
Astropy general

1120 Members
General discussion about astropy34 Servers

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27 Jul 2024
@thompson_1:matrix.org@thompson_1:matrix.org joined the room.15:57:19
29 Jul 2024
@moderator:openastronomy.orgModerator banned @thompson_1:matrix.org@thompson_1:matrix.org (spam).01:33:15
30 Jul 2024
@slack_astropy_U07E679G46B:openastronomy.orgNatasha Abrams joined the room.00:30:31
@slack_astropy_U07E679G46B:openastronomy.orgNatasha Abrams changed their display name from slack_astropy_U07E679G46B to Natasha Abrams.00:30:32
@slack_astropy_U07EQV6PH0U:openastronomy.orgJames Emberton joined the room.08:43:35
@slack_astropy_U07EQV6PH0U:openastronomy.orgJames Emberton changed their display name from slack_astropy_U07EQV6PH0U to James Emberton.08:43:35
@slack_astropy_U07EQV6PH0U:openastronomy.orgJames Emberton set a profile picture.08:43:36
@slack_astropy_U07EQV6PH0U:openastronomy.orgJames Emberton changed their profile picture.08:43:37
31 Jul 2024
@slack_astropy_U07EU9NT4BF:openastronomy.orgNatasha Jaffe joined the room.15:27:33
@slack_astropy_U07EU9NT4BF:openastronomy.orgNatasha Jaffe set a profile picture.15:27:35
1 Aug 2024
@slack_astropy_U07EM9P56J3:openastronomy.orgLaura Hayes joined the room.09:44:21
@slack_astropy_U07EM9P56J3:openastronomy.orgLaura Hayes set a profile picture.09:44:21
@slack_astropy_U07EM9P56J3:openastronomy.orgLaura Hayes changed their profile picture.09:44:24
2 Aug 2024
@slack_astropy_U07FKQYCNRX:openastronomy.orgNasrat R joined the room.05:33:19
@slack_astropy_U07FKQYCNRX:openastronomy.orgNasrat R changed their display name from slack_astropy_U07FKQYCNRX to Nasrat R.05:33:20
@slack_astropy_U07F3NVG8HL:openastronomy.orgFarisa Morales joined the room.17:00:30
@slack_astropy_U07F3NVG8HL:openastronomy.orgFarisa Morales set a profile picture.17:00:30
5 Aug 2024
@xtmprszntwlfd:matrix.orgxtmprszntwlfd joined the room.02:57:21
@slack_astropy_U05JEHYPJ5Q:openastronomy.orgJon Starr This Friday at noon ET! Can't make it to all the open source events? Wish that hall track lasted forever? Looking to meet and collaborate with more of the community? OSSci's Open Source Community Collider is for you! This event is designed to foster connections and spark collaboration within the NumFOCUS and broader open source and open science communities. Event Format: Our collider runs in three stages. Stage 1: We'll enter the main acceleration chamber for a 5 minute break-down of the event. Stage 2: After the introduction, we'll inject ourselves into the collision rings for multiple one-on-one calls of 4-minute intervals, switching collision targets after each block. Stage 3: We'll reconvene in the main room for a group discussion and sharing session, analyzing the identified particles of conversation to inform future runs. Open to All: Everyone in the community is welcome! We’ll provide several prompt questions to guide conversations, but feel free to talk about anything you'd like. The 4 minutes are yours to use as you and your companion see fit. Future Events: This is a pilot run! If folks enjoy this use of time, we'll look into organizing these collider sessions monthly to continue building connections and collaboration. Code of Conduct: We will be operating under the NumFOCUS Code of Conduct to ensure a respectful and inclusive environment for all participants. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect, share, and collaborate with fellow community members. Who knows who you'll bump in to. When? August 9th from Noon to 1pm ET Join the 50+ already registered: https://numfocus-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpf-utrjojHNHR2XRRyBtOrb_X0BKLSQzi#/registration 16:04:32
7 Aug 2024
@slack_astropy_U07GCGGTF7T:openastronomy.orgErika Hernandnez joined the room.22:13:05
@slack_astropy_U07GCLG2U2D:openastronomy.orgManish Vyas/Backup JPL joined the room.22:56:56
@slack_astropy_U07GCLG2U2D:openastronomy.orgManish Vyas/Backup JPL set a profile picture.22:56:57
8 Aug 2024
@slack_astropy_U07GUGUE7CG:openastronomy.orgIra joined the room.20:12:17
@slack_astropy_U07GUGUE7CG:openastronomy.orgIra changed their display name from slack_astropy_U07GUGUE7CG to Ira.20:12:18
9 Aug 2024
@slack_astropy_U07847PE3U3:openastronomy.orgLourens Veen The Community Collider was a lot of fun! Definitely recommended, and thanks Jon for organising! 17:00:57
12 Aug 2024
@slack_astropy_U07H7C007B2:openastronomy.orgBrianna Pagán joined the room.14:07:08
@slack_astropy_U07H7C007B2:openastronomy.orgBrianna Pagán changed their display name from slack_astropy_U07H7C007B2 to Brianna Pagán.14:07:08
@slack_astropy_U07H7C007B2:openastronomy.orgBrianna Pagán changed their profile picture.14:07:11
@slack_astropy_U07H7C007B2:openastronomy.orgBrianna Pagán Sharing a job posting for a Support Scientist to join the Multi-Mission Time-Domain Astrophysics Infrastructure team at NASA. This role calls for a committed individual who will help guide the development of APIs for access to NASA science data and services, web applications, and scientific Python packages for time-domain astrophysics. A significant part of the role will also encompass tasks such as triaging and assigning issues and reviewing pull request on GitHub. The role requires an individual who has a keen interest in continuous learning, possesses exceptional collaboration skills, and is committed to delivering high-quality work. Job Posting is here: https://telophase.com/careers/job-openings/ (AP095), if you have any specific questions happy to connect you with the hiring manager. Cheers! 14:13:59
@slack_astropy_U07GCKD85D4:openastronomy.orgalena joined the room.15:51:19

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