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12 Mar 2024
In reply to @zelest:matrix.znurre.com
Seeing that the camera is replaceable, I really hope Fairphone will replace/upgrade the camera module to a better one.. E.g, upgrade various modules for an older phone.
It didn't go very well on the FP2. IIRC they also did it on the FP3, but not after that?
@ingo:imbitbu.deIngoYes, for the FP4 the improvement was via software, not a new hardware module.16:55:50
In reply to @zelest:matrix.znurre.com
Mainly because the camera seems to be the main thing people complain about.
Still its not the Hardware thats bad nor will other hardware help, its the software and the FP4 just received a big Software camera update. So not sure which FP you are talking about.
In reply to @ingo:imbitbu.de
Yes, for the FP4 the improvement was via software, not a new hardware module.
In reply to @yvmuell:matrix.org
Still its not the Hardware thats bad nor will other hardware help, its the software and the FP4 just received a big Software camera update. So not sure which FP you are talking about.
Yeah, I meant FP5... Though, how does this work? The actual camera and Android... Or would switching the camera App make any difference?
@zelest:matrix.znurre.com@zelest:matrix.znurre.comSpeaking of software.. it seesm to take quite some time to bump Android to 14? :o22:20:24
13 Mar 2024
@yvmuell:matrix.orgyvmuellHow does what work? Camera App is Software (has nothing to do with the Android Version) and that was improved. And the FP5 one isnt too bad in my eyes, first FP I use the stock cam instead of a GCam port. A14 will come hopefully latest in Q3.20:52:00
@zelest:matrix.znurre.com@zelest:matrix.znurre.comI mean the camera API in Android, assuming various apps use the same API and hoped that it was that was the software you meant. I doubt the apps themself has the drivers for every camera.. 🙂20:56:30
14 Mar 2024
@yvmuell:matrix.orgyvmuellNot sure I understand your thought fully nor do I have any special knowledge about App development etc still: App=Software. API=Application Programming Interface (app can talk to the system/hardware) Camera=Hardware. No idea which role a hardware driver would play in this special case, however at the end I think an app would just not work at all and I really dont think thats somehow relevant here.. Fairphone updated the camera app software to improve the output of the taken scene. A "good" picture taken without any manual settings is pure background software manipulation after you hit the button. And many reviewes confirmed in my eyes the hardware of the FP5 is good . For sure other Apps can talk to/access the Hardware, although maybe not all, like wideangle or full pixel and the output=picture you see is not the same for all Apps, as all Apps are different Software and manipulate differently. The Fairphone camera app is made for the Fairphone, while others are generic and still a generic app might provide a better visible picture thats why many use(d) GCam ports with the FPs as the Google Camera App Software is extremly good. However I dont think the quality of a picture is related to API or driver, it would just not work or provide any output at all. If you want further details this FP4 topic might provide those. 07:06:19
@yvmuell:matrix.orgyvmuell* Not sure I understand your thought fully nor do I have any special knowledge about App development etc still: App=Software. API=Application Programming Interface (app can talk to the system/hardware) Camera=Hardware. No idea which role a hardware driver would play in this special case, however at the end I think an app would just not work at all and I really dont think thats somehow relevant here.. Fairphone updated the camera app software to improve the output of the taken scene. A "good" picture taken without any manual settings is pure background software manipulation after you hit the button. And many reviewes confirmed in my eyes the hardware of the FP5 is good . For sure other Apps can talk to/access the Hardware, although maybe not all, like wideangle or full pixel and the output=picture you see is not the same for all Apps, as all Apps are different Software and manipulate differently. The Fairphone camera app is made for the Fairphone, while others are generic and still a generic app might provide a better visible picture thats why many use(d) GCam ports with the FPs as the Google Camera App Software is extremly good. However I dont think the quality of a picture is related to API or driver, it would just not work or provide any output at all. If you want further details this FP4 topic might provide those. https://forum.fairphone.com/t/camera-camera2-api-missing-features-bugs/83196/11?u=yvmuell 12:58:11
18 Mar 2024
@remix6511:matrix.orgremix6511 joined the room.02:31:34
20 Mar 2024
@awaynotgone:matrix.orgMarkoHi folks, is it possible to replace the ambient light sensor on FP4?16:02:48
21 Mar 2024
@c.carter.iee:matrix.orgChrisI suspect it is part of the display module, so yes.01:44:38
@c.carter.iee:matrix.orgChrisIf you replace the display (10 screws, 5 mins, €79 or so)01:45:18
@c.carter.iee:matrix.orgChrisI replaced the display on my FP401:45:51
25 Mar 2024
@davidawad:matrix.orgdavidawad joined the room.15:45:09
1 Apr 2024
@eugene_072:matrix.org@eugene_072:matrix.org left the room.08:07:49
@robintake:matrix.orgIvDon't have access to folders in "Android/data/ " on storage and SD card, I can't copy files. FP5, Android 13. How fix it?19:03:52
2 Apr 2024
@yvmuell:matrix.orgyvmuell"storage/emulated/0/Android/data" is not the location for files like pictures, PDF etc so what do you want to achieve and how did you try to access?18:32:34
In reply to @yvmuell:matrix.org
"storage/emulated/0/Android/data" is not the location for files like pictures, PDF etc so what do you want to achieve and how did you try to access?
maps of osmand
3 Apr 2024
@yvmuell:matrix.orgyvmuellThats the app...be a bit more wordy please... You downloaded maps or what and why copiyng them? Again, how did you try?06:28:36
@l91459:matrix.orgl91459 joined the room.10:45:36
4 Apr 2024
@killercat103:xmr.seKillercat103 changed their profile picture.03:04:31
7 Apr 2024
In reply to @yvmuell:matrix.org
Thats the app...be a bit more wordy please... You downloaded maps or what and why copiyng them? Again, how did you try?
The offline maps of Osmand, I can copy it's on outside storage, but not in "Android/data". It's need because size file's is very big for one place, SDcard or phone storage.
@ingo:imbitbu.deIngoI'm not sure I understand it 100% correctly, but from what you wrote I assume you have done/are trying to do this: You have downloaded offline maps with Osmand on your FP5. By default they are stored on the internal storage of the phone in Android/data/net.osmand.plus/files. Because of storage space reasons you want to move the files (all? some?) that the app downloaded (internal storage) to your SD card (the folder Android/data/net.osmand.plus/files on SD) via the Files apps on your FP5. And the problem is you don't have access to Android/data/net.osmand.plus/files on the internal storage? Or is the problem that you don't have access to the folder on the SD card (you're not allowed to navigate to that folder? you can navigate to the folder but writing the offline map files isn't allowed?)? Or are you trying to do the copying from your computer via file access over USB?10:02:20
8 Apr 2024
In reply to @ingo:imbitbu.de

