
Firefox Containers

211 Members
https://support.mozilla.org/kb/containers21 Servers

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9 Jun 2024
@bjherbison:mozilla.orgB.J. Herbison gem534: If you can get it to work with the standard Firefox release you should be discussing your problems in a Mullvad Browser support area. 03:40:12
16 Jun 2024
@dyaso:matrix.orgdyaso joined the room.11:16:49
@dyaso:matrix.orgdyasoHow hard would it be to add items to the "Always Open This Site in..." menus? Specifically i'd like to add a "Preexisting Container" entry (which would not attempt to open the site in any specific container, but allow whichever container the site is being opened from to open it), and a "Default Container" entry (which would attempt to open the site outside of any color-coded named container).11:28:44
@katzenberger:tchncs.de@katzenberger:tchncs.de changed their display name from Rolf K. to Rolf K. (Old).13:28:51
@katzenberger:tchncs.de@katzenberger:tchncs.de invited @katzenberger:nitro.chatRolf K..14:13:30
@katzenberger:nitro.chatRolf K. joined the room.14:13:31
17 Jun 2024
@katzenberger:tchncs.de@katzenberger:tchncs.de left the room.11:57:06
19 Jun 2024
@stevejohn:nope.chat@stevejohn:nope.chat joined the room.09:51:09
23 Jun 2024
@qui:mozilla.orgqui joined the room.15:36:48
24 Jun 2024
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ set a profile picture.21:41:05
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ changed their profile picture.21:41:34
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ removed their profile picture.21:42:10
27 Jun 2024
@sissythem:mozilla.orgSissy joined the room.06:18:42
29 Jun 2024
@the-only-user:beeper.comthe-only-userIs there a way to reset a site's container priority?14:34:13
@the-only-user:beeper.comthe-only-userI have gmail set to open in a special container but i have no need of that container, so I want to reset gmail so that it doesn't ask me if I want to open it in the current container or if I want to open it in the designated container14:35:07
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny Colin the-only-user: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/containers 14:42:56
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny ColinLook the instructions to remove assignments.14:43:25
@gersonzao:converser.eu@gersonzao:converser.eu joined the room.15:57:42
@gersonzao:converser.eu@gersonzao:converser.eu left the room.16:07:58
1 Jul 2024
@ryanleesipes:mozilla.orgryanleesipes changed their profile picture.14:04:10
@mbcool:mozilla.orgMatt joined the room.19:22:29
4 Jul 2024
@mariomey:matrix.org@mariomey:matrix.org left the room.00:43:24
@closable_pentagram:matrix.orgclosable_pentagram joined the room.04:42:08
@closable_pentagram:matrix.orgclosable_pentagramIs it possible to use PAC in container?04:42:53
6 Jul 2024
@apinksmurfette:matrix.orghuggabean changed their display name from huggabean 🏳️‍⚧️ to huggabean.17:47:49
@stevejohn:nope.chat@stevejohn:nope.chat left the room.18:47:32
11 Jul 2024
@doti:catboyindustries.codoti joined the room.23:29:42
20 Jul 2024
@murphnj:matrix.orgmurphnj joined the room.23:56:17
21 Jul 2024
@murphnj:matrix.orgmurphnjI've got a bit of a problem. I had Multi-account containers set up and syncing among all of my machines, and it was working great. I just set up a Firefox nightly on a machine, and set it to sync as well. When I got back to my main machine, all of my containers are now gone, replaced with the four default ones. I should have tried to back them up before I messed with nightly, but is there a way to get it from another machine if I can find one that has not yet updated? I may have a machine to try to unplug, and then see if they are there?00:56:26
@murphnj:matrix.orgmurphnjLooks like I have my containers on that other machine, any idea on how to gather it from that machine, and get it to sync properly again?03:18:32

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