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26 Jan 2021
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgIt's really just a desire and a long-range "plan" meaning we are not actively hiring for a MediaWiki developer. but it was stated to me that finding /me/ was hard.23:25:42
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharlywell.. you are one of a kind :-)23:26:25
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharlyI meant that in the most positive way! 23:27:51
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgI'm speshul23:32:07
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharlyyou sure are :p23:35:36
27 Jan 2021
@ayahesham:matrix.orgAya changed their profile picture.11:00:54
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseBracket matching in wikitext! This is huge! It is a new feature provided in the CodeMirror extension. Does anybody use it? I wonder if it can coexist with the SyntaxHighlight extension. https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2021-January/094205.html 13:16:17
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansxI've been meaning to checkout CodeMirror, but haven't.. yeah.. that will really be a great help to template developers13:21:23
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgI've deployed codemirror on FamilySearch wikis (running on 1.34) with SyntaxHighlight and it works great.14:58:50
@bryandamon:matrix.orgbryandamonI love CodeMirror ❤️16:17:12

I'm having a problem with rest.php and VE on a new wiki.

  • It was working when it was all anonymous, then
  • I added auth and started getting 401 (auth required)
  • Fixed the auth problem and now I'm getting 404 (not found) from the rest.php no matter what I feed it. rest.php itself is found and responding, it is just telling me it can't handle the params that (used to) work.
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeok, another q: Does mysqlng not work with the new MW? It looks like mysqli is required, but I thought I had been using mysqlng19:39:12
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeguess I need to figure out how to enable mysqli in this container.19:41:42
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodegot it21:28:48
28 Jan 2021
In reply to @hexmode:matrix.org
ok, another q: Does mysqlng not work with the new MW? It looks like mysqli is required, but I thought I had been using mysqlng
I had to run docker-php-ext-enable mysqli (duh!) for anyone else that runs into this
In reply to @hexmode:matrix.org

I'm having a problem with rest.php and VE on a new wiki.

  • It was working when it was all anonymous, then
  • I added auth and started getting 401 (auth required)
  • Fixed the auth problem and now I'm getting 404 (not found) from the rest.php no matter what I feed it. rest.php itself is found and responding, it is just telling me it can't handle the params that (used to) work.

It looks like I was a victim of cargo-cult configuration. I had to use

$wgVirtualRestConfig['modules']['parsoid']['forwardCookies'] = true;

before, so I included it this time. Putting it in kept the VEParsoid service-wiring files from being loaded and caused VE to fail.

@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharly hexmode: On a new Wiki ... 1.35 + ? Ifso then it won't have rest out-of-the-box ? 10:22:56
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharly * hexmode: On a new Wiki ... 1.35 + ? Ifso then it won't have rest out-of-the-box ? And I believe setting any restbase configs will tell VE to connect to rest 10:24:10
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharlyI do have one interesting as well..11:26:11
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharlyMW 1.35.1 .. Visual Editor preload function.. ends in : Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 404)11:27:23
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharlyIt works on a "normal" wiki where the cookie in the head as anonymous in it.. but in this case the wiki is behind okta and it no longer works11:27:58
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharlyCould these be related ?11:28:11
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharly * Could this be related ?11:28:16
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode Charly: I think so.... I ended up instrumenting the code that sets up service-wiring to find out why it wasn't being invoked... make sure the v3 routes are registered. 13:56:43
@thomasoneill:matrix.orgthomasoneill Would anyone be able to point me and louispitingolo to a place where we can see what has been done with gamification and MediaWiki? Thank you! 22:04:45
@bryandamon:matrix.orgbryandamon Hey thomasoneill, do you mean efforts in general to gamify a wiki to incentivize editing/reviewing or is there something specific? 22:18:10
In reply to @bryandamon:matrix.org
Hey thomasoneill, do you mean efforts in general to gamify a wiki to incentivize editing/reviewing or is there something specific?
Yes, exactly. I am asking Louis, one of our interns, to help gather what might have been created already or even ideas that future interns might be able to try to build. Does that make sense?
@bryandamon:matrix.orgbryandamonWell, I22:22:56
@bryandamon:matrix.orgbryandamon * Well, I'm very interested as well! I know darenwelsh is working on an extension called UserJourney that lines up here. Also, in general, NASA's WatchAnalytics is a must in my opinion towards the goal of building a consensus at a organization and lends itself to beneficial gamification. 22:25:42

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