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10 May 2023
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge#6192 I experimented with it once a long time ago 15:28:59
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge#6192 it looks like those are the settings to configure, but probably don't do it like I did it there 🙂 15:29:15
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge#6192 I should archive that repo, I don't use it 15:29:21
11 May 2023
@_discord_387435475142705152:t2bot.iozebos#7602 changed their profile picture.04:54:20
@_discord_510415959480336393:t2bot.ioPotatoe[F[_]] changed their display name from Potatoe[F[_]] to Potatoe[F[_]]#8651.08:57:51
@_discord_510415959480336393:t2bot.ioPotatoe[F[_]] changed their display name from Potatoe[F[_]]#8651 to Potatoe[F[_]].08:57:56
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 there are ways to save caches locally, I did some work on that in https://github.com/scalameta/metals-gitpod-sample lblain 11:05:42
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 though some of that might be outdated 11:05:48
12 May 2023
@_discord_496522507113857024:t2bot.iojaacko.torus#8796 changed their display name from jaackotorus to jaacko.torus#8796.23:21:47
@_discord_496522507113857024:t2bot.iojaacko.torus#8796 changed their profile picture.23:21:55
19 May 2023
@_discord_243951995709292544:t2bot.ioMajestic changed their display name from Majestic to Majestic#1066.12:55:47
@_discord_243951995709292544:t2bot.ioMajestic changed their display name from Majestic#1066 to Majestic.12:55:48
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 You can for sure use Bloop in Intellij, but hotswaping I am not sure 16:16:12
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 there was an issue about that 16:16:20
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 https://github.com/scalacenter/bloop/issues/1242 <- not sure if that is the same what you mean 16:17:06
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 Not currently, but seems like an interesting topic to tackle 17:13:42
29 May 2023
@_discord_386604517640372234:t2bot.ioΣrror#7727 changed their display name from Σrror to Σrror#7727.17:39:10
3 Jun 2023
@_discord_510415959480336393:t2bot.ioPotatoe[F[_]] changed their display name from Potatoe[F[_]] to Potatoe[F[_]]#8651.08:18:41
@_discord_510415959480336393:t2bot.ioPotatoe[F[_]] changed their display name from Potatoe[F[_]]#8651 to Potatoe[F[_]].08:18:48
7 Jun 2023
@_discord_192322936219238400:t2bot.ioaly.fish changed their display name from Aly to aly.fish#0.18:56:17
@_discord_192322936219238400:t2bot.ioaly.fish changed their display name from aly.fish#0 to aly.fish.18:56:23
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 You can use loadBspBuildFromResources but you need to add those settings to build.sbt in the resources folder. I don't think you can add it later on 21:18:18
9 Jun 2023
@_discord_146777108197277697:t2bot.ioashhan#0 changed their display name from Ashhan to ashhan#0.13:58:44
@_discord_215582414544699393:t2bot.iobulbyvr#0 changed their display name from Bulby#2541 to bulbyvr#0.17:23:24
@_discord_387435475142705152:t2bot.iozebos#7602 changed their profile picture.20:46:12
10 Jun 2023
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 changed their display name from jmie6 to j_mie6#0.09:59:02
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 changed their display name from j_mie6#0 to j_mie6.09:59:05
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.iobalmungsan3 changed their display name from BalmungSan#5059 to balmungsan3#0.16:05:45
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.iobalmungsan3 changed their display name from balmungsan3#0 to balmungsan3.16:05:52
12 Jun 2023
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth#0 changed their display name from Daenyth#7233 to daenyth#0.19:41:07

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