
CorsixTH General

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17 Jun 2021
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri It appeared close to working 21:29:42
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger Oh what happened to the guy doing it 21:29:43
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Drivers still here, but I think he's become too busy 21:30:00
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger Ah life gets in the way 21:30:12
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger Is it a pr? 21:30:18
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Yes, I think there's some c++ things flagged 21:30:37
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger Ah right. I'll have a browse on a slow work day 21:30:59
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri You have git cli magic so you can probably reopen a new one with his commits 21:31:14
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger Take credit ehew hew 21:31:30
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Lol no I think driver still deserves credit for it too 21:31:50
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger Yeah of course 21:31:59
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger Was only joking 21:32:10
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger On some systems you can have the committer and the owner as separate 21:32:38
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Oh? 21:32:50
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger Like you can take over the code but keep the owner 21:33:05
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger Not sure what GitHub does but modifying a commit can keep the author 21:33:19
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger Shopping be fine 21:33:26
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Ah yes, I think you make a clone in your own fork? 21:33:29
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger * Should be fine 21:33:34
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger Not sure anyway I'll check it out later 21:33:49
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Wew be nice to have it finished 21:34:02
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Pave the way for jelly jelly tok 21:34:22
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri * Pave the way for jelly jelly too 21:34:27
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger Yeah that's more complicated though iirc 21:34:43
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Making the image wobble 21:35:37
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger Wibble wobble 21:35:39
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Seems the SDL change though will help 21:35:56
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Anyway I'm disappearing for now o/
Also nice to see you about sadger
@_discord_400352645342035989:t2bot.iosadger See ya 21:40:00
@thecycoone:sealbaker.comthecycooneI don't think he had an approach for jellyitus22:57:45

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