
[Tamriel Rebuilt/Development] lore-khan

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5 May 2022
@_discord_132741092243275776:t2bot.ioPh.D. in Sorcery#2551 Nah you got it right 10:12:48
@_discord_132741092243275776:t2bot.ioPh.D. in Sorcery#2551 Unpopular 10:12:51
@_discord_132741092243275776:t2bot.ioPh.D. in Sorcery#2551 * He's secretive and unpopular 10:12:58
@_discord_535193433434751017:t2bot.iomothpot#7756 wrong about the ineffective part though 10:13:04
@_discord_291167754428612609:t2bot.iooOw I guess Uriel of Simulacrum made him unpopular 10:13:16
@_discord_132741092243275776:t2bot.ioPh.D. in Sorcery#2551 Tbh the entire plot of TES2 paints him as ineffective 10:13:30
@_discord_132741092243275776:t2bot.ioPh.D. in Sorcery#2551 It wouldn't happen if he just encrypted his mail like he does in TES3 10:13:44
@_discord_132741092243275776:t2bot.ioPh.D. in Sorcery#2551 The whole thing happens because a letter he sent got stolen 10:14:05
@_discord_132741092243275776:t2bot.ioPh.D. in Sorcery#2551 It's super contrived 10:14:10
@_discord_291167754428612609:t2bot.iooOw Yeah if it weren’t for that letter Daggerfall would’ve been a little bit nicer politically 10:14:22
@_discord_132741092243275776:t2bot.ioPh.D. in Sorcery#2551 Almost willing to say they ignored it when writing that line of dialogue 10:14:30
@_discord_535193433434751017:t2bot.iomothpot#7756 it's also that the empire is in a gradual decline and he's the figurehead for all of it 10:14:35
@_discord_132741092243275776:t2bot.ioPh.D. in Sorcery#2551 https://cslist.uesp.net/index.php?game=mw&ordid=340302&rectype=INFO
Here's what Sjoring says, "never a strong Emperor", "Ocato makes the real decisions"
@_discord_291167754428612609:t2bot.iooOw Looks like Empire is going to have a succession crisis 10:16:39
@_discord_291167754428612609:t2bot.iooOw With Uriel being reported sick and dying 10:17:03
@_discord_535193433434751017:t2bot.iomothpot#7756 there are mentions of political unrest as politicians vie for a future seat on the throne as he leaves executive decisions to the council 10:17:10
@_discord_535193433434751017:t2bot.iomothpot#7756 * there are mentions of political unrest as politicians vie for a future seat on the throne and he leaves executive decisions to the council 10:17:28
@_discord_122847705159565312:t2bot.ioGnomey#8642 Gotta give him props for at least learning his lesson. :-P 10:17:32
@_discord_122847705159565312:t2bot.ioGnomey#8642 I think the letter was supposed to have been written a while ago, right? 10:17:52
@_discord_122847705159565312:t2bot.ioGnomey#8642 I feel like Uriel in general went through a lot of character development, in and out of universe. 10:18:16
@_discord_535193433434751017:t2bot.iomothpot#7756 i just don't feel like he is a particularly defined character to begin with 10:18:42
@_discord_535193433434751017:t2bot.iomothpot#7756 seems to exist to put the protagonist in a place 10:18:55
@_discord_291167754428612609:t2bot.iooOw Pretty much 10:19:03
@_discord_535193433434751017:t2bot.iomothpot#7756 who he is kind of changes based on that 10:19:08
@_discord_535193433434751017:t2bot.iomothpot#7756 even in appearance 10:19:25
@_discord_291167754428612609:t2bot.iooOw Alot of people like Uriel in the first place is because of Patrick Stewart 10:19:42
@_discord_291167754428612609:t2bot.iooOw Uriel hair growth magic 10:19:56
@_discord_122847705159565312:t2bot.ioGnomey#8642 Patrick Stewart is great, but Daggerfall Uriel is best Uriel. 10:20:32
@_discord_535193433434751017:t2bot.iomothpot#7756 very true 10:20:48
@_discord_291167754428612609:t2bot.iooOw We still don’t know the name of the actor and he goes out like a king 10:21:02

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