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12 Jan 2024
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat I just added in the dirty function I showed above 06:21:07
@_discord_414058251299192832:t2bot.iowazabear oooh 06:21:20
@_discord_414058251299192832:t2bot.iowazabear I see it's bound to N :) 06:21:26
@_discord_414058251299192832:t2bot.iowazabear it works for now, just haven't added ability to iterate over sockets 06:21:39
    if book.renderingNode.sockets[1].activeIndex == 1 then
        book.renderingNode.sockets[1].activeIndex = 2
        book.renderingNode.sockets[1].activeIndex = 1
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor straight wgeting releases/tags like this could be problematic later if you decide you need/want to be able to use specific commits, this is the only real reason to prefer git clone 06:22:17
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor other than the slight inconvenience of extracting it I guess 06:22:31
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor I'd have sworn the android build did it by commit 06:23:02
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat Yeah, I have B bound for ashlander architect so changed it up 06:23:18
@_discord_429618435702652929:t2bot.ioduron27 I'll switch to git clone then 06:23:20
@_discord_414058251299192832:t2bot.iowazabear is the mod supposed to be this awkward 06:23:32
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat Uh 06:23:38
@_discord_414058251299192832:t2bot.iowazabear it doesn't reposition or anything, just switches 06:23:42
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat Yeah 06:23:47
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat That’s it 06:23:49
Download image.png
@_discord_414058251299192832:t2bot.iowazabear 06:23:59
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor our scenes are being graphed 06:24:28
@_discord_414058251299192832:t2bot.iowazabear this would be so much cooler if you added animations and did it that way 06:24:31
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat That’s how the existing mod shows it https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/100/images/46680/46680-1556990329-2115686879.png 06:25:18
@_discord_414058251299192832:t2bot.iowazabear yeah, convinent ones they opened 06:25:26
@_discord_414058251299192832:t2bot.iowazabear well who am I to judge 06:26:06
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor This is really cool, but also, who leaves books open vertically 06:26:28
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat I don’t know anything about animations so I can’t help sadly. 06:26:36
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor Somebody tell g7 something interesting is happening in here 06:27:06
@_discord_414058251299192832:t2bot.iowazabear it works' beautifully when the book is on a table at least 06:27:06
@_discord_414058251299192832:t2bot.iowazabear it's not, just worse MWSE lol 06:27:17
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat The original mod is a NC mod 06:27:29
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat Kinda 06:27:46
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor How are the objects chosen? 06:28:03

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