
Emacs - System Crafters

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Chat about everyone's favorite text editor, Emacs! Check out the "official" room at #emacs:matrix.org too. Join our space for other System Crafters related rooms: #systemcrafters-space:matrix.org42 Servers

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5 Jul 2024
@waitingcynicism:matrix.orgjhilker98 changed their display name from waitingcynicism to jhilker98.01:17:54
@thrym:matrix.tyskia.dethrym joined the room.15:23:15
@knighthk:matrix.orgknighthk Elpaca suddenly cannot find the core date (ie https://github.com/progfolio/elpaca/issues/222). elpaca-process-call: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil if I call elpaca-manager, and I am unable to find packages that package-install finds. anyone had this? 29.4 is old by now, and I see it her ehttps://github.com/progfolio/elpaca/blob/master/elpaca.el#L1215-L1217 22:27:37
@knighthk:matrix.orgknighthkI just nuked the elpaca dir and restarted, things seem to work OK now22:34:43
6 Jul 2024
@nv-elisp:matrix.orgnv-elispYou were probably runninf an earlier version of Elpaca on 29.4. Updaribg Elpaca shpuld have done the trick. Worst case scenario, deleting just elpaca's build and repo dir (as opposed to elpaca-ditectory) should reinstall elpaca without dosturbing your other packages. 21:07:54
@nv-elisp:matrix.orgnv-elisp* You were probably running an earlier version of Elpaca and updated to 29.4? Updating Elpaca should have done the trick. Worst case scenario, deleting just elpaca's build and repo dir (as opposed to elpaca-ditectory) should reinstall elpaca without dosturbing your other packages. 21:08:47
@nv-elisp:matrix.orgnv-elisp* You were probably running an earlier version of Elpaca and updated to 29.4? Updating Elpaca should have done the trick. Worst case scenario, deleting just elpaca's build and repo dir (as opposed to elpaca-ditectory) should reinstall elpaca without disturbing your other packages. 21:09:03
10 Jul 2024
@matrix_bryce:matrix.orgbryce (he/him) joined the room.05:55:58
@mycellium:matrix.orgmycelium joined the room.14:25:49

been appreciating using emacs, as my to-do list tool, and note taking on desktop... but keen to branch out, and start using as my calendar tool.

bit hesitant at upping my emacs skill set, as takes me quite some energy, learning this whole new language... i've got enough understanding to use as to-do list, but im sure could be way more effective.

any tips on how best to set up a calendar tool, that will daily add events (im mostly tracking health/diet/symptoms etc... not so much, time and dates of events).. so just place to keep track of daily events.

glad to find this room. glad u's moved to matrix.

@wolfjb:matrix.orgwolfjbThis might be interesting to you: https://orgmode.org/manual/Tracking-your-habits.html15:41:21
In reply to @wolfjb:matrix.org
This might be interesting to you: https://orgmode.org/manual/Tracking-your-habits.html

ok, this is interesting alright..
but don't think is what i'm looking for. would be glad with a standard-ish calendar style interface, where can add notes on each day.. there are specific things i want to track.. but also will be random things to note.. so this habits set up seems to be quite specific.

not looked into the agenda function. but assume that could be what im looking for?

In reply to @wolfjb:matrix.org
This might be interesting to you: https://orgmode.org/manual/Tracking-your-habits.html

ok, this is interesting alright..
but don't think is what i'm looking for. would be glad with a standard-ish calendar style interface, where can add notes on each day.. there are specific things i want to track.. but also will be random things to note.. so this habits set up seems to be quite specific.

will explore agenda mode now and see if is what im looking for.

@wolfjb:matrix.orgwolfjb There is also diary, which you can use with M-x calendar. 16:58:59
@thrym:matrix.tyskia.dethrymI do something similar using org-roam, it has support for daily entries and ways to quickly capture notes, either for standalone notes or for the dailies. Main point is that they can be linked17:49:27
11 Jul 2024
@mycellium:matrix.orgmyceliumthanks. will check these both out. for now, i may opt for a new linux calendar app... as when i try to use emacs i feel i need to put aside a month or so of study! to get a better grasp of it... for now, it serves a purpose... but not wanting to be an emacs master, just yet.. it's quite a learning curve! 09:54:57
15 Jul 2024
@shipley7701:matrix.org@shipley7701:matrix.org joined the room.06:42:25
16 Jul 2024
@alex3829:matrix.org@alex3829:matrix.org left the room.23:17:29
18 Jul 2024
@novatorine:tranarchy.neonvagabond.xyznovatorine ⚡️ joined the room.14:06:47
20 Jul 2024
@appenzell:matrix.org@appenzell:matrix.org left the room.11:30:59
21 Jul 2024
@vermium:zyner.org@vermium:zyner.org changed their profile picture.12:39:00
@mrprofessor:matrix.org@mrprofessor:matrix.org left the room.16:33:20
23 Jul 2024
@punit_arya:matrix.org@punit_arya:matrix.org left the room.04:18:09
@flyingketh:matrix.orgJnn changed their display name from Joanna to Jnn.07:34:00
24 Jul 2024
@vermium:zyner.org@vermium:zyner.org changed their profile picture.17:36:39
25 Jul 2024
@icyp:matrix.orgmari changed their profile picture.13:06:06
@shipley7701:matrix.org@shipley7701:matrix.org left the room.17:25:17
26 Jul 2024
@vermium:zyner.org@vermium:zyner.org left the room.01:16:08
@agentkilo:matrix.org@agentkilo:matrix.org joined the room.12:38:53
@agentkilo:matrix.org@agentkilo:matrix.org left the room.12:44:23

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