28 Jul 2023 |
| cogandstar#0 changed their display name from cog and star (ze/hir)#9145 to cogandstar#0. | 13:17:36 |
| why_tr#0 changed their display name from why_tr to why_tr#0. | 21:18:46 |
| why_tr#0 changed their profile picture. | 21:22:45 |
| why_tr#0 changed their profile picture. | 22:19:19 |
29 Jul 2023 |
| cosmiccrisis69#0 changed their display name from cosmiccrisis69 to cosmiccrisis69#0. | 00:56:48 |
| schwerthelm#0 changed their display name from schwerthelm to schwerthelm#0. | 15:26:42 |
| walidov (#1 Hlaalu Fan) changed their profile picture. | 19:29:55 |
30 Jul 2023 |
| sunlightseeker#0 changed their display name from SunlightSeeker to sunlightseeker#0. | 13:04:18 |
| walidov (#1 Hlaalu Fan) changed their profile picture. | 21:01:34 |
| hugsfromdux#0 changed their display name from Du}{ to hugsfromdux#0. | 23:28:18 |
31 Jul 2023 |
| baronofbahlingen#0 changed their display name from Baron of Bahlingen to baronofbahlingen#0. | 19:48:01 |
| baronofbahlingen#0 changed their profile picture. | 19:57:01 |
1 Aug 2023 |
| Ray Sipe Swagg Daddy#3665 changed their display name from Javert to raysipeswaggdaddy#0. | 05:00:06 |
| joseph_gray#0 changed their display name from Joseph_Gray to joseph_gray#0. | 15:41:00 |
| acrylicfrog#0 changed their display name from AcrylicFrog#4803 to acrylicfrog#0. | 20:08:23 |
2 Aug 2023 |
| zinitrad#0 changed their display name from Zinitrad#1006 to zinitrad#0. | 05:32:24 |
| Dadang Dari Warung Nasi Padang™ changed their display name from Dharma PH to Dharma PR#6912. | 23:45:12 |
4 Aug 2023 |
| amaliegay#0 changed their display name from amaliegay to amaliegay#0. | 03:03:37 |
6 Aug 2023 |
| paploha#0 changed their display name from Bero#3181 to paploha#0. | 16:43:58 |
8 Aug 2023 |
| walidov (#1 Hlaalu Fan) changed their profile picture. | 22:06:24 |
9 Aug 2023 |
| fort potmoth changed their display name from .mothpot to .mothpot#0. | 15:13:38 |
10 Aug 2023 |
| tyermala#0 changed their display name from Tyermala#2669 to tyermala#0. | 21:02:58 |
11 Aug 2023 |
| sharkynebula#0 changed their display name from SharkyNebula#7706 to sharkynebula#0. | 21:54:03 |
| sharkynebula#0 changed their profile picture. | 21:54:13 |
12 Aug 2023 |
| walidov (#1 Hlaalu Fan) changed their profile picture. | 01:04:35 |
| aven0 changed their display name from Aveno to aven0#0. | 19:09:35 |
13 Aug 2023 |
| schwerthelm#0 changed their profile picture. | 16:51:02 |
15 Aug 2023 |
| Ray Sipe Swagg Daddy#3665 changed their profile picture. | 03:42:05 |
17 Aug 2023 |
| cosmiccrisis69#0 changed their profile picture. | 06:40:42 |
| Angry_Bitter_Nerd#3794 changed their display name from Angry_Bitter_Nerd to Angry_Bitter_Nerd#3794. | 22:17:00 |