c-mart Go for it. You have the better grasp of the underlying problem. Thank you! 00:44:48
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartlooks like you already did :) I'll just close the issue00:45:15
@gitter_julianpistorius_gitlab:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter) Oh. I thought you meant more details. :blush: 00:45:48
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartif you ever take another crack at "more friendly error messages", we might tell the user something useful when we get a 401 when trying to log in with an Application Credential00:48:13
@gitter_julianpistorius_gitlab:matrix.orgJulian Pistorius (Gitter)Yep.00:48:25
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartmaybe even link them to the bug and say "please show this to your cloud administrator"00:48:46

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