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18 Aug 2021
@tii:matrix.orgtii(I just tried those: https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro but that made it black again)20:25:06
@erik:michelson.euErik [🦔-dev]Hm, I guess we should fix that on our side (ignore local fonts and only use the fonts we bring with).20:25:33
@tii:matrix.orgtiiI just tried the OTF fonts, those seem to work. Only the TTF fonts result in the problem20:26:38
@erik:michelson.euErik [🦔-dev]I'm sorry but I don't know which variant of this font fixes the problem.20:26:39
@tii:matrix.orgtiiNow you know ^^ 20:26:54
@erik:michelson.euErik [🦔-dev]Ah okay, thanks. I'll add that to the mentioned community forum post.20:27:12
@tii:matrix.orgtiiIf you download the TTF from Google Fonts it seems to be working correctly too: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Source+Code+Pro20:29:12
@tii:matrix.orgtiiThanks a lot for your support :)20:30:22
@tii:matrix.orgtiiAnd quick it was :D20:30:42
@vincent:matrix.geklautecloud.deVincent joined the room.22:02:43
19 Aug 2021
@niquola:matrix.orgniquola joined the room.08:02:22
@niquola:matrix.orgniquolaHi, guys08:02:57
@niquola:matrix.orgniquolaIs there special way to link one note with another?08:03:17
@niquola:matrix.orgniquolaI'm thinking about collaborative https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zettelkasten on top of hedge08:03:57
@gregor:matrix.gthiem.deGregor joined the room.12:22:42
@_neb_rssbot_=40sheogorath=3ashivering-isles.com:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@sheogorath:shivering-isles.com] HedgeDoc Community - Latest topics:
Keycloak for Oauth2
@hanser:hofra.rockshanser joined the room.17:38:46
@hanser:hofra.rockshanserHi! I've got a question right away... :)Is there a simple direct link to download the raw markdown content of a note? ... which would make the text easily integratable in a script, creating a final format.17:46:37
@hanser:hofra.rockshanser * Hi! I've got a question right away... :) Is there a simple direct link to download the raw markdown content of a note? ... which would make the text easily integratable in a script, creating a final format.17:46:51
@davebloggt:kif.rocksDavid [🦔-backend]
In reply to @hanser:hofra.rocks
Hi! I've got a question right away... :)
Is there a simple direct link to download the raw markdown content of a note? ... which would make the text easily integratable in a script, creating a final format.
/<NOTE>/download should do the trick
@hanser:hofra.rockshanserthanks a lot, works like a charm!17:49:29
@davebloggt:kif.rocksDavid [🦔-backend]
In reply to @niquola:matrix.org
Is there special way to link one note with another?
There currently is no such feature.
We are planning a "notebook mode" for HedgeDoc 2, you can find the relevant issues here: https://github.com/hedgedoc/hedgedoc/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc+label%3A%22feature%3Anote+organization%22
20 Aug 2021
@_neb_rssbot_=40sheogorath=3ashivering-isles.com:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@sheogorath:shivering-isles.com] HedgeDoc Community - Latest topics:
Serve one instance of HedgeDoc to multiple domains
@joerg:alea.gnuu.deJörg Sommer Hi, is it possible to create new documents via commandline? Something like echo Hello | curl -d @- …/new 17:10:49
@jfowl:fachschaften.orgJonas Zohren
In reply to @joerg:alea.gnuu.de
Hi, is it possible to create new documents via commandline? Something like echo Hello | curl -d @- …/new
Yes. have a look at https://github.com/hedgedoc/cli
@joerg:alea.gnuu.deJörg SommerThanks. Looks interesting. 17:42:11
23 Aug 2021
@gwenprime:cyberia.clubgwenprime joined the room.02:21:59
@truh:matrix.orgtruh joined the room.13:48:48
@ahills:matrix.orgahills joined the room.14:43:39
@gwenprime:cyberia.clubgwenprime hi all,
is there a way to search for all notes which have two specific tags? IE I want to find any note that had both tag A and tag B
IT seems that the default is searching for tag A or tag B

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