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16 Nov 2021
@_discord_235195877923225600:t2bot.ioJamesuki#2402 Like if I wanted to use steno, I just want to fuck around with typing 10:49:06
@_discord_853012225403912222:t2bot.ioSequentialDesign#6039 just tons of questions from the developer 10:49:17
@_discord_235195877923225600:t2bot.ioJamesuki#2402 It’s focusing on all the speed and none of the convenience and comfort in a keyboard 10:49:23
@_discord_853012225403912222:t2bot.ioSequentialDesign#6039 like, dude, test it. I gave you the report. now, test it out 10:49:36
@_discord_235195877923225600:t2bot.ioJamesuki#2402 Which I can recreate, but there’s so many “buts” 10:49:42
@_discord_853012225403912222:t2bot.ioSequentialDesign#6039 if it works for you, then I’m in the wrong 10:49:54
@_discord_235195877923225600:t2bot.ioJamesuki#2402 Like, fuck me if I want to game 10:49:57
@_discord_853012225403912222:t2bot.ioSequentialDesign#6039 it let me know that the guy wasn’t even using the software 10:50:10
@_discord_409919636222640130:t2bot.ioTheo#2246 I just saw this in a youtube comment
You need like 40wpm max for coding, it's not possible to write good code fast
@_discord_409919636222640130:t2bot.ioTheo#2246 how did someone let his fingers type and then send this out without thinking about it 10:52:31
@_discord_474550534301548556:t2bot.io<3#6669 if you're typing 41+ wpm, your code is shit 10:53:00
@_discord_474550534301548556:t2bot.io<3#6669 this guy gets it 10:53:08
@_discord_409919636222640130:t2bot.ioTheo#2246 you only think at 40wpm 10:53:14
@_discord_409919636222640130:t2bot.ioTheo#2246 so anything over that is useless 10:53:23
@_discord_474550534301548556:t2bot.io<3#6669 I think at infinite wpm fym 10:53:27
@_discord_409919636222640130:t2bot.ioTheo#2246 fake 10:53:41
@_discord_474550534301548556:t2bot.io<3#6669 I actually do similar to whorf, think about shit beforehand 10:53:46
@_discord_474550534301548556:t2bot.io<3#6669 it's kinda fun to see it in your head first instead of doing that on a screen 10:54:16
@_discord_409919636222640130:t2bot.ioTheo#2246 yeah, when you think about a single line you do that as well 10:54:25
@_discord_409919636222640130:t2bot.ioTheo#2246 you just have to translate that from your head into text 10:54:41
@_discord_474550534301548556:t2bot.io<3#6669 I mean 10:54:59
@_discord_474550534301548556:t2bot.io<3#6669 duh 10:55:03
@_discord_409919636222640130:t2bot.ioTheo#2246 it's not so obvious, apparently 10:55:25
@_discord_474550534301548556:t2bot.io<3#6669 that commenter is an absolute chad 10:55:46
@_discord_853012225403912222:t2bot.ioSequentialDesign#6039 coding is basically coming up with the idea, molding it, and then perfecting it 10:55:56
@_discord_474550534301548556:t2bot.io<3#6669 "I can tell you were typing more than 40wpm when writing this." 10:56:18
@_discord_853012225403912222:t2bot.ioSequentialDesign#6039 it’s actually extremely difficult. 10:56:39
@_discord_235195877923225600:t2bot.ioJamesuki#2402 “I noticed your code was bad, have you ever considered being slower?” 10:57:02
@_discord_853012225403912222:t2bot.ioSequentialDesign#6039 I’m not a good enough coder to know a how fast a good coder types 10:57:33
@_discord_474550534301548556:t2bot.io<3#6669 "check it out, I've been clocking my own wpm so that I know when I get above 40" 10:57:42

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