
Firefox Containers

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21 Jul 2024
In reply to @mops:mozilla.org

Here with another round of lost containers. This is a multi device setup using firefox sync. On the affected mac I use Firefox stable and nightly. Currently both show the default containers. On another mac I still see all my custom containers as expected. I don't think the containers are lost, but I don't know how to get them back. Well, and I just lost them on the other mac as well, where Firefox got updated to version 126. I tried disabling and re-enabling sync and now ended up with the 4 default containers.

Should I file an issue and if yes, how can I provide useful information so that this can be prevented in the future?

Edit: In add-on preferences when I disable Enable synchronization and re-enable suddenly my custom containers are back. That is great and I am happy I can continue work. But if it could be fixed to not lose custom containers in the first place, that would be very much appreciated. This may cause frustration and be a deal-braker for users, if they don't find, how to recover.

Apparently URL assignments were lost, which is not great.

Did you ever find a solution to this, or was it addressed somewhere? I've just run into this. (On Linux though)
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbaliYes there is but no easy way to reimport I believe12:06:05
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbaligoo to about:addons, then “debug addons” from the gear menu, scroll to the addon12:07:17
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbali * goo to about:addons, then “debug addons” from the gear menu, scroll to the addon and click the “Inspect” button 12:07:29
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbaliThat opens a Developer Tools window for the addon, you can go to the Storage tab, then “Extension Storage” in the left pane12:08:17
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbaliThere you have all the infos of containers and assignments12:08:41
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbaliIf you don’t see the sotrage tab, you need to go to the Developer Settings settings from the “…” menu on the top right of that window, then check “Storage” 12:12:38
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbaliI don’t know of a way to export all these entries in bulk though12:13:42
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbaliYou might be able to access directly through one of the sqlite filers in your firefox profile but I don’t know which one12:20:41
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbali * You might be able to access directly through one of the sqlite files in your firefox profile 12:21:44
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbaliIf you open “storage-sync-v2.sqlite” the @testpilot-containers entry from the storage_sync_data table will get you all the data that was sent over sync in a single entry12:22:32
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbaliBut again there’s no bulk way to reimport as far as I know12:22:53
@bjherbison:mozilla.orgB.J. Herbison @murphnj:matrix.org: I've had it happen. Bug 1549204 was supposed to address it. If you can find a reproducible process to cause the issue it would be good to put it in Bugzilla. 15:42:15
@botzilla:mozilla.orgbotzillahttps://bugzil.la/1549204 — RESOLVED (mixedpuppy) — Consider a better approach to clearing data if container-using extensions get disabled/uninstalled15:42:16
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny Colin B.J. Herbison: That only addressed container lost when the addon is disabled. I have a feeling murphnj issue is triggered by sync acting up. 16:34:11
@bjherbison:mozilla.orgB.J. HerbisonI wonder if Sync moves the containers first, then removes them, the moves the add-on?19:31:32
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny ColinSync doesn't do anything clever. It looks if the remote storage is older or newer. If older, it syncs everything from the device to the storage. If newer, it's the other way around.19:36:44
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny ColinThe API doesn't support ways to diff the data on both side and merge.19:38:38
@rayv:matrix.orgrayv joined the room.19:55:11
In reply to @dannycolin:mozilla.org
B.J. Herbison: That only addressed container lost when the addon is disabled. I have a feeling murphnj issue is triggered by sync acting up.
It appears to be. Turning sync off and on again seems to have brought the containers back, although some session info seems to have been lost. Better than nothing.
22 Jul 2024
@rayv:matrix.orgrayvHi a question: (hope it is not asked already :) ) Is there an extention that let me group containers? Like my tab tool Sideberry can do with tabs. That would be great!18:35:50
24 Jul 2024
@the-only-user:beeper.comthe-only-userLove sidebery, ive been trying to find a onetab replacement that would work well with sidebery + containers...18:37:46
@rayv:matrix.orgrayvThanks to Kiki i now have a solution for containers grouped with Sideberry! If you use this https://codeberg.org/awwpotato/PotatoFox/src/commit/8801c11a3eed89212b93dde5f359ad672bb3428f then all works nicely together! Thanks Kiki!!18:40:03
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny Colin rayv: cool! 18:49:05
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny Colin rayv: btw, firefox devs are experimenting with tab groups. If it makes it to release you'd be able to group your container tabs in a group. 18:53:46
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny ColinHopefully we get an API so we can automate it in containers. Or, I might be able to convince them to merge the 2 features and have "isolated" groups backed by the container feature.18:55:24
@rayv:matrix.orgrayvyes, good idea, for now I am happy with sideberry tho18:56:09
25 Jul 2024
@the-only-user:beeper.comthe-only-userIs this an alternative CSS for firefox? 11:29:37

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