

532 Members
3 Servers

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5 May 2024
@bluski:matrix.orgbluski joined the room.09:26:03
7 May 2024
@venomv33:matrix.orgVenon joined the room.22:23:40
@venomv33:matrix.orgVenon set a profile picture.22:24:38
16 May 2024
@gabi1979cs:matrix.orggabi1979cs joined the room.14:44:39
18 May 2024
@lolololola:matrix.orglolololola joined the room.14:23:30
21 May 2024
@marcovaldomilaneson:matrix.orgMilanesa con spaguetis joined the room.12:27:19
@marcovaldomilaneson:matrix.orgMilanesa con spaguetis changed their display name from marcovaldomilaneson to Milanesa con spaguetis.17:45:53
22 May 2024
@disgustrfeq:matrix.orgAinthmvqo Dgfkprjub joined the room.13:16:49
@k1n6k1ll3r:matrix.org@k1n6k1ll3r:matrix.org joined the room.13:28:26
@k1n6k1ll3r:matrix.org@k1n6k1ll3r:matrix.org left the room.13:28:49
28 May 2024
@valmagero:matrix.orgvalmagero joined the room.21:15:37
31 May 2024
@ale_0279:matrix.orgale_0279 joined the room.07:03:18
2 Jun 2024
@xephos:matrix.org@xephos:matrix.org joined the room.06:22:58
@xephos:matrix.org@xephos:matrix.org left the room.06:25:05
8 Jun 2024
@bluescreen70:matrix.orgbluescreen70 joined the room.02:04:09
11 Jun 2024
@thompson_plug:matrix.org@thompson_plug:matrix.org left the room.16:50:29
13 Jun 2024
@pascoalpsjunior:matrix.orgPascoal Pimenta Da Silva Junior joined the room.02:56:50
@pascoalpsjunior:matrix.orgPascoal Pimenta Da Silva Junior set a profile picture.03:10:33
@hardy_tom:matrix.org@hardy_tom:matrix.org joined the room.10:34:29
20 Jun 2024
@hardy_tom:matrix.org@hardy_tom:matrix.org left the room.09:33:57
12 Jul 2024
@cobacho:matrix.org@cobacho:matrix.org joined the room.18:47:58
@cobacho:matrix.org@cobacho:matrix.org left the room.18:49:08
14 Jul 2024
@batolocopepix:matrix.org@batolocopepix:matrix.org joined the room.05:47:53
@batolocopepix:matrix.org@batolocopepix:matrix.org left the room.05:48:28
@shadrachxbmc:matrix.org@shadrachxbmc:matrix.org joined the room.15:15:03
@shadrachxbmc:matrix.org@shadrachxbmc:matrix.org left the room.15:15:31
19 Jul 2024
@dannypaul515800:matrix.orgDanny Jones joined the room.09:31:29
20 Jul 2024
@alarca:matrix.orgAlarca joined the room.03:34:35
@alarca:matrix.orgAlarca changed their display name from Alejandro Restrepo Alarcon to Alarca.03:35:11
24 Jul 2024
@josheline:matrix.orgjosheline joined the room.00:10:10

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