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19 May 2024
@_discord_644849095785054218:t2bot.iobjornregnell * It's an old issue called "Regression" here: https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/6804
but it's pretty annoying and not sporadic to me atleast as it happens always the secend or more time entering console inside the sbt shell; hence I'm wondereing if it is just me seeing this every time on Scala 3.4.2 and sbt 1.10.0
@_discord_644849095785054218:t2bot.iobjornregnell * It's an old issue called "Regression" here: https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/6804
but it's pretty annoying and not sporadic to me atleast as it happens always the second or more time entering console inside the sbt shell; hence I'm wondereing if it is just me seeing this pretty much every session on Scala 3.4.2 and sbt 1.10.0
@_discord_214574380867387392:t2bot.iodeaddorks Has anyone else run into an issue where inter-sub-project dependencies go absolutely crazy, and dependent projects think no classes exist from the projects they depend on?
I think it might have something to do with Intellij, because the steps I took look like:
1. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
2. run test through intellij -> fails, saying 1 class not found
3. re-try running test through intellij, no code or sbt changes -> works just fine and runs the test
4. sbt ~test:compile -> whole project is bricked, hundreds of class not found errors
5. bump sbt.version in project/build.properties to 1.9.9
6. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
7. run test through intellij -> fails, saying 1 class not found
8. re-try running test through intellij, no code or sbt changes -> works just fine and runs the test
9. sbt ~test:compile -> whole project is bricked, hundreds of class not found errors
10. bump sbt.version in project/build.properties to 1.10.0
11. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
12. run test through intellij -> fails, saying 1 class not found
13. re-try running test through intellij, no code or sbt changes -> works just fine and runs the test
14. sbt ~test:compile -> whole project is bricked, hundreds of class not found errors
@_discord_214574380867387392:t2bot.iodeaddorks * Has anyone else run into an issue where inter-sub-project dependencies go absolutely crazy, and dependent projects think no classes exist from the projects they depend on?
I think it might have something to do with Intellij, because the steps I took look like:
1. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
2. run test through intellij -> fails, saying 1 class not found
3. re-try running test through intellij, no code or sbt changes -> works just fine and runs the test
4. sbt ~test:compile -> whole project is bricked, hundreds of class not found errors
5. bump sbt.version in project/build.properties to 1.9.9
6. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
7. run test through intellij -> fails, saying 1 class not found
8. re-try running test through intellij, no code or sbt changes -> works just fine and runs the test
9. sbt ~test:compile -> whole project is bricked, hundreds of class not found errors
10. bump sbt.version in project/build.properties to 1.10.0
11. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
12. run test through intellij -> fails, saying 1 class not found
13. re-try running test through intellij, no code or sbt changes -> works just fine and runs the test
14. sbt ~test:compile -> whole project is bricked, hundreds of class not found errors

I have also tried
- sbt clean
- rm -rf **/target
and neither helps the issue
@_discord_214574380867387392:t2bot.iodeaddorks * Has anyone else run into an issue where inter-sub-project dependencies go absolutely crazy, and dependent projects think no classes exist from the projects they depend on?
I think it might have something to do with Intellij, because the steps I took look like:
1. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
2. run test through intellij -> fails, saying 1 class not found
3. re-try running test through intellij, no code or sbt changes -> works just fine and runs the test
4. sbt ~test:compile -> whole project is bricked, hundreds of class not found errors
5. bump sbt.version in project/build.properties to 1.9.9
6. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
7. run test through intellij -> fails, saying 1 class not found
8. re-try running test through intellij, no code or sbt changes -> works just fine and runs the test
9. sbt ~test:compile -> whole project is bricked, hundreds of class not found errors
10. bump sbt.version in project/build.properties to 1.10.0
11. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
12. run test through intellij -> fails, saying 1 class not found
13. re-try running test through intellij, no code or sbt changes -> works just fine and runs the test
14. sbt ~test:compile -> whole project is bricked, hundreds of class not found errors
15. bump sbt.version in project/build.properties to 1.9.8
16. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
17. bump sbt.version in project/build.properties to 1.10.0
18. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine

I have also tried
- sbt clean
- rm -rf **/target
and neither helps the issue
@_discord_214574380867387392:t2bot.iodeaddorks * Has anyone else run into an issue where inter-sub-project dependencies go absolutely crazy, and dependent projects think no classes exist from the projects they depend on?
I think it might have something to do with Intellij, because the steps I took look like:
1. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
2. run test through intellij -> fails, saying 1 class not found
3. re-try running test through intellij, no code or sbt changes -> works just fine and runs the test
4. sbt ~test:compile -> whole project is bricked, hundreds of class not found errors
5. bump sbt.version in project/build.properties to 1.9.9
6. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
7. run test through intellij -> fails, saying 1 class not found
8. re-try running test through intellij, no code or sbt changes -> works just fine and runs the test
9. sbt ~test:compile -> whole project is bricked, hundreds of class not found errors
10. bump sbt.version in project/build.properties to 1.10.0
11. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
12. run test through intellij -> fails, saying 1 class not found
13. re-try running test through intellij, no code or sbt changes -> works just fine and runs the test
14. sbt ~test:compile -> whole project is bricked, hundreds of class not found errors
15. bump sbt.version in project/build.properties to 1.9.8
16. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
17. bump sbt.version in project/build.properties to 1.10.0
18. sbt ~test:compile -> works just fine
19. a couple compile runs later, see a few of the above errors
20. sbt clean -> bricked again...

