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28 Jun 2024
@orangestar:matrix.orangestar.devOrangestarif you want to use Steam Input (speaking as a Steam Input enjoyer myself) you can check the mappings for your game by clicking the controller button in the library.05:05:18
Download clipboard.png
@orangestar:matrix.orangestar.devOrangestarIn your case, you should click "View Layout" and see if the gamepad is mapped to Steam Input's virtual Xbox controller. (Note I'm using a DS4 so my glyphs are different, but the inputs will still say "Right stick click", "X Button", "Left Bumper", and so forth.)05:07:18
Download Screenshot_20240628_000711.png
@orangestar:matrix.orangestar.devOrangestarIf not, change the template to the recommended "Gamepad"05:07:48
@orangestar:matrix.orangestar.devOrangestarAn example of a Steam Input configuration that's set to keyboard controls, for comparison:05:10:25
Download Screenshot_20240628_000952.png
@orangestar:matrix.orangestar.devOrangestarkinda ended up typing way more than i meant to but hope that helps! @Creak:matrix.org05:10:58
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakThansk for all the help!11:56:41
@Creak:matrix.orgCreak * Thanks for all the help!11:56:45
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakI'll try that asap11:56:51
@robustpatcher24:matrix.orgChurch of EMacsI just chucked an emulator on it and put the controller vdf files in the emulator config. Wasnt working with my custom steamclient so i tried with steam. Did work with steam so went to my goold old reliable gitlab and slaped an emu on it.14:45:52
@robustpatcher24:matrix.orgChurch of EMacsTodd Howard should work for steam. Steamworks Api - It just works14:46:17
@Creak:matrix.orgCreak So! Adding DLC.bdt did work and I could connect online (but the author of the ProtonDB entry misspelled the filename, it's .bdt, like the other files in the same directory, and not .dbt) 17:59:32
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakAs for the input glyphs, it's even simpler: there is an option in the settings to set which glyphs to show:18:00:19
Download image.png
@orangestar:matrix.orangestar.devOrangestaroh, LOL23:14:10
29 Jun 2024
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from Mike was a gift to https://libre.kyronsaif.com/videos/Informative/LIBRE_NEWGROUNDS.mp4.18:56:30
30 Jun 2024
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from https://libre.kyronsaif.com/videos/Informative/LIBRE_NEWGROUNDS.mp4 to Mike was a gift.04:23:40
3 Jul 2024
In reply to @Creak:matrix.org
As for the input glyphs, it's even simpler: there is an option in the settings to set which glyphs to show:
Most games have this in settings btw.
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakYep, but most games detect that automatically after the first screen "press any button to start"17:51:31
@robustpatcher24:matrix.orgChurch of EMacsMy biggest issue is miss matching input types xinput and dinput20:48:54
@robustpatcher24:matrix.orgChurch of EMacs

But my implementation of the steamworks api is probably inaccurate so that might be why steaminput doesnt handle it for me but i get around it with ```
wine reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\winebus" /v "DisableHidraw" /t REG_DWORD /d 1

wine reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\winebus" /v "Enable SDL" /t REG_DWORD /d 1

@robustpatcher24:matrix.orgChurch of EMacs *

But my implementation of the steamworks api is probably inaccurate so that might be why steaminput doesnt handle it for me but i get around it with

wine reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\winebus" /v "DisableHidraw" /t REG_DWORD /d 1
wine reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\winebus" /v "Enable SDL" /t REG_DWORD /d 1
18 Jul 2024
@bomb-jovi:matrix.orgEliteMoocaTaskForce changed their display name from EliteMoocaTaskForce to EliteMooseTaskForce.04:17:01
@bomb-jovi:matrix.orgEliteMoocaTaskForce changed their display name from EliteMooseTaskForce to EliteMoocaTaskForce.06:55:08
@bomb-jovi:matrix.orgEliteMoocaTaskForce changed their display name from EliteMoocaTaskForce to Orcoose.15:38:35
@bomb-jovi:matrix.orgEliteMoocaTaskForce changed their display name from Orcoose to EliteMoocaTaskForce.15:42:39
22 Jul 2024
@thenamelesswonderer:thesilentlink.orgTheNamelessWondererI'm looking to run Euro Truck Simulator 2 on a triple monitor set up on Linux. Has anyone gotting that working?20:44:42
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakThat's courageous! Alas, I only have 2 displays 21:08:52

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