
Librem 5 Case Creating Community

266 Members
We create our own awesome and amazing cases for the open Librem 5 phone by Purism | Etherpad: https://pad.freifunk.net/p/Etherpad_for_Librem_5_Case_Creating_Community | Wikifab: https://wikifab.org/wiki/Group:Librem_5_Case_Creating_Community | GitLab: https://source.puri.sm/Librem-5-Case-Creating-Community | Unofficial: The L5CCC is not affiliated in any way with Purism!47 Servers

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3 Jul 2023
@kechpaja:matrix.org@kechpaja:matrix.org left the room.17:34:06
10 Jul 2023
@totallyopen:matrix.org@totallyopen:matrix.org joined the room.06:29:07
24 Jul 2023
@jonathon.hall:talk.puri.smJonathon Hall (back Jan 6) changed their display name from Jonathon Hall to Jonathon Hall (away).18:55:36
28 Jul 2023
@ianthinks:matrix.orgianthinks joined the room.17:45:20
@ianthinks:matrix.orgianthinksif back ventilation is an issue. Is a design using tiled hexagon outlines the strongest way to minimize the amount of material used / maximize air flow?18:46:14
@ianthinks:matrix.orgianthinksOops. Thought i had read through all the threads. Now I found this one. https://forums.puri.sm/t/case-for-librem-5/16216/133 Looks like only the cpu gets hot, not the whole back. Will stop messaging now. :)19:00:14
29 Jul 2023
In reply to @ianthinks:matrix.org
Oops. Thought i had read through all the threads. Now I found this one.
Looks like only the cpu gets hot, not the whole back. Will stop messaging now. :)
The channel is for discussing exactly these kinds of questions. Iirc, it is not only the cpu that gets warm - and they flipped the chip to the back of the board to separate it from the other heat sources.
@ianthinks:matrix.orgianthinksYeah. Still, even though this is just messaging, I hate to be the one who didn't read the docs. I have no background in engineering or anything I just received my phone a few weeks and go and am super excited :) I noticed that the kill switches have a nice little space in the middle. It may be worth making a separate part that just deals with that. A "switch assembly" and "button assembly" that could fit into different case designs.01:36:37
@ianthinks:matrix.orgianthinksHow would they stay in place if they were separate? Would they first attach to outer case or would they be kinda held in place as case was stretched around them? Idk. Fun group though. I love shredd_tone01:41:30
@ianthinks:matrix.orgianthinks * How would they stay in place if they were separate? Would they first attach to outer case or would they be kinda held in place as case was stretched around them? Idk. Fun group though. I love shredd_tone's two material design. 01:42:38
@ianthinks:matrix.orgianthinks * Yeah. Still, even though this is just messaging, I hate to be the one who didn't read the docs. I have no background in engineering or anything I just received my phone a few weeks ago and am super excited :) I noticed that the kill switches have a nice little space in the middle. It may be worth making a separate part that just deals with that. A "switch assembly" and "button assembly" that could fit into different case designs.01:46:23
@shredd_tone:matrix.org@shredd_tone:matrix.org Thanks ianthinks: 02:09:21
@shredd_tone:matrix.org@shredd_tone:matrix.orgIf you're referring to my cases, the interior wraps around it first, then the outer shell grips onto tiny gaps with its tiny teeth02:11:07
@shredd_tone:matrix.org@shredd_tone:matrix.orgThere's also tiny block that the shell slips into on the back02:11:52
@kamui:darkweb.oneNotKamui left the room.23:09:37
31 Jul 2023
@jonathon.hall:talk.puri.smJonathon Hall (back Jan 6) changed their display name from Jonathon Hall (away) to Jonathon Hall.13:07:39
@steeb:matrix.kzenjak.comsteeb joined the room.13:27:55
2 Aug 2023
@plcns:matrix.orgplcns joined the room.09:45:30
@jonathon.hall:talk.puri.smJonathon Hall (back Jan 6) changed their display name from Jonathon Hall to Jonathon Hall (away).23:39:39
3 Aug 2023
@valos:matrix.orgValéry <valos> Febvre (Ee) changed their profile picture.14:51:45
4 Aug 2023
@ujineli:matrix.orgZ' set a profile picture.11:35:08
@jonathon.hall:talk.puri.smJonathon Hall (back Jan 6) changed their display name from Jonathon Hall (away) to Jonathon Hall.17:32:34
9 Aug 2023
@ujineli:matrix.orgZ' changed their display name from ujineli to MartinsWorld.20:00:28
8 Sep 2023
@vancha112:matrix.org@vancha112:matrix.org joined the room.09:19:28
12 Sep 2023
@nicole.faerber:talk.puri.sm@nicole.faerber:talk.puri.sm changed their display name from Nicole to Nicole (away 6th to 22nd).05:54:28
14 Sep 2023
@miuiuser:matrix.orgss012 joined the room.09:57:20
16 Sep 2023
@miuiuser:matrix.orgss012 changed their display name from miuiuser to indica.11:42:47
@miuiuser:matrix.orgss012 changed their display name from indica to ss012.11:46:12
@arndot:tchncs.de@arndot:tchncs.de left the room.16:44:58
19 Sep 2023
@jackal58:nope.chat@jackal58:nope.chat joined the room.14:16:17

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