
LineageOS and other custom ROMs (new!)

768 Members
matrix.org/legal/code-of-conduct A rooted free and open-source operating system for various devices, based on the Android mobile platform. CyanogenMod Fork, compatible with ClockworkMod recovery, TWRP. (unofficial) Also welcome: AliOS, AOKP, ArrowOS, Baidu Yi, Bliss OS, CalyxOS, ColorOS, CopperheadOS, crDroid, DivestOS, /e/, Emteria.OS, EMUI, Fire OS, GrapheneOS, GSI, Indus OS, iodéOS, Kali NetHunter, LeWa OS, MIUI, OmniROM, One UI, OxygenOS, Paranoid, Replicant, Resurrection Remix OS, Shift OS, SlimRoms, Smartisan OS. adb, fastboot. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_custom_Android_distributions69 Servers

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16 Apr 2024
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.So well, in the end it may works properly depending of what phone you are, out of the blue I won't try it without first checking or asking your device maintainer19:48:30
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.Many times those are remnants from AOSP, that can potentially lead to undesired consequence, where other times they have been shaped, but loading a GSI for a device that needed to be finally tuned to boot, won't make much sense for those old devices; other thing is for a Pixel, they invented that GSI thing, so it should work with them19:52:23
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q. * Many times those are remnants from AOSP, that can potentially lead to undesired consequences, where other times they have been shaped, but loading a GSI for a device that needed to be finally tuned to boot, won't make much sense for those old devices; other thing is for a Pixel, they invented that GSI thing, so it should work with them19:52:35
@bob:ulex.org@bob:ulex.org left the room.20:39:45
@aphrodite:pub.solar@aphrodite:pub.solar joined the room.22:16:51
17 Apr 2024
@3dj:matrix.org3DJ Anyone noticed some apps stopped working in the latest update? 02:21:37
@3dj:matrix.org3DJ I wasnt surprised with old, 32bit apps like Swype keyboard, but Musicolet also refuses to run 🤔 02:22:44
@3dj:matrix.org3DJ Can we revert/rollback the update? I still have the previous update zip so i wonder if i could just apply it via local update  02:24:20
@soloaplicaciones:matrix.orgDavid Zapateria Masclic joined the room.02:43:54
@phonefixer86:matrix.org@phonefixer86:matrix.org left the room.03:44:30
@aphrodite:pub.solar@aphrodite:pub.solar left the room.04:55:28
@ich2022:matrix.orgich2022 joined the room.11:08:39
@mik_n8v4pn898vnyava:matrix.orgmik 3DJ: Hi, by update you mean from LOS 20 to 21? If so, Android 14 stopped supporting installation of 32bit apps out of the box but it's still possible to install them with an adb command 11:57:58
@mik_n8v4pn898vnyava:matrix.orgmikIf you mean a monthly/weekly update that broke your apps, please tell us which update exactly, I myself have a 32bit app that I rely on12:01:37
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.I had a couple of apps that didn't support Android 14 yet, so I removed them12:53:20
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.For the rest I tend to removed all apps that give no updates in 3 months, and move to F-Droid the majority of them, or a build yourself approach for those I want keep more updated myself, or not into F-Droid12:54:31
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.For proprietary apps I tend to use the less I can, also I privilege the apps already in Lineage to have less stuff doing the same thing in a worst way12:55:26
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.Recently I removed Calengoo and Google Calendar cause I just need to check the calendar day, and the Etar in Lineage does that automatically without me opening the app12:56:23
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.But I always consider Google apps too as valid alternatives in some cases12:56:51
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.It really depends on the phone model I decide to use12:57:13
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q. * For the rest I tend to remove all apps that give no updates in 3 months, and move to F-Droid the majority of them, or a build yourself approach for those I want keep more updated myself, or not into F-Droid12:58:01
@mik_n8v4pn898vnyava:matrix.orgmikI also use FLOSS whenever I can, stopped with Google stuff long time ago, completely cut off since moving to emailing with a personal domain. My 32bit app though is a special version of Goldendict, gotten from a Russian forum of passionate linguists, that kept improving it and updating it past the original (their latest is 2.4 vs the orig 1.6.x). Never found a half decent alternative13:04:50
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.Based13:07:08
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.It seems we agree on vast majority of upgrade plans13:07:40
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.😎13:07:53
18 Apr 2024
@pi5calfos:matrix.orgpi5calfoshey...curios about microg behavior with notifications and accounts. so lets say i have both signal and some other app installed that requires a google login. will my push noticiations from signal be tied to my google account or will they be handled seperately?06:56:26
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/aenm.20240019009:02:46
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.

Unravelling the Mechanism of Pulse Current Charging for Enhancing the Stability of Commercial LiNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2/Graphite Lithium-Ion Batteries

@mononym:matrix.org@mononym:matrix.org left the room.17:58:33
19 Apr 2024
@alex3829:matrix.orgreal_z2 joined the room.08:23:44

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