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27 May 2024
@_discord_100303131497222144:t2bot.iohugo_vr Not sure if this is a Scala or sbt issue. But I tried the new usePipelining on Scala 3.5.0-RC1 and I'm getting lots of import not found errors. Any idea on how I can investigate this? 10:31:34
@_discord_100303131497222144:t2bot.iohugo_vr Hmm, I also get it with 3.4.1 (plus some warnings about pickling options that don't exist and a CancellationException at the end 10:36:55
@_discord_100303131497222144:t2bot.iohugo_vr * Not sure if this is a Scala or sbt issue. But I tried the new usePipelining on Scala 3.5.0-RC1 and I'm getting lots of import not found errors. Any idea on how I can investigate this? It's a Scala.js project 10:39:12
@_discord_291213774134837248:t2bot.iofloren_007 joined the room.11:40:10
28 May 2024
@_discord_309798577469915136:t2bot.iofernandobasso joined the room.10:07:40
@_discord_160176014738194432:t2bot.ioweebs_ joined the room.16:52:01
@_discord_639859187773603841:t2bot.iomatthiasberndt Does anybody else have trouble using sbt --client in GitHub actions? It doesn't print some error messages (e. g. when publish fails). And it does when I remove --client 17:17:29
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.iobalmungsan3 armanbilge I believe you once talked to me about this or something similar? 17:18:09
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge that's why the client invocation is not printing them out 17:19:15
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge and I feel like I remember some issues with printing. 17:19:17
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge probably the error messages are going to the sbt server 17:19:19
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge tl;dr don't use --client in CI 17:19:27
@_discord_639859187773603841:t2bot.iomatthiasberndt Well to be fair that is the point that it won't start a process 18:18:15
@_discord_639859187773603841:t2bot.iomatthiasberndt But the failure to print some error messages is a deal breaker 18:18:51
@_discord_167431227912093696:t2bot.ioardal changed their profile picture.19:00:17
@_discord_631855417747832833:t2bot.iosideeffffect Hello in here, I'm struggling with sbt and crosscompilation. I'd like to ask for help, because my sbt skills are failing me. Here's the situation:

There is a module circe-yaml-common
* it should be crosscompiled for both 2.12 and 2.13

There's another module circe-yaml-scalayaml
* it depends on circe-yaml-common
* it depends on another library which isn't for 2.12, only for 2.13
* it thus should be crosscompiled only for 2.13

Both circe-yaml-common and circe-yaml-scalayaml are aggregated in root module.

When CI runs
sbt 'project rootJS' '++ 2.12' 'scalafixAll --check'

It fails with totally nonsensical error
[info] Resolved circe-yaml-scalayaml_sjs1_2.13 dependencies
[warn]  Note: Unresolved dependencies path:
[info] compiling 2 Scala sources to /home/ondra/Projects/circe-yaml/circe-yaml-common/js/target/scala-2.12/classes ...
[error] sbt.librarymanagement.ResolveException: Error downloading io.circe:circe-yaml-common_sjs1_2.13:0.15.1-32-4dde710-SNAPSHOT
[error]   Not found
[error]   Not found
[error]   not found: /home/ondra/.ivy2/local/io.circe/circe-yaml-common_sjs1_2.13/0.15.1-32-4dde710-SNAPSHOT/ivys/ivy.xml
[error]   not found: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/circe/circe-yaml-common_sjs1_2.13/0.15.1-32-4dde710-SNAPSHOT/circe-yaml-common_sjs1_2.13-0.15.1-32-4dde710-SNAPSHOT.pom

What do I need to do so that sbt doesn't take circe-yaml-scalayaml into account when trying to work with 2.12 modules? Could somebody please help me with this? 🙏
What do I need to do so that sbt doesn't take circe-yaml-scalayaml into account when trying to work with 2.12 modules? Could somebody please help me with this? 🙏
it's not easily possible. to put it plainly, sbt is broken in this regard
@_discord_631855417747832833:t2bot.iosideeffffect 🙀 21:50:02
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge https://discord.com/channels/632150470000902164/922600050989875282/1234914642783113276 21:50:35
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge https://discord.com/channels/632150470000902164/922600050989875282/1053405092373606420 21:51:00
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge you can use sbt-projectmatrix or you can hack the build in various ways 21:51:36
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge separately, personally I'm not sure if I agree with the goals of that PR 21:52:08
@_discord_631855417747832833:t2bot.iosideeffffect I can always remove 2.12 from the project altogether. But that'd be a bit unfortunate, the other parts of the project still work well with 2.12... 21:52:09
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge why not just work on circe-scala-yaml 21:52:14
@_discord_631855417747832833:t2bot.iosideeffffect circe-scala-yaml uses totally different backend, a Java library 21:52:55
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge I'm not sure I understand 21:53:05
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge https://github.com/armanbilge/circe-scala-yaml 21:53:11
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge it uses a Scala YAML by VirtustLab which is 100% Scala 21:53:23
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge (we're off-topic for here, let's continue in #circe on #typelevel) 21:53:41
@_discord_845013677816021083:t2bot.ioarmanbilge * it uses Scala YAML by VirtustLab which is 100% Scala 21:53:47

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