
COVID-19 Truth

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Discuss how the threat of COVID-19 is leading to a global lockdown, loss of freedom, and tyranny.45 Servers

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17 Nov 2020
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject A new study published by medical scientis from Stanford and UCLA university finds that the chances of you catching covid is extremely rare. Dr.s reviewed public cases of infection in 100 of the largest counties across the nation. They found, in an average county, you have a 1 in 3836 chances of contracting Covid, without a mask and without social distanding. Even the chances of you being hospitalized are vanishingly small. Even if you’re at the at risk category. For an average 54 to 64 individual, the chances of you getting covid and needing hospitalization is 1 and 852000 and for that person that’s at risk, his chances of dying are 1 and 19 million Hospitals Getting Paid to Mark Patients as Covid https://www.bitchute.com/video/Sd3yVP7awKiw/ White House Hot Mic Reveals Plandemic Hoax https://www.bitchute.com/video/7TaMEMGDtVBk/ The World Health Organization has Confirmed it's Rare for Asymptomatic to Spread Covid https://www.bitchute.com/video/EEnrpLgv1jJe/ PCR Inventor Kary Mullis says Technique Should not be used as a tool in “the diagnosis of infections https://www.bitchute.com/video/Sy6rQEqTMF84/ Congress asking CDC Director if Healthy People Should Wear a Mask or Not https://www.bitchute.com/video/O3xWJSfuCtZY/ What Counts as a Covid Death https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXvogAz26sA In all the Historyof Respiratory Born Virus of any Type Asymptomatic Transmission isn't the Driver https://www.bitchute.com/video/6rfs6A4VoGo2/ The World Health Organization has Confirmed it's Rare for Asymptomatic to Spread Covid https://www.bitchute.com/video/EEnrpLgv1jJe/ Estimation of Individual Probabilities of COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Death https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.06.20124446v2 Anthony Fauci should explain '$3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratoryhttps://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/apr/27/anthony-fauci-should-explain-37-million-wuhan-labo/ NIH study linking 5G to coronavirus https://www.scribd.com/document/470042130/Fiora-Nell-i Studies on Covid-19 Lethality https://swprs.org/studies-on-covid-19-lethality Estimation of Individual Probabilities of COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Death From A County-level Contact of Unknown infection Status https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.06.20124446v2 Counting Covid Cases - Something Just Isn't Right.. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jj4PQbUWJ9Ek/ World Health Organization Special Envoy Tells World Leaders To End Lockdowns https://www.bitchute.com/video/LntUTbL21WOX/ Amazing Debate on Lockdown Ideology versus Scientific Approach https://www.bitchute.com/video/3PweHUrJahhP/ AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE EFFICACY OFGAUZE FACE MASKS. Masks have not been proved efficient enough to warrant compulsory application for the checking of epidemics, according to Dr. Kellogg, who has conducted a painstaking investigation with gauzes. This investigation is scientific in character, omitting no one of the necessary factors. It ought to settle the much argued question of masks for the public https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/pdfplus/10.2105/AJPH.10.1.34 02:15:37
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeOh i knew that about masks 20 years ago23:20:40
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject So are you speaking out against it. You seem like your a medical professional. 23:50:43
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeIm not a medical professional . i just know basic science23:52:58
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject If it's basic science than why is the whole worl ddoing it23:53:33
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeIts political science at war with medical science..im only a crazy collector of venomous spiders23:54:27
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeYes i live in a state where black widow spiders are common23:55:06
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeI capture them via a jar and show off the capture with strangers23:55:59
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeBecause its idiocracy 23:56:27
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject you make videos of your work23:58:35
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject ?23:58:39
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject i'm in chronic pain, do you think this pain relief you obtain from the spiders beats the strongest pain meds?23:59:30
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject have you heard of kratom23:59:37
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject i seen a guy on youtube that purposely stings himself for the same reason. Is that you23:59:58
18 Nov 2020
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeIm one of those who lets tarantilas bite me and i also smoke scorpion venom00:00:35
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeI dont intentionally get bit by black widows yet that person. Im NOT a doctor im just wierd and crazy .00:01:31
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeKratom i havent researches00:01:52
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeNow if you LOVE spiders and LOVE independent studies on venom&medical applications.then byball means collect venomous spiders. Start with tarantulas00:03:06
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeIn fact i believe arachnaphobia is a conspiracy00:06:50
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeIve been stung by bees and ive been bit by tarantulas more than thr number of times Bush Jr. Lied00:11:26
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeYet i havent even had a common cold many many years. 00:12:27
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeIm starting to sound like a alt-goth-right00:13:46
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject Have you seen the guy who stings himself with scorpions?00:13:51
@inverted7:matrix.orgSocial Reject I try and not have labels. I'm not sure I woul dhave thought that's the way you sounded 00:14:26
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeYes i have00:20:20
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeIf you start with tarantulas you will develop a love with arachnoids.00:21:28
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeI figures two years ago my immune system is powerful because or tarantula venom00:22:58
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeTheres even a black market for some tarantula/snake breeds. Penalties are worse than drug smuggling00:27:34
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeFirst it was tarantulas now its black widows ..its like "pot leads to harder drugs" theory 00:30:39
@atropine444:matrix.orgaTRoPiNeYes i see myself going for more dangerous spiders. Theye neat they can kill yet whats in them can also save lives .00:35:59

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