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Chat room for [ultrasound imaging dev kit](https://hackaday.io/project/10899-a-hsdk-for-ultrasound-imaging).20 Servers

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20 Mar 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu The image mentioned in https://github.com/kelu124/echomods/blob/master/elmo/QuickStart.md is for rpi zero w 16:16:42
@_slack_usdevkit_U037TME01S7:matrix.orgeslam.elmohamdy308 In case I use goblin module with AD8691 adc 3msps, can I obtain image with single element? 16:18:33
@_slack_usdevkit_U037TME01S7:matrix.orgeslam.elmohamdy308 By using this adc I mean 16:18:50
@_slack_usdevkit_U037TME01S7:matrix.orgeslam.elmohamdy308 I used software/driver. C 16:19:48
21 Mar 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Hum I guess not. The driver is for the AD9200 of the Elmo board. It is different from the AD8691 from the Goblin board. The Goblin board has a AD8691 as an opamp, but the Goblin ADC is AD7274. This one has a dedicated SPI bus so you'll need to get the driver for the AD7274. I have not tried it but it's basic SPI, and it seems linux supports it ( https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/iio/adc/ad7476.c ) 18:25:48
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu This AD7274 uses the SPI bus, wherease the AD9200 uses a parallel bus, bitbanged. They also measure different things: the AD9200 on the modules approach measures the raw signal, whereas the AD7274 lives after the enveloppe extraction, so you'll get the enveloppe. 18:27:03
@_slack_usdevkit_U037TME01S7:matrix.orgeslam.elmohamdy308 Yes, sry actually i meant AD7274 I will try the driver for it but as plan B ๐Ÿ˜… Now I want to run driver_rbi3.c but I meeting some errors like the one I send before. And I want to make sure about which one is the ( make file) for this driver, and steps of comands should I Follow 18:55:12
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Please do specify "some errors". I couldn't read the image. Without the errors - tough to debug ๐Ÿ˜‰ 21:28:00
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Just googled " no rule to make target 'arch/arm/tools/syscall.tbl' " -> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64649413/no-rule-to-make-target-arch-arm-tools-syscall-tbl-when-installing-wifi-module 21:30:42
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Can't help more than that I guess - more of a kernel topic for you to tackle ๐Ÿ˜ƒ 21:32:41
@_slack_usdevkit_U037TME01S7:matrix.orgeslam.elmohamdy308 Thank you deeply from my heart for your help and your time, we are very admired with your work actually โค๏ธ 22:09:52
@_slack_usdevkit_U037TME01S7:matrix.orgeslam.elmohamdy308 I will look for the link and I hope it work 22:12:54
18 Apr 2022
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org joined the room.08:37:22
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org left the room.08:37:22
28 Apr 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U03D68AM56W:matrix.orgshir joined the room.08:01:08
@_slack_usdevkit_U03D68AM56W:matrix.orgshir Hi everyone, nice to meet you! I saw that some of you were interested in the FWI article (like me๐Ÿ˜‰). Has anyone here built a prototype of the ultrasound helmet beyond the simulations? 08:01:09
@_slack_usdevkit_U03E1JQFGBS:matrix.orgaamadore joined the room.13:49:46
@_slack_usdevkit_U03E1JQFGBS:matrix.orgaamadore Dear all, 13:49:46
@_slack_usdevkit_U03E1JQFGBS:matrix.orgaamadore Dear all, I am working in a project where we want to miniaturize an ultrasound system (I am more working with the hardware and characterization of bulk piezos). Now I am more focused in the pulser design. I tried with the MD1213 and TC6320 components to do the pulse, and they worked fine (with DC power supply source till 32 V). The problem comes when connecting them to DC-DC boosters (converts 5 V to 150 V), i.e. higher voltages. The booster alone (based on the Nixie) works also fine, but when connecting it to the pulser (MD1213+TC6320) it does not provide a monopolar pulse with 150 V, as expected. I added the image of the measurements (without connecting any piezo, just with the PCB of the pulser alone). Did this also happened to you. Do you have any hints also about how to avoid the big ringing oscillations that we see in the pulse (picture with the oscilloscope)? Maybe these ringing are causing the problem? The worst point is that after some more measurements the pulser did not work any more as the current consumption just increased a lot. Thanks in advance! Any ideas, help are very welcome 13:58:23
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Hey Belen! Thanks for this ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Amazing stuff. The ringing could be due to the probe itself, might be worth testing with another probe? 15:28:37
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu When it comes to the measurements: thinking of something: what commands do you input to the MD1213 ? I kind of remember that INA is active high and INB is active low : 15:29:51
29 Apr 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu 02SZ48C3M2 , 6E49CNV6 do you know of someone who would have developed an experimental stage for this ? cc 03D68AM56W 09:34:40
@_slack_usdevkit_U02SZ48C3M2:matrix.orgraphael.hotter The ICL folks behind the paper are working on that. i donโ€™t know them personally though 18:18:39
1 May 2022
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org joined the room.17:39:15
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org left the room.17:39:16
7 May 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_UGJ8GJGNR:matrix.orgjean.rintoul Anyone going here? https://www.ismrm.org/22/22program.htm 09:01:25
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Yup on wednesday night, meeting with the open mri guys normally :) 09:04:14
@_slack_usdevkit_UGJ8GJGNR:matrix.orgjean.rintoul I might go meet them for lunch on wednesday - they sound like they will have their MRI with them. Havenโ€™t seen it before. 19:20:21
@_slack_usdevkit_UGJ8GJGNR:matrix.orgjean.rintoul do you meet with these people? https://www.opensourceimaging.org/ 19:52:44
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Yup, and hping to meet with LukasW 20:36:40

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