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21 May 2024
@_discord_787647294610472981:t2bot.iojimka#1513 * i.e., how do I tell testOnly to produce some sort of error if the indicated class does not exist? 11:17:38
@_discord_721474407935246456:t2bot.iosom-snytt I could also go for an autocomplete that does an outline parse to find test class names (when not already compiled). 11:26:52
@_discord_890602305064435714:t2bot.iohmiddelk 18:26:58
@_discord_664670199571546122:t2bot.ioDemo joined the room.20:49:14
@_discord_138142197798273024:t2bot.io.unowned joined the room.21:37:28
22 May 2024
@_discord_398289694686969866:t2bot.ioa_sync. joined the room.04:21:47
@_discord_843896430917320714:t2bot.ioim_bharadwajj joined the room.05:58:54
@_discord_843896430917320714:t2bot.ioim_bharadwajj no build target found for scala files, can anyone help? 05:58:55
@_discord_843896430917320714:t2bot.ioim_bharadwajj changed their profile picture.05:58:55
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.ioSethTisue#7418 perhaps we can help, but we’ll need more information about what you tried and precisely what error message (or other unexpected behavior) you got 11:30:34
@_discord_1113969404485570630:t2bot.ionehemias84 joined the room.12:30:46
@_discord_1113969404485570630:t2bot.ionehemias84 changed their profile picture.12:30:47
@_discord_1113969404485570630:t2bot.ionehemias84 Hello everyone, I have been getting this kind of messages all week
[error] SERVER ERROR: Gateway Time-out url=https://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/ivy-releases/io.ebean/ebean-agent/11.5.1/jars/ebean-agent.jar
[error] SERVER ERROR: Bad Gateway url=https://repo.scala-sbt.org/scalasbt/sbt-plugin-releases/org.scala-sbt/util-position_2.12/1.1.3/ivys/ivy.xml
[error] SERVER ERROR: Bad Gateway url=https://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/ivy-releases/org.scala-sbt/util-position_2.12/1.1.3/jars/util-position_2.12.jar
[error] SERVER ERROR: Bad Gateway url=https://repo.scala-sbt.org/scalasbt/sbt-plugin-releases/org.scala-sbt/util-position_2.12/1.1.3/jars/util-position_2.12.jar
sometimes it works but takes a lot of time (~30 min) to resolve those downloads
@_discord_1113969404485570630:t2bot.ionehemias84 https://status.jfrog.io/ announced a very small outage on the 19th but it has been happening to me all day these week 12:33:01
@_discord_1067099811171549324:t2bot.iocrellios Seeing a similar issue on my end beginning mid-morning UTC with a mix of 502, 504, and connection reset errors when downloading artifacts for publicly available sbt plugins. The scala Artifactory page https://scala.jfrog.io/ui/packages is also brutally slow to load up today. 12:37:26
@_discord_1067099811171549324:t2bot.iocrellios changed their display name from Crellios to crellios.12:37:26
@_discord_1113969404485570630:t2bot.ionehemias84 also, when pasting one of those urls on the browser i get
  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "message": "Item ivy-releases:io.ebean/ebean-agent/11.5.1/jars does not exist"
@_discord_1113969404485570630:t2bot.ionehemias84 changed their display name from nehemias7763 to nehemias84.12:39:39
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.ioSethTisue#7418 ticket is https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/7566 , please record your experiences there. I think Eugene was somewhat dismissive of the original report since the delay was measured in seconds not minutes and there weren't error codes. but it seems like the issue has worsened 12:45:38
@_discord_1067099811171549324:t2bot.iocrellios Thank you Seth! 12:46:02
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.ioSethTisue#7418 (but do note also what I wrote about using current sbt with current plugins as a likely workaround) 12:46:08
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.ioSethTisue#7418 * (but do note also what I wrote on-ticket about using current sbt with current plugins as a likely workaround) 12:46:58
@_discord_117714065320706054:t2bot.ioptrdom What is the best workflow to work with multiple sbt projects simultaneously that need to be ran on different JDK versions? I am looking for something cross-platform and automatic, so that I would not need to figure out which JDK version to switch to on shell/project/IDE combo manually. Looking at sbt launcher I saw this bit in Windows launcher - https://github.com/sbt/sbt/blob/b27c7253b19fb6008566796c914063cec22c18ce/launcher-package/src/universal/bin/sbt.bat#L83-L88, basically having JAVA_HOMES env variable and .java-version file in project the launcher would run sbt with correct JDK. I have tried it and I have not managed to get it to work. I am thinking about creating a PR to revive this functionality and make it available for all platforms if there is no better alternative already available. 13:32:19
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime#6377 A project I work on has this exact requirement, achieved by using a special plugin: https://github.com/sourcegraph/scip-java/blob/main/project/JavaToolchainPlugin.scala

I've found that this conflicts with something that Metals and sbt BSP do with each other, but apart from that it seems to mostly work
@_discord_117714065320706054:t2bot.ioptrdom Neat! Though you mentioning that Metals and sbt BSP has issues with this approach means it probably won't work with my primary workflow - sbt BSP with IntelliJ IDEA. 13:40:19
@_discord_117714065320706054:t2bot.ioptrdom sbt launcher supporting this is probably the best place to make sure it works with most workflows. 13:40:54
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime#6377 yeah agree, supporting toolchains would be great
that said, do give this approach a go (you can just copy the file to your project)
@_discord_117714065320706054:t2bot.ioptrdom Ah, your plugin is even fancier than what I would require - I am fine with whole sbt project being booted with certain JVM, I just might have multiple projects open that run on different JDKs. Where your plugin is about modules within sbt project being compiled on different JVMs. Pretty funky! 13:46:59
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime#6377 can just do coursier launch --jvm 11 sbt to launch SBT 🙂 13:48:06
@_discord_117714065320706054:t2bot.ioptrdom I would like to standardize a way to avoid the --jvm 11 part and somehow set the project's JDK implicitly. Like that .java-version file that the Windows sbt launcher uses. 13:50:15

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