
Ansible Social

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A place for the Ansible Community to welcome new people, chat about general Ansible Topics, and signpost users to other suitable rooms when needed. Feel free to report your Ansible news here - just mention @newsbot or add a :o: to your post! Bot config is at https://github.com/ansible-community/ansible.im/blob/main/bots/newsbot-config.toml - add your project! Bridged to #ansible-social on Libera - if joining from Libera, please be aware the channel is logged on Matrix 39 Servers

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22 Jul 2024
@cybette:matrix.orgCarol Chenmorning09:48:29
@zhenech:matrix.orgZhenechgood morning!09:54:06

newsbot: Refactoring AWX into a Pluggable, Service-Oriented Architecture

We've got an update on how we will move to a service-oriented architecture

Our implementation plan involves several key steps:

  1. Identifying Modular Services: We will start by identifying the core functionalities that can be extracted into individual plugins and/or services.
  2. Creating a Communication Framework: Establish a robust communication framework to ensure seamless interaction between these services.
  3. Gradual Transition: Implement the new architecture in phases to allow for continuous feedback and improvement.
  4. Community Collaboration: Engage with our community throughout the process to gather feedback and ensure the new architecture meets the needs of our users.

Which will result in:

  • Improved Flexibility:** Easier to implement changes and add new features.
  • Enhanced Maintainability: Simplified codebase with clear service boundaries.
  • Better Code Reuse: More efficient reuse of code across different projects.
  • Active Community Participation: Greater opportunity for community members to contribute and shape the project.

Please join the discussion and share your perspective via the Refactoring AWX into a Pluggable, Service-Oriented Architecture forum post.

@newsbot:ansible.imnewsbot✅ Hey gundalow, thanks for your report! I'll store it safely for the next Bullhorn review!17:55:48
23 Jul 2024
@orandon:ansible.imOranod morning Gwmngilfen and all 🌅 10:19:12
@orandon:ansible.imOranodI'm a bit late today. shuttling kids to sailing camp all this week. busy mornings. ⛵️ 10:20:11
24 Jul 2024
@orandon:ansible.imOranodmoin moin 🌅07:58:02
@anwesha:ansible.imanwesha Morning 08:14:11
@choirboy:matrix.orgchoirboy joined the room.21:15:10
25 Jul 2024
@felixfontein:matrix.orgFelix Fonteingood morning everyone!07:48:44
@orandon:ansible.imOranod morning @felixfontein:matrix.org: and all 🌅 09:00:30
@orandon:ansible.imOranodnice to "see" you. it feels like it's been a bit quiet around here lately.09:01:38
@orandon:ansible.imOranodguess that's the normal rhythm this time of year though 09:02:02


Yesterday have a really nice troubleshouting, when discovered that in my Jenkins CI ansible condistions dosent works as expected. It quite complex one, like when: (var1 == 'something' and inventory_hostname == 'host1') or "{{ var2|bool}}"

And issue was something like:

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
  - set_fact:
      my_var1: "True"
      my_var2: "true,"
  - debug:
      msg: "True one"
    when: my_var1|bool
  - debug:
      msg: "True two"
    when: my_var2|bool

I had a extra comma populated from jenkins to ansible, and spent more than hour to find that issue

PLAY [localhost] ********************************************************************************************************************

TASK [set_fact] *********************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [debug] ************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "True one"

TASK [debug] ************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]
@felixfontein:matrix.orgFelix Fontein yurnov: using {{ or }} in when is usually an indication of something wrong 09:18:20
@felixfontein:matrix.orgFelix Fontein you probably want when: (var1 == ... and inventory_ostname == 'host1') or (var2 | bool) 09:19:04
In reply to @felixfontein:matrix.org
you probably want when: (var1 == ... and inventory_ostname == 'host1') or (var2 | bool)
yes, but real issue was that var2 was true, (with comma) instead of true

Please find a short example:

root@f38219e07565:/# cat /opt/playbook.yaml 
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
  - set_fact:
      var2: "true,"
  - debug:
      var: var2|bool
root@f38219e07565:/# ansible-playbook /opt/playbook.yaml 
[WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'

PLAY [localhost] ********************************************************************************************************************

TASK [set_fact] *********************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [debug] ************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "var2|bool": false

PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   


And in my case it was somethig like ansible-playbook -i something.yml -e var1=${VAR1} -e var2=${VAR2), playbook.yaml in Jenkins, and it lead that instead of true I had true,.

@samccann:ansible.imsamccannmorning all! Alas I need to pay better attention to my calendar... rushed in this am for a meeting that doesn't start for another 30 min... oh those 30 min of more sleep 😭12:03:16
@remindbot:ansible.imremindbot @room It's Bullhorn release day! Please share your news items with newsbot by 18:00 UTC to be included in this week's issue. Thanks! 13:10:20
26 Jul 2024
@felixfontein:matrix.orgFelix Fontein👋07:39:52
@okdeer:matrix.orgokdeer joined the room.08:51:31
@samccann:ansible.imsamccannkind of a quiet newsbot week. Anyone have any last-minute items to share to flesh it out abit? :-)12:35:49
@felixfontein:matrix.orgFelix Fonteinsorry, nothing from my side :)13:29:11
@samccann:ansible.imsamccannok i'll wait til next week and batch it up. Seems like the typical summer -time break happening round about14:04:15
@cybette:matrix.orgCarol Chenyeah in the summer months we have skipped a week here and there. 15:29:12
@x1101:matrix.orgLyle (He/Him) (@x1101)So, the news is that people are off enjoying and recharging! That's good and important, even if its not exciting to read about! 18:17:10

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