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23 May 2024
@_discord_843896430917320714:t2bot.ioim_bharadwajj i am using a feature of SpinalHDL, which can be done through scala, in the installation guide, they have mentioned to install sbt, i have done that, I dont know the reason for the error, i have mentioned above, can you please guide me, I am not sure about he work flow of scala. 05:44:25
@_discord_740114047684313110:t2bot.ionetwa1ker joined the room.07:48:51
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 All you need is scala-cli, no sbt, no Scala REPL, just scala-cli
Use the setup-ide command in the folder where you want to edit files and then open vscode + metals.
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.ioSethTisue#7418 I don't know SpinalHDL. it's possible it somehow assumes sbt is what you're using, but it's also possible the installation guide just assumes it as a convenient default and other approaches like using scala-cli would work too

if you have followup questions, it might help if you included the URL of the installation guide you are trying to follow, so we can see what you're seeing
@_discord_839723269250875422:t2bot.iomtomko Reviving this question, which seems to have gone unanswered. My coworkers are trying out some fiddly stuff that would be much easier to test with a forked console, but we're having trouble figuring out how to make it work. Setting
Compile / run / console / fork := true
@_discord_839723269250875422:t2bot.iomtomko * Reviving this question, which seems to have gone unanswered. My coworkers are trying out some fiddly stuff that would be much easier to test with a forked console, but we're having trouble figuring out how to make it work. Setting
Compile / run / console / fork := true

doesn't seem to work (it's reported as unused by the linter and doesn't seem to fork).
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.ioSethTisue#7418 there might be an open feature request on this? I know I've wanted it from time to time 15:22:49
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.ioSethTisue#7418 pretty sure it's not currently supported 15:23:13
@_discord_427695888312565760:t2bot.ionatsukagami changed their profile picture.16:13:50
@_discord_375967251804848128:t2bot.iotatourmi Hey everyone, struggling a bit and I'm at my wits end.

I've been trying to update SBT from 1.3.6 to 1.5.5 in order to make use of the "new" dependencyTree feature in order to escape a deep layer of dependency hell.

Unfortunately, our nexus is not yet configured to handle https calls (don't ask...) and I hit the following error :
"insecure HTTP request is unsupported 'http://companyName.com/nexus/repository/snapshots/'; switch to HTTPS or opt-in as ("Snapshot repository" at "http://companyName.com/nexus/repository/snapshots/").withAllowInsecureProtocol(true), or by using allowInsecureProtocol in repositories file"

No bother, I try to declare exactly what is said in the message as a new resolver. So I add:
resolvers += ("Snapshot repository" at "http://companyName.com/nexus/repository/snapshots/").withAllowInsecureProtocol(true)
to the build.sbt

No game, the error still fires. I figure maybe it's because It's an Ivy repo? So I add
resolvers += Resolver.url("Nexus snapshots", url("http://companyName.com/nexus/repository/snapshots/")).withAllowInsecureProtocol(true)
. Nope, no game either.

Unfortunately I really struggle to get better data out of SBT. Anyone knows how to make sbt print the exact url it's calling and which resolver, if any, it is using during dependency resolution?
@_discord_375967251804848128:t2bot.iotatourmi * Hey everyone, struggling a bit and I'm at my wits end.

I've been trying to update SBT from 1.3.6 to 1.5.5 in order to make use of the "new" dependencyTree feature to escape a deep layer of dependency hell.

Unfortunately, our nexus is not yet configured to handle https calls (don't ask...) and I hit the following error :
"insecure HTTP request is unsupported 'http://companyName.com/nexus/repository/snapshots/'; switch to HTTPS or opt-in as ("Snapshot repository" at "http://companyName.com/nexus/repository/snapshots/").withAllowInsecureProtocol(true), or by using allowInsecureProtocol in repositories file"

No bother, I try to declare exactly what is said in the message as a new resolver. So I add:
resolvers += ("Snapshot repository" at "http://companyName.com/nexus/repository/snapshots/").withAllowInsecureProtocol(true)
to the build.sbt

No game, the error still fires. I figure maybe it's because It's an Ivy repo? So I add
resolvers += Resolver.url("Nexus snapshots", url("http://companyName.com/nexus/repository/snapshots/")).withAllowInsecureProtocol(true)
. Nope, no game either.

Unfortunately I really struggle to get better data out of SBT. Anyone knows how to make sbt print the exact url it's calling and which resolver, if any, it is using during dependency resolution?
@_discord_839723269250875422:t2bot.iomtomko The instructions in the error should work. We used to do that for our local nexus that wasn't behind https for a while. 16:39:35
@_discord_839723269250875422:t2bot.iomtomko oh, are you sure you got all of the places where that repository is mentioned? I feel like that was a gotcha - we somehow had to repeat the url in a different part of the build. 16:40:36
@_discord_375967251804848128:t2bot.iotatourmi I repeated it in four of the places with no success, the instruction is to add a resolver, right? 16:53:24
@_discord_375967251804848128:t2bot.iotatourmi Unfortunately no dice, but I'm thinking maybe I'm building the resolver wrong somehow. Hence why I'd like to see which url is actually used by sbt. 16:54:03
@_discord_375967251804848128:t2bot.iotatourmi But I use the command
sbt show resolvers
to check that all the mentioned resolvers do have the http. Still, doesn't help.
@_discord_375967251804848128:t2bot.iotatourmi I suspect the resolver is overriden somewhere, is that even possible? 17:08:25
@_discord_1232929424819617832:t2bot.iounifyfifty joined the room.17:18:09
@_discord_138334093111721984:t2bot.iorestofruit joined the room.19:32:59
@_discord_1097739366736072706:t2bot.iomaparipiopo_78858 joined the room.23:25:06
24 May 2024
@_discord_470889829513560064:t2bot.ionoxRedacted or Malformed Event05:41:04
@_discord_843896430917320714:t2bot.ioim_bharadwajj changed their display name from boomboom9929 to im_bharadwajj.05:45:51
@_discord_849551064360288266:t2bot.io1337.omg.lol joined the room.07:10:39
25 May 2024
@_discord_719968877651427399:t2bot.iomakrov3 changed their display name from Makrov3 to makrov3.20:45:36
26 May 2024
@_discord_858013942702276609:t2bot.iodwalend set a profile picture.01:27:39
@_discord_545509856048709632:t2bot.ioarmin114 joined the room.02:12:53
@_discord_360404833255161869:t2bot.iosmallkino joined the room.09:53:50
@_discord_217357065084076032:t2bot.ioroooyce joined the room.22:49:36
27 May 2024
@_discord_836974503732969482:t2bot.iomatheus_4530Redacted or Malformed Event02:03:01
@_discord_639859187773603841:t2bot.iomatthiasberndt Yes, you can override it per subproject. Maybe you should try ThisBuild / resolvers += ... 07:09:10

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