I'm not sure I understand it 100% correctly, but from what you wrote I assume you have done/are trying to do this:

You have downloaded offline maps with Osmand on your FP5.
By default they are stored on the internal storage of the phone in Android/data/net.osmand.plus/files.
Because of storage space reasons you want to move the files (all? some?) that the app downloaded (internal storage) to your SD card (the folder Android/data/net.osmand.plus/files on SD) via the Files apps on your FP5.

And the problem is you don't have access to Android/data/net.osmand.plus/files on the internal storage?
Or is the problem that you don't have access to the folder on the SD card (you're not allowed to navigate to that folder? you can navigate to the folder but writing the offline map files isn't allowed?)?
Or are you trying to do the copying from your computer via file access over USB?

Writing files to the "Android/data/net.osmand.plus" folder in the internal memory and sd card is prohibited, so I could not transfer the files I needed to the phone. The only possible option is to remove the SD card and transfer the files using a computer, but this is not suitable.
11 Apr 2024
@ingo:imbitbu.deIngoI still haven't understood how exactly you've been doing things. Sorry, I'm out.16:41:03
12 Apr 2024
@robintake:matrix.orgIvIn android 13 user not have full access to folders in "Android/data/" only copy, but not write.18:55:43
14 Apr 2024
@hxr404:tchncs.dehxr404 ✨ [it/she] changed their display name from hxr404 ✨ [they/them] (offline) to hxr404 ✨ [they/them].15:31:21

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