
Showcase Wiki

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MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group Showcase Wiki discussion2 Servers

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11 Apr 2018
@sabinem:matrix.orgsabinemelnickiHi, Lex @dataspects suggested to consider the datencockpit.at (given it's ontology still gets translated into English) as a (another) showcase wiki, Bernhard @krabina has already put a lot of effort into its structure and ontology. I unfortunately won't make it to tomorrow's meeting, but if you come up with prerequisites for taking the wiki as a showcase, I'd be more than happy to try to make it work. Since its usecase is interesting for companies all over Europe (record of processing activities demanded by the new GDPR), I consider it a win-win for companies and the EMW community.08:05:59
@benfletcher:matrix.orgbenfletcherI'm assuming we are happy with the proposed time, we can move it if need be. Please find the google hangout link: https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=NTA3MnJqZm4zNGVvb3U4aTlwNzE2bTI3bzAgYmVuZmxldGNoZXI5OUBnb29nbGVtYWlsLmNvbQ&tmsrc=benfletcher99%40googlemail.com16:34:44
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalese"Could not find the requested event"16:37:23
@benfletcher:matrix.orgbenfletcherthanks for testing. I thought you save the event in your calendar then join hangout does that not work?16:38:26
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseMaybe you need to give us access to your calendar? Or to the event?16:39:08
@benfletcher:matrix.orgbenfletcherjust made the event public, did that work?16:40:03
@benfletcher:matrix.orgbenfletcherOtherwise I think I have to make a public calendar then make a public event.16:40:51
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodedid not work for me16:41:39
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeI think I can put it on an mwstake calendar if you like16:41:55
* @hexmode:matrix.orghexmode checks to make sure such a thing exists16:42:12
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseOr add an event to the mwstake.org calendar. But, we'd still need the hangout link.16:42:47
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodewe could add an event here https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/11791438969609377115316:43:25
@benfletcher:matrix.orgbenfletcherHow about this https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=N2w1cDZrM29ndGlzdTlxNzA0ZTNra25ocDQgYmVuZmxldGNoZXI5OUBnb29nbGVtYWlsLmNvbQ&tmsrc=benfletcher99%40googlemail.com16:49:24
@benfletcher:matrix.orgbenfletcherI have to go off to another meeting, I will have this sorted later hopefully.16:50:50
@dataspects:matrix.orgdataspectsAny reason for not using our standard Bluejeans link?16:58:22
@benfletcher:matrix.orgbenfletcher No reason simplest (free) solution I'm happy with. 18:15:37
@dataspects:matrix.orgdataspectsThis is the Bluejeans for our Monthly MediaWiki Stakeholders meeting: https://bluejeans.com/659595738/18:32:48
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode dataspects: could you join me in there for just a second to verify it can work whenever. 18:35:18
@dataspects:matrix.orgdataspectsOn my way...18:35:57
@dataspects:matrix.orgdataspectsWorks... So I suggest that we just always meet there by default. 🙂18:37:33
12 Apr 2018
@benfletcher:matrix.orgbenfletcher@dataspects:matrix.org: so should we use that link for later or do we need to create a new blue Jean url?06:54:59
@dataspects:matrix.orgdataspectsNope. Just use this one.06:55:14
@benfletcher:matrix.orgbenfletcherCool , thanks for simplifying it, hangout was not idiot proof. I will advertise it on general when I get home. Just about to catch a flight.06:57:27
@dataspects:matrix.orgdataspectsHangout is surprisingly cumbersome. I am not smart enough to understand it intuitively... 😉06:58:07
@dataspects:matrix.orgdataspects https://www.elastic.co/webinars/gdpr-compliance-and-elasticsearch?ultron=apr-2018&blade=newsletter&hulk=email&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWVRVeVpHSTNZMlZrTmpVeCIsInQiOiJCK3h6RTAwMEJUUlhqYnliUVdrTm5XU3dhbFFhVlM1b0xMSDRkcXJ1TGVnU3NJb1NDWG9cL2NNdDhFdXBoRmVDXC9MVEhGR2wyakZzVXVFNG5RUUllZnYyZjlzY29uUFZoWTIxelRYY09RcCt3aUlOMVJPTVhDVEI5cVRSNk9RbndIIn0%3D 08:55:27
@benfletcher:matrix.orgbenfletcherJust to confirm today we will have a chat about how we drive the showcase company forward any other topics that may come up. I will try and summarise for those who cannot attend. The time will be 1600 BST which is 1000 CDT. To join click the following link: https://bluejeans.com/659595738/ Do it ahead of schedule as you have to download an app. Looking forward to it.11:03:04

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