I have also tried
- sbt clean
- rm -rf **/target
and neither helps the issue
@_discord_836974503732969482:t2bot.iomatheus_4530 Could it be that in our SBT 1.10.0 update a dependency update system was added? 23:57:21
@_discord_214574380867387392:t2bot.iodeaddorks I dont think it would be anything 1.10.0 related, because I was having the issue before I was even on 1.9.x, which caused me to bumpt to 1.9.9, and then I had the issue in 1.9.9, and then I had the issue again in 1.10.0 23:58:52
20 May 2024
@_discord_836974503732969482:t2bot.iomatheus_4530 what a problem that was. 00:00:55
@_discord_214574380867387392:t2bot.iodeaddorks what? 00:01:54
@_discord_85043258593402880:t2bot.iojmreardon Is IntelliJ using sbt for builds? If so, are you also reloading it to get the new sbt version? 00:59:48
@_discord_214574380867387392:t2bot.iodeaddorks jmreardon I am reloading in intellij, intellij compiles fine, terminal thinks all these classes dont exist :/ 01:00:29
@_discord_85043258593402880:t2bot.iojmreardon Interesting. I have occasionally seen odd things with IntelliJ + sbt, but haven’t run into this. Are both SBTs running the same jvm? 01:04:20
@_discord_85043258593402880:t2bot.iojmreardon * Interesting. I have occasionally seen odd things with IntelliJ + sbt, but haven’t run into this. Are both sbts running the same jvm? 01:05:32
@_discord_892064172760780871:t2bot.ioganesh9138 joined the room.04:35:17
@_discord_993518126404751401:t2bot.iojamespigden3704 How do I find out? my scalaVersion is 3.4.0 in my build.sbt, if that's what you mean.
I'd be curious to see that other issue you mentioned seeing
@_discord_221216600420909056:t2bot.iojur27 changed their display name from Jur to jur27.09:08:48
@_discord_1192818840317468763:t2bot.iodavidsmith95 changed their display name from uphart7789 to davidsmith95.10:13:27
@_discord_231350810565410817:t2bot.ioragnar4252 I had very bad experiences with using IntelliJ with the default sbt import (that is, not the bsp import) and the sbt console at the same time.
In my case, the seemed to compile into the same output directories, but using different metadata, and then all the build setup got confused.

I generally recommend the bsp import ( https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/bsp-support.html ), but in particular if you want to use the sbt console at the same time that seems to work much better.
@_discord_721474407935246456:t2bot.iosom-snytt I guess https://github.com/scala/scala3/pull/20423. Slow file system ops is a classic. 13:00:05
@_discord_721474407935246456:t2bot.iosom-snytt Also, if I were on 3.4.0, I'd be on 3.4.2. Bugs move so quickly. 13:00:55
@_discord_1240667701685387370:t2bot.iorohith_02_ joined the room.14:31:22
@_discord_214574380867387392:t2bot.iodeaddorks jmreardon just looked, its the same jvm version 16:32:06
@_discord_214574380867387392:t2bot.iodeaddorks also, I now seem to be able to compile using command line in intellij terminal. Im lost for words. Maybe its temporary. 16:32:34
@_discord_993518126404751401:t2bot.iojamespigden3704 Didn't help unfortunately, though thanks for the help. Seemingly it's a known issue, so my best plan might be waiting for the 3.5 release? 16:44:33
@_discord_691992332245008424:t2bot.ioigor.ramazanov https://scalacenter.github.io/bloop/docs/ides/intellij might be useful 17:32:16
21 May 2024
@pennywisedclown:nitro.chatpennywisedclown joined the room.06:49:35
@_discord_809146255439298570:t2bot.iokokonut_dk joined the room.10:09:46
@_discord_787647294610472981:t2bot.iojimka2001 when I call (from the shell): sbt "testOnly NonExistantClass", it finishes successfully, with output like the following
sbt "testOnly HelloTestSuite"
[info] welcome to sbt 1.9.9 (AdoptOpenJDK Java 11.0.7)
[info] loading settings for project global-plugins from idea.sbt ...
[info] loading global plugins from /Users/jimka/.sbt/1.0/plugins
[info] loading project definition from /Users/jimka/Repos/courses/dir-scalain/scala-e-student/project
[info] loading settings for project scala-e-student from build.sbt ...
[info] set current project to scala-e-student (in build file:/Users/jimka/Repos/courses/dir-scalain/scala-e-student/)
[info] Passed: Total 0, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0
[info] No tests to run for Test / testOnly
[success] Total time: 2 s, completed 21 May 2024, 12:11:55

I would prefer this to indicate some sort of error.
What should I do instead?
@_discord_787647294610472981:t2bot.iojimka2001 i.e., how do I tell testOnly to produce some sort of error if the indicated class does not exist 11:17:33

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