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Chat room for [ultrasound imaging dev kit](https://hackaday.io/project/10899-a-hsdk-for-ultrasound-imaging).20 Servers

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13 May 2022
@sheilabillytoken12:matrix.org@sheilabillytoken12:matrix.org joined the room.10:54:16
17 May 2022
@sheilabillytoken12:matrix.org@sheilabillytoken12:matrix.org left the room.18:54:18
20 May 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Great paper "Evaluation of Open Source Hardware for Rapid Prototyping of Advanced Ultrasonic Testing Methods" from 01JW84GXR7 - exploring the hardware from a professional persepctive, and exploring the use of Barker codes. 11:41:34
24 May 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U01N3PNAHS9:matrix.orglewismcfadyen Nice work! 09:27:55
26 May 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U6E49CNV6:matrix.orgmhough Forwarded from Stephen Aylward@Kitware - Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS 2022) MICCAI 2022 Workshop Call for Papers   Paper Submission Deadline: Monday 20 June 2022 The 3rd international workshop of Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS), held in conjunction with MICCAI 2022, will take place on 18 September 2022. ASMUS 2022 aims to provide an intellectually stimulating forum to bring together the international MICCAI research community working towards the next generation of medical ultrasound imaging methods, systems and practices. In this exciting era for medical ultrasound, recent developments in deep learning (artificial intelligence) and medical robotics have started to show clinically measurable improvement in assisting ultrasound examinations, ultrasound-guided interventions and surgery. ASMUS is soliciting submissions in those and other areas, including: • Ultrasound Assisted by Artificial Intelligence and Medical Robotics ◦ Ultrasound imaging with robotic (automated) assistance ◦ Machine learning methods in ultrasound analysis and guidance ◦ Automated interpretation and measurement for ultrasound ◦ Ultrasound quality and skills assessment • Multimodality Ultrasound Imaging: ◦ Ultrasound with sensory information, e.g. eye tracking ◦ Ultrasound with another pre-procedural imaging ◦ Different ultrasound modes, e.g. elastography *Applications: ◦ Global healthcare ◦ Training sonographers and other users ◦ Assisting non-expert healthcare professionals ◦ Point-of-care ultrasound systems and scenarios ◦ Assisting surgery and interventions ◦ Streamlining clinical ultrasound workflow ◦ Sonography data science Find the submission portal and further information at https://miccai-ultrasound.github.io/#/asmus22 16:49:31
29 May 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U038HG1V9LY:matrix.orgahmadhafez676 Hey kelu , hope you are well👋 I have this element from an old mechanical probe I was wondering what type of liquid you put as a medium for piezoelement, and how you assure of the electric isolation? 14:35:00
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Ahoj! Nice head :) was that an atl ? Which model ? Before anything, I'd check you have the right connections to the piezo, I'd recommend you to use a nanovna for example to check you have it right. Usually, cables from piezo are small coax cable, at first glance yours isn't. 14:47:18
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Normally, testing in water. I'm putting a heatshrink tube to secure the soldering and strengthen it mechanically. Waterproofing it with some silicon if need be. But first you will want to check your soldering and if it is connected to the head. 14:48:51
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu In the vna, you will want to check if you have a dip around the resonance frequency of your piezo see for example https://github.com/kelu124/echomods/blob/master/include/probes/auto/BiViPiezo.md 14:50:13
@_slack_usdevkit_U038HG1V9LY:matrix.orgahmadhafez676 Actually i do not know what model is that element taken from ,i took it from a friend . About nanovna i am newbie with that but i will start with it 14:56:41
@_slack_usdevkit_U038HG1V9LY:matrix.orgahmadhafez676 I have coaxial cable already 14:57:08
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu I mean, your soldering to piezo isn't from and to a coax 15:05:02
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Maybe check impedance first of that you have between the cables your soldered 15:05:23
@_slack_usdevkit_U038HG1V9LY:matrix.orgahmadhafez676 Do you mean i should solder it to the cable directly ? 15:20:39
@_slack_usdevkit_U038HG1V9LY:matrix.orgahmadhafez676 I will check it 15:20:52
@_slack_usdevkit_U038HG1V9LY:matrix.orgahmadhafez676 some thing i am confused with it too , i don't know the operation frequency of the element , is there any way to know about it 15:22:44
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Check the rationale for your soldering in any case :) Frequency of the element: with a vna, but if you know your probe model you can Google for its specs 15:26:39
@_slack_usdevkit_U038HG1V9LY:matrix.orgahmadhafez676 Ok , good hint I will do it , thanks alot ❤️ 15:30:36
31 May 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U03HQKVFB2P:matrix.organdrew.bell.ia joined the room.20:01:12
@_slack_usdevkit_U03HQKVFB2P:matrix.organdrew.bell.ia Is the echomod book still available? I can't figure out how to get to it via the link in the github site. 20:01:12
1 Jun 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Hi 03HGH5LE4V and 03HQKVFB2P. Right now production has stopped for à year+ because of the chips shortages :/ In any case, the echomods modules are not going to be updated (by me at least), im focusing on the lit3rick board right now, and as soon as fabs can do, will refurbish the un0rick and lit3rick stocks. 06:06:54
3 Jun 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu 3D printing and ultrasounds 😃 https://newatlas.com/3d-printing/direct-sound-3d-printing/ 16:05:17
4 Jun 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Has anyone had much luck playing with philips cMUTs dev kit? 11:50:29
5 Jun 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Found a superb system based on this kit. 13:04:21
6 Jun 2022
@dvbarvn:matrix.org@dvbarvn:matrix.org joined the room.22:02:24
7 Jun 2022
@dvbarvn:matrix.org@dvbarvn:matrix.org left the room.09:47:18
8 Jun 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U038HG1V9LY:matrix.orgahmadhafez676 Hey kelu , hope u are well In lite.tpo I used tc2320 instead of tc6320 , and i used 3S8A_T1.5U instead of NMT0572SC And i notice some overheat (90 - 100 C) on tc2320 in less than 5 second when i plug the power supply, can this be normal ? 5M5PLH9S 14:24:01
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Hym no idea, many ideas at once. Oberheating means a short. The short can be in the pcb (have you changed the pcb), or soldering. Have you checked soldering ? Component: are the components pin compatible? Esp the tc2320 ? Hv: how are you connecting the hv ? Pulser: you might be shorting the pulser if delivering +hv and damp signals at the same time. What are your logic values on the pulser when it overheats ? 14:38:19
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu What motivated you to use tc2320? Have you considered possible design adjustments? 14:42:08
@_slack_usdevkit_U038HG1V9LY:matrix.orgahmadhafez676 Tc6320 obsolete now , the difference between two of them in gate to source zener diode that is not present in tc2320 15:03:16

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