
Announcements [WadBot]

1539 Members
WadBot Announcements7 Servers

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21 Nov 2022
@azure493:matrix.orgazure493 joined the room.08:34:04
@nightclublv:matrix.orgOTC V3 joined the room.16:28:26
@sleep1337:matrix.orgclumsylulzRedacted or Malformed Event17:50:17
@sleep1337:matrix.orgclumsylulz *

7.3.0 @room

[ Auto QSS/Cleanse ]
  • EXHAUST (QSS only removes the slow, not the debuff. cleanse removes everything)
  • IGNITE (Cleanse only, grevious wounds is not removed)
  • NASUS W (Escape hell with either qss or cleanse)
[ Notice! ]
  • QSS must be in item slot 1
  • ALL QSS items are supported, not just the base item
  • Cleanse can be both D and F
  • Hudscale must be 0
  • Enable "prefer QSS" and wadbot will prioritize QSS whenever possible (will still use cleanse if qss is on cooldown or if qss isn't possible vs that spell etc..)

7.3.0 @room

[ Auto QSS/Cleanse ]
  • EXHAUST (QSS only removes the slow, not the debuff. cleanse removes everything)
  • IGNITE (Cleanse only, grevious wounds is not removed)
  • NASUS W (Escape hell with either qss or cleanse)
[ Notice! ]
  • QSS must be in item slot 1
  • ALL QSS items are supported, not just the base item
  • Cleanse can be both D and F
  • Hudscale must be 0
  • Enable "prefer QSS" and wadbot will prioritize QSS whenever possible (will still use cleanse if qss is on cooldown or if qss isn't possible vs that spell etc..)
Download image.png
23 Nov 2022
@ldanas:matrix.orgldanas joined the room.14:22:00
@graham_o:matrix.orggraham_o left the room.21:03:13
24 Nov 2022
@uozarsif:matrix.orguosf tagi joined the room.07:51:25
25 Nov 2022
@arkraven:matrix.orgarkraven joined the room.02:12:26
@godq:matrix.orggodq joined the room.16:16:59
26 Nov 2022
@xd232323:matrix.orgxd232323 joined the room.03:58:45
@narcoisback2284:matrix.orgyo changed their display name from narcoisback2284 to yo.23:20:25
@narcoisback2284:matrix.orgyo changed their profile picture.23:21:32
28 Nov 2022
@ty1337:matrix.orgTy joined the room.21:46:27
1 Dec 2022
@stinkysink:matrix.orgstinkysink joined the room.03:07:49
@g1ven:matrix.orgg1ven joined the room.11:12:43
@sfsdfsdfsd:matrix.orglam tran joined the room.21:54:15
2 Dec 2022
@dahl00095:matrix.orgdahl00095 joined the room.11:33:39
3 Dec 2022
@uozarsif:matrix.orguosf tagi left the room.07:23:28
@bunu:matrix.orgbunu joined the room.10:59:53
4 Dec 2022
@kassadin:matrix.orgkassadin joined the room.12:55:16
5 Dec 2022
@mrzeus1911:matrix.orgGay Ballzzz joined the room.00:07:03
@bojdazx:matrix.orgbojdazx joined the room.10:54:06

compensation due to downtime

  • migration to new server is done
  • 24h added to all licenses.
@oxywhite:matrix.orgAuxilios witheless joined the room.20:01:38
6 Dec 2022
@javiercl:matrix.orgPythonComplex joined the room.00:31:50
@spookybtw:matrix.orgspooky_btw joined the room.09:56:56
@javiercl:matrix.orgPythonComplex changed their display name from Javier CL to PythonComplex.13:04:42
7 Dec 2022
@rangjungphuntsok:matrix.orgRangjung Phuntsok joined the room.14:09:05

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