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Chat room for [ultrasound imaging dev kit](https://hackaday.io/project/10899-a-hsdk-for-ultrasound-imaging).20 Servers

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21 Sep 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U02EKKJJTK8:matrix.organsuga joined the room.20:48:04
@_slack_usdevkit_U02EKKJJTK8:matrix.organsuga Hello 5M5PLH9S! I am interested in the un0rick and the lit3rick. I start to understand the components inside them and their role. However, I am totally noob in this field. Please, can you recommend some papers focusing on what to do with the obtained signals? I can understand that the sent and received signals are being compared. However, I cannot understand how it is exactly done. My interest is using the boards for NDT in porous materials or metals (e.g. detecting fractures). Best regards! 20:48:04
22 Sep 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U02EKKJJTK8:matrix.organsuga Ok. 04:50:35
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Hi 02EKKJJTK8! Welcome 😃 You have identified a first good page - I'd recommend going on to https://kelu124.gitbooks.io/echomods/content/RPI.html -- not exactly the same hardware, but it explains for example how to go from a single element signal to an actual, B-Mode image. 07:11:46
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu In general, for NDT, only the A-line (aka the single line acquisition showed in the link you copied) can be used. 07:12:17
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu See also https://kelu124.gitbooks.io/echomods/content/Chapter1/ndt.html for NDT 07:12:45
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Some info too with a dual element NDT transducer at https://github.com/kelu124/echomods/blob/master/include/experiments/auto/20190329a.md 07:13:56
@_slack_usdevkit_U02EKKJJTK8:matrix.organsuga Perfect! Thank you so much for the references! 08:07:43
23 Sep 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_UGJ8GJGNR:matrix.orgjean.rintoul totally. I have somehow got deep into this other project which involves US now… probably updates soon. 17:37:39
24 Sep 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Let me know if you need anything else 😃 10:17:08
10 Oct 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U028M4FEK8Q:matrix.orgadamsonjesse I added my friend David to the channel because he's going to work on the photo-acoustic stuff with me. 21:19:37
16 Oct 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U02JDM6B7EV:matrix.orgmalek.bola joined the room.22:56:29
@_slack_usdevkit_U02JDM6B7EV:matrix.orgmalek.bola Hi friends! I am very happy to have come across this project. I am trying to set a little ultrasound lab and would be excited to set up one of these dev kits. I noticed that the modules page has some broken links for some parts and a few of the keys parents aren't acquirable (like the motherboard). Would anyone who ordered some parts recently mind sharing where they got everything? Would anyone here be interested in selling part of their old setup that they are no longer using? For context, I'm starting from scratch. So tips or hints on acquiring power supply's and transducers and everything else would be welcome. 22:56:29
19 Oct 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Salut 02JDM6B7EV! Welcome here :) Apologies stocks arent restocked, but chips crisis.. anyhow. I can have a look at possible stocks by Sunday, will be back to you if there is any opening on my side. 13:15:19
@_slack_usdevkit_U02JDM6B7EV:matrix.orgmalek.bola Hi Kelu! Thanks for the response. I was also wondering if you have any instructions on an open source transducers? Is it possible to acquire parts to build the transducer from piezoelectric materials? 19:28:35
20 Oct 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Thats a good question, havent investigated it myself, happy to get your viens if you do :) I've been searching either from supplier or from hacking probes open. 07:47:50
26 Oct 2021
@attax:matrix.orgattax joined the room.21:15:45
27 Oct 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Hi all 😃 A quick info, 02JV7VMR6F and I were speaking about the possibility to have a modular approach to ultrasound acquition and processing - we'll be jotting down ideas on https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QCvU6-Z6GGZ9YHk_68ul7cvItFJCaw8OzkecXp-6Wg8/edit?usp=sharing . What came in mind at first is a split between Tx and Rx, and to use PMODs as connectors to FPGA dev boards, but that's surely not the only/best/perfect solution - any idea? Feel free to come on the doc and/or join the discussion! 18:18:08
@_slack_usdevkit_U02JV7VMR6F:matrix.orgrr22520 joined the room.18:42:56
@_slack_usdevkit_U02JV7VMR6F:matrix.orgrr22520 Yes, Hello. My last open source project was for codelifechallenge to build an open source ventilator <$1000US. I am better with circuit design and pcb layout than with higher math though I try very hard. I look forward to your insights and constructive thoughts to achieving this next design before we all get bored with it! 18:42:56
@_slack_usdevkit_U02H6U88KCM:matrix.orgdavid.lambdafox joined the room.20:00:14
@_slack_usdevkit_U02H6U88KCM:matrix.orgdavid.lambdafox I believe one of the industry standards for ultrasound connectors are Virginia Panel. I personally know some of the reps if you need contacts, too. 20:00:15
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Hey P3MAAYMT! Thanks for this 😃 We were thinking of connectors between functional blocks and FPGA dev kits, not between analog boards and probes/sensors. Apologies if that was not clear. 20:01:27
@_slack_usdevkit_U02H6U88KCM:matrix.orgdavid.lambdafox Searay are used in all the FPGA boards I use but I will caution you that they are a pain to solder without the proper tools and the voltage rating you would want to double check. The advantage is they are very high speed and solid connections. 20:02:47
29 Oct 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U02JV7VMR6F:matrix.orgrr22520 Just noticed what is perhaps the next evolution.. http://www.cense.iisc.ac.in/rp/ultrasonic-mems.html Thoughts? 01:27:16
31 Oct 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Yes! Mems / pmuts/cmuts may well be the next gen sensors. Still, tough to get a hold of them - only a few of us had a chance to play with some. 09:24:46
16 Nov 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U02MHGM9WP6:matrix.orgindianmuse joined the room.02:54:27
@_slack_usdevkit_U02MHGM9WP6:matrix.orgindianmuse Hi All, I'm here from Canada. Since last few days I've been consumed by idea for low-cost scanner to reduce dependency on public healthcare. I came across the article from Luc and I'm so glad to have found this channel! 02:54:27
@_slack_usdevkit_U02MHGM9WP6:matrix.orgindianmuse Thank you 5M5PLH9S! 02:56:28
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Welcome 02MKC9PDUZ and 02MHGM9WP6! Hope you'll find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to explore and ask questions 😃 10:25:04

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