
The Scots leid

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Aa aboot 'e Scots líd - A brig tae the Discord guild/server *Nae NSFW or Hate Speech!* Pairt ae +scotsleed:matrix.org10 Servers

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30 Dec 2023
@_discord_117035690339860482:t2bot.ioCobra_3000 [sco/en_SCO]{it}(gd) Hey 01:18:35
@_discord_163510132720926720:t2bot.ioHenry Jekyll I'm American, sarcasm is too expensive to import over here. 01:37:43
@_discord_694039120749789236:t2bot.ioavogadroguac also fyi combining bleach and ammonia makes chloramines. you'll need something with sulphur in it if you want mustard gas 02:00:21
@_discord_1134204477239459871:t2bot.iocelticfc___ Yum 03:59:15
@_discord_913905288149598239:t2bot.iodonnie6327 The govrenment haein a swatch at this server 04:00:21
@_discord_1015653698929709088:t2bot.iorealme10 donnie6327 12:00:39
@_discord_913905288149598239:t2bot.iodonnie6327 What's up? 12:20:18
@_discord_568498676922712091:t2bot.iotrampstamp. Hey, I was born and raised in Scotland until I was 10, then moved to England. I’m trying to get my Scot’s back, tbf my mum said I never had a really thick accent (being from Dundee). I remember winning a burns awards for reciting his poem in primary school, but since then I’ve basically lost all of it 17:35:34
@_discord_568498676922712091:t2bot.iotrampstamp. 17:35:42
@_discord_568498676922712091:t2bot.iotrampstamp. Can anyway give me resources or help with having it again? Specifically North East Central Scots :)) 17:36:12
@_discord_237377666041249794:t2bot.iociphriuskane https://www.abdn.ac.uk/elphinstone/kist/ 17:42:53
@_discord_568498676922712091:t2bot.iotrampstamp. Is North East Central, Doric? 17:45:04
@_discord_237377666041249794:t2bot.iociphriuskane Seems nae sairie, a wis gettin hings mixt up (Nor Aest is Doric, bit yer aifter Central...) 17:47:00
@_discord_568498676922712091:t2bot.iotrampstamp. Aye 18:05:37
@_discord_749411088398811209:t2bot.io_me0wster I would class my Scots as NE central (Clacks & Fife), but I'm surprised your mum reckoned Dundee doesn't have much of an accent. Dundonian has lots of idiosyncrasies that make it very distinctive. 19:35:44
@_discord_897641490283626548:t2bot.ioDa Kappa Goddess (she/her) Eh canna aet aa thae pehs, ma haid's no gaid enuff 19:38:17
@_discord_897641490283626548:t2bot.ioDa Kappa Goddess (she/her) micht be a wee thing aff 19:38:30
@_discord_749411088398811209:t2bot.io_me0wster Twa plen pehs an an ingan ane an aa 19:40:36
@_discord_237377666041249794:t2bot.iociphriuskane A certain wee bawdrin wints ti gang ootside. He's been cryin fur the past twinty minties ower iss...his bedtime wis an oor back 22:51:42
@_discord_237377666041249794:t2bot.iociphriuskane * A certain wee bawdrin wints ti gang ootside. He's been greetin fur the past twinty minties ower iss...his bedtime wis an oor back 22:51:59
@_discord_1176584819770138685:t2bot.io.val3ntin. joined the room.23:02:54
@_discord_237377666041249794:t2bot.iociphriuskane Fuck it, he wints ti gang oot in the rain at iss oor, he's walcom ti dae sae 23:04:00
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer lol bairns dee att 23:05:31
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer ma nefyu is horible fur it, A mind eence a teened him oot tae see i stars, he looked fur ae half second en wis lawping ap an doon in puddles lol 23:06:37
@_discord_237377666041249794:t2bot.iociphriuskane ...Iss is ae bawdrin, nae ae bairn 23:06:57
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer ah lol 23:07:13
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer miss red i wird lol 23:07:21
31 Dec 2023
@_discord_209246900216528896:t2bot.ioWill Ðe Draigon Well happy new year from me 13:07:02
@_discord_117035690339860482:t2bot.ioCobra_3000 [sco/en_SCO]{it}(gd) Australia moment 13:09:15
@_discord_209246900216528896:t2bot.ioWill Ðe Draigon Yeees 13:10:42

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