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26 Jul 2024
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarurebornRedacted or Malformed Event17:51:20
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarurebornRedacted or Malformed Event17:51:30
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarurebornRedacted or Malformed Event17:56:51
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarurebornRedacted or Malformed Event17:56:59
@wjvcyxnsbj:mozilla.orgmei * is the case since you can consume the things since they are so easy to cover18:23:03
@wjvcyxnsbj:mozilla.orgmei * and then you always need the new one to feel a bit on the edge18:23:09
In reply to @kirisamemarisa:mozilla.org
i usually don't particularly care about the opening cermonies
@Dezponia:matrix.orgDezponiaIt's all just sports washing to me. All modern sporting events are tainted by human suffering.18:44:27
In reply to @Dezponia:matrix.org
It's all just sports washing to me. All modern sporting events are tainted by human suffering.
@rayer:envs.netharuhitrue though if you can get past the politics, watching for the actual sport is good, one understands if they have ever been involved in competitive sports19:23:19
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarureborni never have lol19:25:25
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarurebornam I muted from this room or were certain messages just not deemed appropriate20:02:28
@Dezponia:matrix.orgDezponiaI removed them because I don't see the point in highlighting those kinds of sites20:16:24
In reply to @Dezponia:matrix.org
I removed them because I don't see the point in highlighting those kinds of sites
Understood! Just wanted clarification. :3
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarurebornwhat's everyone up to20:32:30
@Dezponia:matrix.orgDezponiaI'm researching email hosting providers20:47:13
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarureborni'm about to walk to dolgen and buy a pizza20:49:21
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarurebornaaaa back yes21:20:31
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarurebornWoohoo I got my new Nokia 2780 up and running, texted my friend and called my mother with it. :D22:31:37
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarurebornwassup folks22:56:51
27 Jul 2024
In reply to @Dezponia:matrix.org
Press x to shaun
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarurebornPress x to poop /j01:55:03
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarurebornDark tunes are lif.02:44:52
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarureborn * Dark tunes are life.02:44:57
@rajarajkumar:matrix.org@rajarajkumar:matrix.org joined the room.03:59:23
@asuramarureborn:matrix.orgasuramarurebornhow's everyone04:04:37
@rajarajkumar:matrix.org@rajarajkumar:matrix.org left the room.04:10:39

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