
Edgeware Support

6170 Members
General (not dev or validator) support requests for Edgeware.7 Servers

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12 Oct 2020
@_discord_352511294051450880:t2bot.iomichae2xl changed their display name from michae2xl to michae2xl#3980.20:08:30
@_discord_352511294051450880:t2bot.iomichae2xl changed their display name from michae2xl#3980 to michae2xl.20:08:37
@_discord_352487503212576780:t2bot.ioLordOfTheChain How long does it take on average to unbond currently? 20:42:36
@_discord_704044799031902320:t2bot.ioLockon319 left the room.21:10:59
@_discord_728989787788148818:t2bot.ioCrabby Paddy changed their display name from StratisAdmin to Crabby Paddy#6239.22:23:21
@_discord_728989787788148818:t2bot.ioCrabby Paddy changed their profile picture.22:23:23
@_discord_728989787788148818:t2bot.ioCrabby Paddy changed their display name from Crabby Paddy#6239 to Crabby Paddy.22:23:23
@_discord_734008968871149570:t2bot.io0xRamz changed their display name from Lu_Ramz_0x to 0xRamz#1019.22:40:35
@_discord_734008968871149570:t2bot.io0xRamz changed their display name from 0xRamz#1019 to 0xRamz.22:40:37
13 Oct 2020
@_discord_568503341097680916:t2bot.ioSer resumebit changed their display name from resumebit to Ser resumebit#6270.01:42:05
@_discord_568503341097680916:t2bot.ioSer resumebit changed their display name from Ser resumebit#6270 to Ser resumebit.01:42:09
@_discord_728132159881084968:t2bot.iozhq left the room.03:08:24
How long does it take on average to unbond currently?
LordOfTheChain Ideally it should be 7 days. However, few users currently facing some issues and the dev team already rectifying it.
@_discord_752900284899917914:t2bot.ioShubham Hello Team, is there any smart contract which is already deployed on edgeware? 05:43:41
@_discord_654648473056182282:t2bot.iodiesalfan left the room.06:10:07
Hello Team, is there any smart contract which is already deployed on edgeware?
Shubham are you referring to testnet or mainnet?
@_discord_752900284899917914:t2bot.ioShubhamRedacted or Malformed Event06:30:16
@_discord_752900284899917914:t2bot.ioShubham Both ShankarWarang 06:30:26
@_discord_309228045917618177:t2bot.ioshahmeer changed their display name from sc to sc#5991.08:00:15
@_discord_309228045917618177:t2bot.ioshahmeer changed their display name from sc#5991 to sc.08:00:15
@_discord_309228045917618177:t2bot.ioshahmeer changed their display name from sc to shahmeer#5991.08:00:27
@_discord_309228045917618177:t2bot.ioshahmeer changed their display name from shahmeer#5991 to shahmeer.08:00:28
@_discord_363338723565371392:t2bot.ioJimmy Tudeski left the room.08:53:40
Both ShankarWarang
Shubham Have a look here: https://medium.com/@Mailchain_xyz/sending-mailchain-messages-with-substrate-on-edgeware-f185eddd76ab
@_discord_385601403944566785:t2bot.ioAshley joined the room.09:29:20
@_discord_727569593819725885:t2bot.ioOrpheuswell joined the room.10:22:30
@_discord_467069888045907968:t2bot.ioWagonShack Hello, I staked edgeware to a validator and it seems as though hes canceled the pool I was in took my funds and created another pool with the funds I provided originally. Please help 10:58:57
Hello, I staked edgeware to a validator and it seems as though hes canceled the pool I was in took my funds and created another pool with the funds I provided originally. Please help
WagonShack Validators can't access your funds directly. Are you unable to see your funds? If so, your account just need migration.
@_discord_387262897056907264:t2bot.ioShankarWarang Due to the upgrade, some accounts need migration. Anyone can migrate anyone's account. More detailed information here:
You can dm your public address and we will migrate it for you.
(We will never ask for the private key or mnemonic seed or any kind of asset transfer through any medium.)
@_discord_467069888045907968:t2bot.ioWagonShack ShankarWarang yes that's correct using the scan tool the funds are missing. I sent in my address and info to the migration but no response yet. 11:21:10

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