
CorsixTH General

573 Members
The home of general discussuion of CorsixTH #corsixth-general:matrix.org. Space: #CorsixTH:matrix.org. Report issues: https://github.com/CorsixTH/CorsixTH/issues12 Servers

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12 Apr 2024
@_discord_1228415520697614459:t2bot.iocolaterry90000 joined the room.19:06:44
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold 19:39:24
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold take a seat, have some tea, and be welcomed by me and the fine people at this hospital 19:39:37
@_discord_199262521176227840:t2bot.ioHandyman Lloyd Welcome (again) colaterry90000 19:39:59
@_discord_199262521176227840:t2bot.ioHandyman Lloyd * Welcome colaterry90000 19:40:23
@_discord_199262521176227840:t2bot.ioHandyman Lloyd * Welcome (again?) colaterry90000 19:40:34
14 Apr 2024
@_discord_1229067908995350582:t2bot.ioveronica_51240 joined the room.13:59:44
@_discord_199262521176227840:t2bot.ioHandyman Lloyd Greetings veronica_51240 16:17:35
@_discord_199262521176227840:t2bot.ioHandyman Lloyd How your day going folks? 16:42:13
@_discord_199262521176227840:t2bot.ioHandyman Lloyd Hope you have a great day 16:42:30
@_discord_199262521176227840:t2bot.ioHandyman Lloyd * How's your day going folks? 16:44:59
@_discord_164120448521601025:t2bot.ioNettles Just modded my ds lite (which I got on launch day and have treated like a baby ever since) to run off usb c 18:07:50
@_discord_164120448521601025:t2bot.ioNettles did a test run on a random one off ebay first, so now I have two! 18:08:01
Download 1713118183370.jpg
@_discord_164120448521601025:t2bot.ioNettles now when we move to germany I can actually charge them without an adaptor! 18:10:54
15 Apr 2024
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold :O 10:22:25
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri v nice 11:22:57
@_discord_164120448521601025:t2bot.ioNettles at least for the 'new' 3ds, the mod involves just soldering on two wires and drilling a hole in the case, so you get to keep both charging ports 12:08:58
@_discord_164120448521601025:t2bot.ioNettles but I don't know if the regular 3ds has that option, it would be nice to have both 12:09:01
@_discord_164120448521601025:t2bot.ioNettles * at least for the 'new' 3ds xl, the mod involves just soldering on two wires and drilling a hole in the case, so you get to keep both charging ports 12:09:15
@_discord_164120448521601025:t2bot.ioNettles * but I don't know if the regular 3ds xl has that option, it would be nice to have both 12:09:19
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Speaking of adaptors, when some of my family moved to aus they took uk extension leads with them and just changed the end plug on it to an earthed Australian one 12:35:46
@_discord_164120448521601025:t2bot.ioNettles yeah 12:36:21
@_discord_164120448521601025:t2bot.ioNettles That's a plan, but also EU and UK plugs use the same voltage, so we can snip the ends off and just rewire stuff too, that doesn't need special plugs anyway 12:36:49
@_discord_412221060621008897:t2bot.iocolinjmatt I ended up buying a USB cable to charge both my 3DSs with 12:40:13
@_discord_412221060621008897:t2bot.iocolinjmatt Nowadays they're sat in a corner of my office dubbed "the museum" 12:40:39
@_discord_164120448521601025:t2bot.ioNettles yeah, we have a good usb cable which is why I want to keep both options 12:44:53
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Can you make them a lego podium please one day 12:45:25
@_discord_412221060621008897:t2bot.iocolinjmatt Good idea! 12:45:50
@_discord_650293038924693510:t2bot.iostainlessuk joined the room.13:17:05

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