

29 Members
Chaine francophone d'entraide sur Blender liée via un bridge avec #blender-fr sur IRC. ⚠ Important: éditez vos messages avec modération car IRC n'ayant pas cette fonctionnalité, matrix reposte les messages corrigés entiers.8 Servers

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3 Dec 2021
@JLuc:matrix.org@JLuc:matrix.org left the room.16:00:30
@chsimonsu:matrix.org@chsimonsu:matrix.org left the room.16:01:17
@miapi:matrix.orgFrarix left the room.16:01:17
@umxprime:matrix.org@umxprime:matrix.org left the room.16:01:17
@err404:matrix.org𝔼𝕣𝕣𝟜𝟘𝟜 joined the room.19:06:34
5 Dec 2021
@ritton:matrix.org@ritton:matrix.org left the room.09:00:36
6 Dec 2021
@boumtchis:matrix.org@boumtchis:matrix.org left the room.16:04:13
9 Dec 2021
@latarek:matrix.org@latarek:matrix.org left the room.01:33:26
@rbignaux:matrix.org@rbignaux:matrix.org left the room.01:33:26
@optogram:sans-nuage.fr@optogram:sans-nuage.fr left the room.01:40:25
@valere35:matrix.org@valere35:matrix.org left the room.01:41:12
@lautre:matrix.orglautre left the room.01:41:16
@lautre:matrix.orglautre joined the room.08:45:26
1 Jan 2022
@blotza:matrix.org@blotza:matrix.org joined the room.09:37:28
@blotza:matrix.org@blotza:matrix.org left the room.09:38:58
3 Jan 2022
@erdlanax:matrix.org@erdlanax:matrix.org joined the room.16:19:48
@fanchthesystem:libre.bzh@fanchthesystem:libre.bzh left the room.16:25:56
@erdlanax:matrix.org@erdlanax:matrix.org left the room.17:10:37
4 Jan 2022
@miapi:matrix.orgFrarix joined the room.18:43:33
25 Jan 2022
@miapi:matrix.orgFrarix changed their display name from miapi to Frarix.20:42:33
23 Feb 2022
@pierre:matrix.asso-fare.frpierre joined the room.13:01:33
16 Mar 2022
@sandradz:matrix.org@sandradz:matrix.org joined the room.21:13:09
@sandradz:matrix.org@sandradz:matrix.org left the room.21:14:36
18 Apr 2022
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org joined the room.12:21:16
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org left the room.12:21:17
2 May 2022
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org joined the room.00:27:25
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org left the room.00:27:26
21 May 2022
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22 May 2022
@tefito:matrix.orgtef joined the room.20:54:09
25 Jun 2022
@better_sleeping:converser.eu@better_sleeping:converser.eu joined the room.05:57:42

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