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13 Dec 2020
In reply to @sourcevault:matrix.org
unclechu: have you though of trying to create a rpi platform to do key binding ?
i maybe considered it few years ago. but it’s would be too much of the wiring. or if you put it in a box it would be huge. comparing to a keyboard size
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechualso you either do it bare metal or wait some time before you keyboard boots18:51:25
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechuactually i just remembered that i was thinking about doing so (using rpi as a proxy)18:55:11
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechubut i built my software prototype earlierä18:55:27
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu * but i built my software prototype earlier18:55:30
also you either do it bare metal or wait some time before you keyboard boots
@sourcevault:matrix.orgsourcevaultI don't get what it means19:07:30
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu sourcevault: if you install some raspbian on the rpi it takes some time to boot 19:10:58
@sourcevault:matrix.orgsourcevaulti don't think boot time is that important, my rpi hasn't been restarted in days , and that is because i wanted to restart it .19:12:10
@sourcevault:matrix.orgsourcevaultAHK is really slow and buggy 19:12:48
@sourcevault:matrix.orgsourcevaultAHK - 19:12:52
@sourcevault:matrix.orgsourcevaultAutohotkey 19:12:58
@sourcevault:matrix.orgsourcevaultRPI can be faster and less buggy since you control the environment 19:13:23
@sourcevault:matrix.orgsourcevaultAHK is also not cross platform 19:13:44
@sourcevault:matrix.orgsourcevaultI wanted to switch to linux a long time ago , but couldn't because my life ( or hand ) depends on AHK19:14:09
10 Mar 2021
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18 Apr 2022
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org joined the room.14:08:59
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2 May 2022
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26 Jun 2022
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16 Nov 2022
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid joined the room.22:50:20
1 Mar 2023
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu changed their profile picture.02:11:54
1 May 2023
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2 May 2023
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11 May 2023
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13 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.20:55:29
15 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.08:18:23

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