
INMC #general

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The main channel, intended for pertinent discussions and general chatting about firearms, 3D printing, and everything in-between!15 Servers

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23 Jul 2024
@trixur:matrix.orgtrixur What did petg ever do to you 11:48:42
@vipir3d:matrix.orgVipir3DDont use PETG for gun. 11:48:52
@kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lvkuligs2i never used, touched, smelled 3d printer11:49:02
@urhovc:matrix.orgurhovcI mean, if you burn it it can stink a bit11:49:20
@kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lvkuligs2reading, watching videos about it, smell is an issue, microplastics, etc etc11:49:24
@vipir3d:matrix.orgVipir3DPla doesnt release large amounts of smell the one plastic to do that would be abs ot nylon. 11:49:29
@trixur:matrix.orgtrixurNot the whole assembly but for lots of parts it works no?11:49:32
In reply to @vipir3d:matrix.org
Dont use PETG for gun.
+1, not the best thing for high stress
@vipir3d:matrix.orgVipir3DPetg no good for shock loading. 11:49:57
@trixur:matrix.orgtrixur Correct but what are the primary options that don’t require an enclosure 11:50:10
@vipir3d:matrix.orgVipir3DPla+ and pla pro11:50:49
In reply to @kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lv
reading, watching videos about it, smell is an issue, microplastics, etc etc
Microplastics are an issue if your eating the gun yes
@urhovc:matrix.orgurhovcI used petg on an airsoft proj, never put air in it, but it was breaking immediately. Abs is much better, but is an ass to print. Some use pla+, as vipir said, i have no experience with it11:51:09
In reply to @trixur:matrix.org
Microplastics are an issue if your eating the gun yes
what gun?
@catinabag:matrix.orgCat in a bag
In reply to @trixur:matrix.org
Microplastics are an issue if your eating the gun yes
if that is the case then call 988 or your local equivalent
@trixur:matrix.orgtrixurPla+ from what I hear is great, I use petg for pretty much everything however11:51:44
@vipir3d:matrix.orgVipir3DTrixur us a troll. Listen to urhavoc or I11:51:52
@vipir3d:matrix.orgVipir3D* Trixur is a troll. Listen to urhavoc or I11:52:01
@catinabag:matrix.orgCat in a bag
In reply to @trixur:matrix.org
Pla+ from what I hear is great, I use petg for pretty much everything however
petg has a tendency to shatter and turn into shrapnel when used in load bearing parts however
@catinabag:matrix.orgCat in a bagonly use it for grips and stuff11:52:39
@trixur:matrix.orgtrixurYeah it tends to shatter instead of rip or fracture11:52:56
24 Jul 2024
@maestrosam:matrix.orgmaestrosam joined the room.07:19:25
@maestrosam:matrix.orgmaestrosamHey guys IS this Room where i Can get pew pew models?07:22:11
@vipir3d:matrix.orgVipir3DWe wont straight up give you them, but we can tell you where to find them. 10:06:38
@maestrosam:matrix.orgmaestrosamIf you be so kind sure then but if it help i only need 100% ruger mk 411:11:54
25 Jul 2024
@bdjsjsmdmsnd:matrix.org@bdjsjsmdmsnd:matrix.org joined the room.17:51:02
@bdjsjsmdmsnd:matrix.org@bdjsjsmdmsnd:matrix.org left the room.17:52:04
26 Jul 2024
@fnation64:matrix.orgfnation64 joined the room.17:37:27
@yayanarchy:matrix.orgyayanarchy set a profile picture.20:52:19

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