
MWStake General

129 Members
MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group general discussion https://commonmark.org/help/26 Servers

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21 Feb 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from neil_away to neil.08:40:59
27 Mar 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from neil to neil_away.07:17:25
2 Apr 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from neil_away to neil.14:06:43
4 Apr 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from neil to neil_away.08:25:28
8 Apr 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from neil_away to neil.09:14:41
9 Apr 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from neil to Neil.13:47:45
15 May 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from Neil to Neil_away.07:09:25
16 May 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from Neil_away to Neil.07:15:05
17 May 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from Neil to Neil_away.09:28:11
20 May 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from Neil_away to Neil.08:08:01
13 Jun 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from Neil to Neil_away.08:08:57
14 Jun 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from Neil_away to Neil.07:41:58
25 Jul 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from Neil to Neil_away.23:13:37
12 Aug 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil changed their display name from Neil_away to Neil.07:26:29
28 Mar 2018
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".14:53:49
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseSo, just to be clear, now anybody can see the history, even without joining the room. That's different from Slack, where you need to join to be able to read anything. I'm OK with that, but it isn't the same as slack, right?14:55:45
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeI could change it to members only, if you'd like14:56:13
@tgr:matrix.orgtgryeah, slack is invite-only for the whole space14:56:52
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode Just verified that anon users can see everything from cicalese last post till now 14:57:05
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrhow do you create an anon user, btw?14:57:32
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeyou don't. But you can visit this url w/o logging in: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#mwstake-general:matrix.org14:58:23
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrah, so can look, but no anon comments14:59:53
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrmakes sense14:59:55
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrI guess public history is the modern equivalent of publicly logged IRC rooms then15:01:22
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseAgreed. I think making it public is fine as long as everybody is aware.15:02:14
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseWe may want to have a couple of member-only rooms. Maybe #random? Anybody could become a member, but the participants would know who was reading. But, would that really be worthwhile?15:04:31
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeI'm prefer to not to have #random and just keep #general. But, hey, it is up to you all.15:06:04
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshthere's a #random room here?15:06:35
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseNo, but I'm suggesting creating one.15:06:50
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshI'd prefer #thingsDarenisinterestedin and #thingsDarenisnotinterestedin15:07:21

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