
LineageOS and other custom ROMs (2025)

1015 Members
matrix.org/legal/code-of-conduct A rooted free and open-source operating system for various devices, based on the Android mobile platform. Post off-topic in #LOS-offtopic:matrix.org. CyanogenMod Fork, compatible with ClockworkMod recovery, TWRP. (unofficial) Also welcome: AliOS, AOKP, ArrowOS, Baidu Yi, Bliss OS, CalyxOS, ColorOS, CopperheadOS, crDroid, DivestOS, /e/, Emteria.OS, EMUI, Fire OS, GrapheneOS, GSI, Indus OS, iodéOS, Kali NetHunter, LeWa OS, MIUI, OmniROM, One UI, OxygenOS, Paranoid, Replicant, Resurrection Remix OS, Shift OS, SlimRoms, Smartisan OS. adb, fastboot. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_custom_Android_distributions91 Servers

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12 Feb 2025
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.I am still on OnePlus 5T16:24:05
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.You will install LineageOS now or wait for official support from OxygenOS being dropped?16:26:29
@mahdi:frei.chatmahdiAlready having current LOS :) It wasn't exactly by the book, as one step didn't work, but I used intuition and did little bit different steps.16:36:54
@mahdi:frei.chatmahdiSo now thinking what is the best approach to notifs ... I don't use/want watch and I typically leave phone whole day on different desk that I work16:37:47
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.Good job16:38:05
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.🫡16:38:16
@mahdi:frei.chatmahdiDo not want kde connect or other sw either, just want to see when going by phone whether there's something to check or not16:38:36
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.The lateral button can be programmed16:38:57
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.Should also have AOD thing16:40:59
@mahdi:frei.chatmahdiTried builtin AOD, but it's been always buggy (on pyxis as well) I can hear notif, but nothing on screen, will check later, but it has only on/off, doesn't seem to be more settings.16:46:30
@mahdi:frei.chatmahdiMight be also related to my usage of profiles and having no lock screen under certain conditions etc16:50:57
@mahdi:frei.chatmahdiwhich was extremely buggy at some point in LOS16:52:20
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.🐱16:57:41
@gopinathanasokan:matrix.orgGopinathan Asokan joined the room.19:45:05
13 Feb 2025
@bluesunshine69:matrix.orgPoon Jihn joined the room.00:09:48
@ivy-:matrix.orgivy changed their display name from ivy to test.03:39:11
@ivy-:matrix.orgivy changed their display name from test to ivy.03:39:45
@luqtas:matrix.org@luqtas:matrix.org left the room.14:23:31
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q. changed their display name from Snowie Q. to 240.18:08:27
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q. changed their display name from 240 to Snowie Q..18:58:24
14 Feb 2025
@walloff:tchncs.dewalloff joined the room.10:47:40
@SanadorHerido:matrix.orgInterSubjetivo changed their profile picture.12:10:20
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.https://www.androidauthority.com/lineageos-week-2025-3523095/16:48:06
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q. changed their profile picture.17:50:04
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q. changed their profile picture.19:51:20
15 Feb 2025
@hopeful999:matrix.orgEduardo changed their profile picture.11:53:00
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q. changed their profile picture.17:10:01
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q. changed their display name from Snowie Q. to Charlotte de Witte.17:12:02
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q. changed their display name from Charlotte de Witte to Snowie Q..22:33:17
16 Feb 2025
@joeldebruijn:matrix.org@joeldebruijn:matrix.org left the room.06:09:31

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