
Announcements [WadBot]

1486 Members
WadBot Announcements7 Servers

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25 Jul 2023


  • added arena support
    toggle can be found under the experimental section
@sirlumlum:matrix.orgThorben Stein joined the room.23:22:38
@sleep1337:matrix.orgclumsylulznew version seems to have23:31:10
@sleep1337:matrix.orgclumsylulz* new version seems to have crashing issues. will try to solve them.23:31:37
26 Jul 2023
@wadoo:matrix.orgwadoo joined the room.01:09:10


@sleep1337:matrix.orgclumsylulz *


  • fixed crash issue previously mentioned
@aniell4:matrix.organiell4 joined the room.03:20:50
@arlekin13:matrix.orgCHEAPER LIFETIME RESELL changed their display name from arlekin13 to Scriptgasm.18:43:56
@sleep1337:matrix.orgclumsylulz if you crash on 7.6.1, disable "manage abilities" until further notice 19:23:19
27 Jul 2023
@wadbotbot:matrix.orgstatus.wadbot.lol[DNS] [🔴 Down] ping: wadbot.lol: Temporary failure in name resolution 10:56:59
@wadbotbot:matrix.orgstatus.wadbot.lol[Authentication] [✅ Up] 200 - OK10:57:12
@wadbotbot:matrix.orgstatus.wadbot.lol[wadbot.lol] [✅ Up] 200 - OK, keyword is found10:57:27
@wadbotbot:matrix.orgstatus.wadbot.lol[DNS] [✅ Up] 10:58:02
@junkyousha:matrix.orgCastiel joined the room.12:00:59

just use 7.5.0 if you dont care about arena.

@daley_:matrix.orgDale Y Pearlman set a profile picture.21:50:30
@daley_:matrix.orgDale Y Pearlman changed their profile picture.21:55:30
28 Jul 2023
@repicked:matrix.orgrepicked joined the room.01:04:39
@doma0904:matrix.orgViak Baras joined the room.08:13:24
@darkmol:matrix.orgDarkmol13 joined the room.23:43:35
29 Jul 2023

restocked https://wadbot.lol/trial
if you previously got a blank license, you can try again now.

30 Jul 2023
@fhmagno:matrix.orgFrancisco Hernandez joined the room.01:54:27
@halbert2:matrix.orgHalbert Binger joined the room.03:38:38
@kiterman1:matrix.orgtheo lonak joined the room.17:32:47
1 Aug 2023

in case you don't know already
riot has been targeting botted accounts. This includes accounts from hornysmurfs

@sleep1337:matrix.orgclumsylulz *

in case you didn't know already
riot has been targeting botted accounts. This includes accounts from hornysmurfs

2 Aug 2023
@twichglider2137:matrix.orgtwichglider2137 joined the room.15:10:58
3 Aug 2023
@cursed9zz:matrix.org9zz joined the room.13:37:39
4 Aug 2023
@federicobello:matrix.orgOwnNn joined the room.17:28:57

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