
COVID-19 Truth

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Discuss how the threat of COVID-19 is leading to a global lockdown, loss of freedom, and tyranny.48 Servers

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13 Nov 2020
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeIt sounds all political 18:39:05
@gfinney:matrix.orgbluindeed. i was annoyed at the way politicians have been using science and health issues as leverage. but i didn't realize this has been in the playbook going as far back as history books can go. 18:46:59
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeFinancial sense news hour calls it political science vs medical science19:46:23
14 Nov 2020
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject
In reply to @gfinney:matrix.org
has anyone reached out to them. i agree with your statement about the elite (Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, etc), but it would be nice to see more people back and parade this kind of thing.
They're silencing anyone with an apposing view. They're trying to do their best to keep people like us finding each other and comparing notes. That's the issue. All I think about is how do I get all this credible information to the right people. At first, I was bummed because they are shadow banning me everywhere but I have found a way around that.
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE EFFICACY OFGAUZE FACE MASKS. Masks have not been proved efficient enough to warrant compulsory application for the checking of epidemics, according to Dr. Kellogg, who has conducted a painstaking investigation with gauzes. This investigation is scientific in character, omitting no one of the necessary factors. It ought to settle the much argued question of masks for the public https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/pdfplus/10.2105/AJPH.10.1.3411:35:47
@einka:matrix.orgeinkaI have sent to many people all of the studies (RCTs...not anecdotal "case studies") showing that masks basically have to efficacy against virus infection. Still, they use them as if the studies were printed as part of the Sunday comics. I've sent them to doctors, nurses, engineers, and others involved in the scientific fileds. I've asked them for thier opinions on the validity of the studies. Interestingly, 75% will not respond and continue living in thier fear bubble...masks and all...the power and efficiency of the social programming being used against us is astounding in that it can convince those trained in science to ignore it when it contradicts authority.13:00:21
@einka:matrix.orgeinka * I have sent to many people all of the studies (RCTs...not anecdotal "case studies") showing that masks basically have no efficacy against virus infection. Still, they use them as if the studies were printed as part of the Sunday comics. I've sent them to doctors, nurses, engineers, and others involved in the scientific fileds. I've asked them for thier opinions on the validity of the studies. Interestingly, 75% will not respond and continue living in thier fear bubble...masks and all...the power and efficiency of the social programming being used against us is astounding in that it can convince those trained in science to ignore it when it contradicts authority.13:00:48
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject here's a weird question. Do you believe the powers that be have found a way to brainwash the masses, with some sort of new or old technology, we know nothing about? I have a hard time believing that most people are buying into a narrative that's so easy to poke holes though. 13:14:46
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject I feel like I'm living in a real life zombie movie13:14:58
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject Are you a dr or nurse?13:15:25
In reply to @inverted7:matrix.org
here's a weird question. Do you believe the powers that be have found a way to brainwash the masses, with some sort of new or old technology, we know nothing about? I have a hard time believing that most people are buying into a narrative that's so easy to poke holes though.
Iit is !!!
@einka:matrix.orgeinkaI'm an engineer. To answer your question, yes. I've come to think that societal programming is the main issue we face. Have you ever heard of Edward Burnays? If not, it is well worth your time to investigate him and his works. I think his works are the blueprint that has been used and is being used to form purblic opinion and perception.13:29:23
@einka:matrix.orgeinkaI've also come to the realization that we, as a small percentage of those who are not influenced so heavily by societal programming, will never be able to sway the perception of the populace as whole without the tools available to the technocrats (mainstream "news", social networks). Our best option now is to concentrate on avoiding Totalitarianism on an indivudual basis...you can't chane anyone but yourself...13:32:35
@einka:matrix.orgeinka * I've also come to the realization that we, as a small percentage of those who are not influenced so heavily by societal programming, will never be able to sway the perception of the populace as whole without the tools available to the technocrats (mainstream "news", social networks). Our best option now is to concentrate on avoiding Totalitarianism on an indivudual basis...you can't change anyone but yourself...13:32:55
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject Nice to meet you and that's pretty cool your an engineer. I never heard of the person you mentioned but I will def have to check it out. In my opinion, it's not just social programming, though. I have never seen my friends and family, who I think are intelligent, behave they're behaving. You could give any of them a government job because they basically argue the exact same talking points that they hear from the main stream medai. 13:33:26
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject I literally feel like I'm living in a zombie movie. I believe the whole toilette paper hoarding was a test run with this tech, I think they have to control our behavior and thoughts. 13:35:01
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject there has always been brainwashing but this is like beyond normal brainwashing, in my opinion. If you can't present the facts they claim to listen to, without them putting you down and calling you a conspiracy theorist. Where are all the heroes. WE don't have one? I like Elon musk, I suppose but he works for the military so how far do you want to trust that. That's a side note, though. Anyways, i could be just some crazy guy, all paranoid but I have a real bad feeling about what's coming next. 13:38:40
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject What is the difference between hitler times, and now13:39:21
@einka:matrix.orgeinkaI'd say that what you describe about your friends and family is exactly societal programming in action. Read up on Burnays...you will be amazed, astounded, demoralized, and hopefully (eventually) strengthened to take on the challenge(s) with which we are now starkly confronted13:40:00
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject Cool. I will. I;m right interested in all that stuff. I might even know who he is and just don't knowhis name13:40:52
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject It's a sad world when you have to find an open sourced program that respects your privacy, to have a decent conversation with someone without being censored. 13:42:05
@einka:matrix.orgeinkaHere is a quote for whcih Burnays is well knows...it give you an idea of what you will find if you delve into it: "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country"13:42:29
@einka:matrix.orgeinka * Here is a quote for which Burnays is well known...it give you an idea of what you will find if you delve into it: "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country"13:42:44
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject So why do you suppose some of us don't get as brainwashed as others, i wonder13:43:41
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject * So, why do you suppose some of us don't get as brainwashed, as others, i wonder13:44:25
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeWell even military wants the fear porn to stop. I 13:44:58
@einka:matrix.orgeinkaPersonally, I rarely watch televisionprogramming. I have no accounts on any social networks. If one can diminish the amount of time in front of the primary delivery mechanisms of the programming you are less impacted. There are probably other reasons having to do with individual mental fortitude and such but I'm no physcologist.13:45:59
@einka:matrix.orgeinka * Personally, I rarely watch television programming. I have no accounts on any social networks. If one can diminish the amount of time in front of the primary delivery mechanisms of the programming you are less impacted. There are probably other reasons having to do with individual mental fortitude and such but I'm no physcologist.13:46:31
@einka:matrix.orgeinkaCheck that...I do have an acount here and on Gab.13:46:50
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject I'm so angry about what is going on and not just about now, just the whole world as a whole. Everything we've been taught is a lie for the most part. It's all coming to a head now. "THEY" don't need us anymore so what do you do with us13:47:49

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