
Firefox Containers

209 Members
https://support.mozilla.org/kb/containers20 Servers

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20 May 2024
@mops:mozilla.orgmops *

Here with another round of lost containers. This is a multi device setup using firefox sync. On the affected mac I use Firefox stable and nightly. Currently both show the default containers. On another mac I still see all my custom containers as expected. I don't think the containers are lost, but I don't know how to get them back. Well, and I just lost them on the other mac as well, where Firefox got updated to version 126. I tried disabling and re-enabling sync and now ended up with the 4 default containers.

Should I file an issue and if yes, how can I provide useful information so that this can be prevented in the future?

Edit: In add-on preferences when I disable Enable synchronization and re-enable suddenly my custom containers are back. That is great and I am happy I can continue work. But if it could be fixed to not lose custom containers in the first place, that would be very much appreciated. This may cause frustration and be a deal-braker for users, if they don't find, how to recover.

Apparently URL assignments were lost, which is not great.

21 May 2024
@gersonzao:mozilla.org@gersonzao:mozilla.org changed their profile picture.00:19:42
@gersonzao:mozilla.org@gersonzao:mozilla.org changed their display name from Gersonzao to Cirnos.00:20:50
29 May 2024
@angl333:matrix.organgl333 joined the room.21:44:37
@angl333:matrix.organgl333Hello, I don't know if I can ask questions here. But I have one When I use water fox with container tabs I get a "privacy window" that seems to work like a private/incognito window would, However, this doesn't happen when I use Firefox the option doesn't exist. Is there a way to enable that in Firefox? I use both browsers, so I'd like to have it enabled in both21:47:35
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny ColinI don't know Waterfox but Firefox as Menu -> New Private Window.22:11:06
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny Colinor Ctrl+Shfit+P 22:11:31
@angl333:matrix.organgl333 * Hello, I don't know if I can ask questions here. But I have one When I use water fox with container tabs I get a "privacy container" that seems to work like a private/incognito window would, However, this doesn't happen when I use Firefox the option doesn't exist. Is there a way to enable that in Firefox? I use both browsers, so I'd like to have it enabled in both22:19:26
@angl333:matrix.organgl333Sorry I made a spelling mistake, I meant to say in water fox I get a "privacy container" which works like an incognito window, but in Firefox I don't get that tab, and I'd like to enable it22:20:51
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny ColinSo there's a Container tab and a Privacy Container tab in WaterFox?22:36:38
@angl333:matrix.organgl333Yes, they are separate functions but seem to be fundamentally the same22:39:12
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny ColinStrange. I don't know what's exactly the differences but technically if the tab (container or not) is in a regular windows, it doesn't work like a private window because it temporarily write on disk while a real private window doesn't.22:42:45
@angl333:matrix.organgl333 * Sorry I made a spelling mistake, I meant to say in water fox I get a "privace container" which works like an incognito window, but in Firefox I don't get that tab, and I'd like to enable it22:45:46
@angl333:matrix.organgl333 * Hello, I don't know if I can ask questions here. But I have one When I use water fox with container tabs I get a "private container" that seems to work like a private/incognito window would, However, this doesn't happen when I use Firefox the option doesn't exist. Is there a way to enable that in Firefox? I use both browsers, so I'd like to have it enabled in both22:45:54
@angl333:matrix.organgl333 * Sorry I made a spelling mistake, I meant to say in water fox I get a "private container" which works like an incognito window, but in Firefox I don't get that tab, and I'd like to enable it22:46:00
@angl333:matrix.organgl333Well I don't know what the exact differences would be, but I know that when I use the "private container" none of the sessions I are maintained and the websites I browse aren't saved in my browser history and it changes the search engine to "startpage", I don't know about cookies though. Id like to have that in firefox23:21:53
@angl333:matrix.organgl333 * Well I don't know what the exact differences would be between a tab and a window, but I know that when I use the "private container" none of the sessions I are maintained and the websites I browse aren't saved in my browser history and it changes the search engine to "startpage", I don't know about cookies though. Id like to have that in firefox23:22:22
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny ColinIt isn't supported in Firefox. Also, I suspect Waterfox private containers are writing information on disk and purging it when you close the tabs similar to this Firefox addon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/temporary-containers/. That's very misleading on their part to use the word "private" since it's theorically possible for an attacker to retrieve the information on your disk. It wouldn't be the case if it was only in memory/ram.23:40:25
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny Colin * It isn't supported in Firefox itself. Also, I suspect Waterfox private containers are writing information on disk and purging it when you close the tabs similar to this Firefox addon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/temporary-containers/. That's very misleading on their part to use the word "private" since it's theorically possible for an attacker to retrieve the information on your disk. It wouldn't be the case if it was only in memory/ram.23:40:47
30 May 2024
@angl333:matrix.organgl333I see, so it's a thing water fox does itself rather than an option00:19:37
@angl333:matrix.organgl333Its misleading but I think its useful00:19:51
@angl333:matrix.organgl333maybe they should change its name00:20:03
31 May 2024
@gersonzao:mozilla.org@gersonzao:mozilla.org left the room.00:32:48
3 Jun 2024
@roklimber:matrix.orgRoklimber changed their display name from A Roklimber to Roklimber.09:48:28
8 Jun 2024
@jld:mozilla.orgjld changed their display name from jld to jld (on leave).03:05:04
@plg:matrix.orgmel (they/them) changed their display name from plg (they/them) to mel (they/them).22:18:42
9 Jun 2024
@gem534:matrix.orggem534 joined the room.01:13:21
@gem534:matrix.orggem534it doesent seem to be working properly in mullvad browser01:13:41
@gem534:matrix.orggem534i cannot pin the extension to the toolbar01:14:52
@gem534:matrix.orggem534 * i cannot pin the extension to the extensions bar, it also does not show up when i click the puzzle piece, but it does when i go into extension settings01:15:21

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