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10 Jul 2023
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoJust the skins but yeah11:06:25
@ebic5766:matrix.org@ebic5766:matrix.orghow are you playing with other people is it that lan play thing11:07:20
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoAs long as you don't have any mods that change the fundamentals of the game you can play online normally 11:07:49
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoIf you do, then you just have to make sure the other person has the same mods otherwise it just kicks you out when the match starts 11:08:09
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoYeah 11:08:22
@ebic5766:matrix.org@ebic5766:matrix.orgare you on emmc or stock or what11:08:35
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoStock ofc 11:08:44
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoI'm using cfw on emmc11:08:55
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoBeen doing this for a year, no ban11:09:16
@ebic5766:matrix.org@ebic5766:matrix.orgso you can mod a stock game and not get banned11:09:19
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoAs long as you're not changing the fundamentals of a game you're fine 11:09:32
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoFor smash it's a bit different than other games11:09:58
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoThere's no central servers for smash 11:10:06
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoThe person who opens the arena is the host 11:10:15
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoWith other games like splatoon it's different and can get you banned if you "cheat"11:10:47
@ebic5766:matrix.org@ebic5766:matrix.orgim gonna pay to get my switch oled modded soon probably11:10:52
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoMake sure they don't botch it11:11:03
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoImma be modding my own OLED soon11:11:12
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondekoOnly my v1 is modded 11:11:34
@ebic5766:matrix.org@ebic5766:matrix.orgmine broke11:11:54
@ebic5766:matrix.org@ebic5766:matrix.orgthe sd card slot broke then i bought a new one and it slots in to the motherboard but the slot socket is so weak it snapped off11:12:33
@izukumidoriya:matrix.orgsylveondeko..... Yikes 11:12:48
@ebic5766:matrix.org@ebic5766:matrix.orgthen basically i tried to fix it when i was like 13 and now its ded11:12:49
@ebic5766:matrix.org@ebic5766:matrix.orgits so weakly made i actually hate it11:13:07
@ebic5766:matrix.org@ebic5766:matrix.organd the joycon screws11:13:10

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